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05-21-2017, 11:48 PM
Out local Parish board started talking about new war memorial in town. All vets after a certain date will be allowed to have their name inscribed on this one. The date starts this year so all vets past and present since you don't make the cutoff date will be left out. Scuttlebutt is that one of the board members has a son who is in the armed forces and I guess she wants to see his name up on the wall. Understandably a lot of vets are up in arms about this. Basically they just threw out the WWI,WWII,Korea,Vietnam vets under the bus. And they ain't happy campers. And they want it up asap before too many vets start calling. Stinks to high heaven to me. Frank

05-22-2017, 04:12 AM
Odd way to do it but ok i guess. is there one in town that lists the prior vets? If so then do they want a current one from now forward. It's a strange Parish that ignores the citizens. Call the local American Legion and VFW to see what they think.

05-22-2017, 08:29 AM
I agree with jonp . . . if previous Memorials are there that denote previous veterans . . . then I can see a "starting point" . . . BUT . . . only if ALL the previous Vets names are on them . . . if not . . . then they should either be added to the existing Memorials or space made on the new one . . . AND . . . provisions should be in place to maintain ALL the Memorials and not let the old ones fall in to disrepair.

I'm not a Vet but I have always supported the Vets, especially in their endeavors for Memorials or special projects. I live in a small town and we really never had an "official Memorial" but the local Legion has an "Honor Board" with the names in the front yard of their Post. This past year, they took on the project of getting a Memorial funded to place one of the nice bronze monuments - the bronze boots, bayoneted rifle in the ground with helmet on top - not sure if there is a proper name for this particular Memorial or not. I immediately sent a check as did others in the community and it is to be placed on our small "town square" and dedicated this Memorial Day. In our small local paper, I caught an article about how someone had pitched a "B _ _ _ h" about their concerns of it taking up too much space on the square. Really? I haven't heard anything else but as far as I'm concerned, they could use the entire town square if they wish to.

Civil War, Span Am, WWI, WWII, etc. - of course the earlier wars the Vets are gone, WWI is fast dwindling and let's face it, Korea and Viet Nam are no longer "spring chickens". Yes, current Vets should be honored . . . but so should yeah and every man and woman who served prior to "right now".

If it is as you say . . . the Board member needs a "wake up call" and who better to do it than the Veterans themselves by going to the Board Meetin "en masse" and voicing their concerns? We have enough nonsense going on by those with their own agenda these days . . . and just look at what has happened in New Orleans with the removal of the Confederate Memorials . . . . sorry folks . . . you can't "re-write"d history and the Memorials that were placed over the years should remain in place . . . if you don't agree with them, then don't go and look at them . . . it's called "respect for others".

Just my 2 cents.

Lloyd Smale
05-23-2017, 05:57 AM
I live in a very rural area. When we built our "all vertrans" memorial every known vet from the civil war to today from out township was on it. I could see in a populated area limiting the names. Funny thing is everyone will complain that not all are on it but few will buck up and contribute the money needed to make a memorial large enough to put all the names on it. 10 of us were active in building our memorial and those 10 paid for 1/2 the cost of it out of our own pockets because even here its tough to get anyone that's not a vet to contribute and id bet only about 10 percent of the vets around here gave even 5 bucks. We sold bricks with contributors names on them and barely a 1/3 have been bought in over 10 years. I have to wonder how many of those bitchin that the older vets aren't on there contributed a penny toward its construction.

05-23-2017, 09:50 PM
I recall seeing a war memorial in a small town once that said it all. `Dedicated to all those that served, and to those that gave their all`.Robert

05-23-2017, 10:04 PM
If it's just for one Parrish and in the absence of any other memorial then I would be deeply offended. As mentioned, I'd contact the VFW, DAV and American Legion and let them sort it out.

05-26-2017, 12:42 PM
I recall seeing a war memorial in a small town once that said it all. `Dedicated to all those that served, and to those that gave their all`.Robert

Yes this one

05-26-2017, 02:07 PM
How is this memorial being paid for? Taxes, matching funds, grant(s), donations...

05-26-2017, 11:35 PM
Last I read was that the parish was supposed to foot the bill of approximately $10K. Frank

05-27-2017, 10:26 AM
Our little city is thinking of a Vet Memorial, small committee to study it. We have a small Civil War era cemetery that has a fence around it now to prevent future vandalism and a ceremony on the 4th, which few attend. IIRC a few with ML & a small cannon used to fire a volley then. Local paper used to have a DAR gal who wrote some local history pieces that were interesting but now replaced with pics of city counsel awards parties and residents (nincompoops) kids doing whatever activity. Residents here mostly interested in themselves and entertainment/drinking. Put up the Flag last nite. Lots of ads for memorial Day on the radio, mostly marketing. I honor/remember our guys without the food truck today. I get punched in the ribs by her when the (whatever) group asks Vets to stand. I know it's better than when the 'civies' hissed and boo'd us but IMHO, it's just mechanical response. I am thankful to the guys, past and present that allow ME to live life in reltive FREEDOM. Don't care to have my name on a plaque anyplace.

05-28-2017, 10:52 AM
Last I read was that the parish was supposed to foot the bill of approximately $10K. Frank
That being the case, I would suggest you rally the other people in your parish and do something to change it.