View Full Version : For thought and meditation

05-20-2017, 07:15 AM
If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes.—Job 14:14 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=93f0e706bd&e=3dd732485b)In one of the oldest books of the Bible, the book of Job, the question is asked, “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (14:14 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/x-apple-data-detectors://5)). That is a question everyone should ask in life. What will happen when we die? What is there beyond this place called Earth?

Before I was a Christian, I thought about this quite often. I was only a teenager. It was sort of a heavy subject to be contemplating, but I did find myself thinking about death on a semi-regular basis. My belief at the time was that once you stop living, you simply cease to exist. I wasn’t certain there was a place called Heaven. I definitely was hoping there wasn’t a place called Hell. My conclusion was that when you’re dead, you’re dead. And it really scared me to think that I could simply cease to exist.

This is something that many people are thinking about today, because numerous books have been published on the subject of spirituality and life beyond the grave. For my generation, the Baby Boomers, the inevitability of death is approaching. We are having to come face-to-face with our mortality. We used to sing that we were forever young, but that song doesn’t ring true like it once did. We are becoming forever old. The clock is ticking. Time is marching on. We are trying to pretend it isn’t happening and trying to turn back time, but we know that death is coming.

What happens beyond the grave? According to the Bible, there is life beyond the grave. And because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross, and His resurrection three days later, we as Christians have the hope that when we die, we will immediately go into the presence of God to a wonderful place called Heaven.

05-20-2017, 08:53 AM
Amen, I am so happy beyond words to be called one of Gods children and be granted eternal life.

05-20-2017, 06:51 PM
A simple truth many refuse to acknowledge .
GOD offers grace and salvation . Jesus Christ the son of GOD died to pay for that salvation .

Ephesians 2;8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”

Now here's the truth many avoid , struggle against , refuse to hear . If GOD does not know you through your faith you will NOT have salvation ...everlasting life . Trying to live life as a 'good person' is nothing . If you do not know GOD he will not know you . Faith and only through faith in him will he know you .

Matthew 21; 21-23

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Find GOD , get your name in the Lamb's book of life . When you stand before GOD with the testimonial of your mouth Jesus Christ the son of GOD will pass judgement . The truth .

05-22-2017, 11:05 PM
If there's a single person who has ever lived, who has NOT contemplated what happens when we die, I have never met them, and don't believe such a dullard exists. We ALL contemplate this essential question. It's "natural" and inescapable. Some deal with it by seeking the real Truth. Others care more for their own wills than the Truth, and want to think well of themselves despite the things they do and say. Many of these proclaim themselves to be "good, moral" people. But it's not by being moral or "good" that we're saved. It's by accepting the God who made us, and His Son, Jesus, the Christ who shed his perfect blood on the cross as an atonement for OUR sins, and then arose from the dead on the 3rd day. They're waiting for us, to see what we've decided, and when we die, there'll be a natural selection of who can and is eligible to enter Heaven, and those who must pass by to the fiery pit that was designed to hold Satan for his rebellion, and his followers. Heaven is a perfect world, and sin cannot enter therein, so there's no other place for the profane TO go to, but hell. It's not God's will that ANYONE be lost. But He leaves that decision up to us, and to us alone. Those who've sought Him, and found Him, and lived according to His will, and been forgiven, will be eligible to enter Heaven. Those that don't meet that test will pass by the wayside, and be condemned by their own choice, to the firey pit.

Those who go to Heaven will be able to see and meet with those who've gone on before them - mother, father, friends and family - all who've met the requirements of entry will be there, waiting on us. What a day of rejoicing that will be ... for the faithful. The rest? I don't even want to think about that! But it's just as real as Heaven is, nonetheless!

And we don't get to Heaven by resting on our laurels! We have to do HIS will rather than our own. His service requires many things - carpenters, sound men, money donors, witnesses, piano players and other musicians - everyone can contribute something to His service, even if we aren't the great witnesses we'd very much like to be. But we all have a story. A great friend of mine, a very humble and simple man, will give his testimony as the program at our Seniors' dinner at church Thursday. He's no eloquent speaker, but I believe the content of his message will be more than enough to inspire all who are there to hear him. It's really NOT necessary to be a great orator to inspire others. All that's really necessary is that we simply face the question we're addressing squarely, and humbly tell our story. Anyone who's not inspired by most anyone's story, probably just doesn't want to be inspired. That's a choice they CAN make, but it's OUR job to try to tell our story. Therein lies the salvation of many among the profane, if we'd but simply do His will rather than our own, and quit making up excuses for our inaction. It's Satan who tries to draw us back from testifying, not God. And it's OUR will to "not stand out." We all know we're sinners, but Christians are forgiven, and washed "white as snow," so we have nothing at all to be ashamed of, once we're forgiven and have repented. Christ's blood can forgive ANYTHING! ANYTHING except denial and failure to repent. It's time we Christians stood up for our faith, straight, tall and unafraid and unintimidated by the disbelievers and naysayers. If we do that, the world will be changed! Christ has guaranteed us this!

05-23-2017, 07:56 AM
For 40 years I was a goat, and I followed my own will. I would not be lead by the still waters. I took my food from the rocky steeps not the green pastures.

Then the Lord called me, come William Thomas, come, be my sheep. Feed my sheep, defend my flock. Come. So I came.

All of those doubts I had when I pondered this question have evaporated like fresh fallen snow on a Hot July parking lot. Poof, a wet spot for an instant then gone.

What is left is the absolute conviction that I wasted 40 years that should have been spent in service to my Lord. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Thank you Lord for wanting me. No one else really did.

05-23-2017, 03:24 PM
Ghost, that's as good a description of the conversion experience as I've ever heard. Only those who've had that experience, who've been open to receiving it, can really know or understand what you're talking about, but those that have, can only nod in agreement, and be grateful for that experience. We're all a willful lot, but if we simply come to a point where we can be still within ourselves, then we can hear this message, and respond. I think it's a lot like climbing a mountain during a really bad storm, where you can't really hear anyone calling due to the wind, rain and thunder. But if you find a small, sheltered plateau, you CAN hear it. Our own breathing can drown out the call, sometimes. And too, we have to want to hear the call. We have to be prepared before we CAN receive it. What a wondrous Lord we serve!

05-23-2017, 09:33 PM
Thank you Blackwater.

Yes, in my opinion you first have to be "ok" in your own head. Be able to shut off the distractions, be able to stop "thinking" and anticipating. Once you learn that trick. To ask a question, and just listen to the silence. And then there is the answer.

Well it can be powerful stuff. Remember, to GOD be the glory. Not about us.

About being humble, about being pure of heart. And most of us have to do a lot of house cleaning in there to get to that point.

So if you are searching, don't give up. There is help.
And If I personally can ever be of assistance to anyone. Please do not be afraid to ask. And you will have to ask. I'm not going to preach at ya. But I am here, always willing to listen. And perhaps If I am lucky I can relay a message or 2.

To GOD be the glory, for ever and ever amen.

05-25-2017, 06:25 PM
You have a real talent for stating how things happen. Thanks. Again, dead on!