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05-21-2017, 07:38 AM
The Lifelong God

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you” (Isaiah 46:4).

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 46:1-4

“Listen up! From the instant your seed was planted in your mother's womb, I drew near. With your first gasp, I lifted you into My arms, and I have never let go. When life's trials tormented your soul, I bore the burden of your weight, sustaining you.”

“What about later? When I am old and feeble,” a man wonders. “Will You then pass me by?”

“I am the One who remains! We walk together uninterrupted. As death approaches, My daring rescue will release you from life's last painful grasp into My presence forever.”

So are God’s amazing promises. From cradle to grave the Voice thunders, “I am He! Know Me!” Are we gratefully listening, or do we try to hobble on the world's foolish crutches, rebelling at being carried by anyone, including God?

Many years ago, I frantically shouted to the heavens, “Are You real?” The reply was instant, “I am He!” I finally threw away my crutches, my own failed coping strategies, and I found He had always been there -- waiting.

Insight: If you are searching today, won't you receive this God of lifelong love and care? He has been waiting since you first nestled in the womb.

05-22-2017, 10:41 PM
Thanks. When I read this, I can't help but think about that old story of the man walking along a beach with Christ. As the man looked back, he noted that there were spots where there was only one set of footprints. So, he asked Christ, "Why is it there are only one set of footprints behind us in spots? Why did you leave me, Lord?" Christ just smiled at him and said, "My son, I would NEVER leave you! Those spots are where I was carrying you." And anyone who doesn't understand the significance of this simple precept and principle, really must not want to, because it's so simple even little children see the significance of it. Blessed be the name of our Lord forever!