View Full Version : Blessed beyond measure

05-16-2017, 12:17 PM
As the title says; my cup truly runneth over! And it has for some time and I guess I'm just to dumb and stubborn to see it! Laying out in the weeds last night hunting a fox, I said as searching the property with 50x binos,fruit trees in blossom a yard full of good laying hens,two big hutches full of fat meat rabbits, I could here my beautiful wife and big hearted daughter in the puppy shack playing with the litter and momma dog, the three neighbors are all wonderful families, my wife is my anchor my daughter is my light and the kind of person I'd wanna be if I could do it over! We have the fear of the Lord in us to guide our daily decisions,the blood of the lamb over us ,everyone is healthy; both my parents are well and live 1 mile away and it looks like I'll have a great year at work!

Preacher Jim
05-16-2017, 12:36 PM
All the blessings you could ask for an a man thankful for them. A great post to remind us the best is what we already have.

05-16-2017, 12:56 PM
We never count our blessings enough . Thank you for reminding me . GOD is good .

05-16-2017, 05:25 PM
Amen and amen.

05-16-2017, 05:44 PM
Taking the time to thank the Lord every day reminds us how blessed we truly are .

05-16-2017, 07:00 PM
It is truly a blessing to realize what God has blessed us with in Christ.

05-16-2017, 08:26 PM
Bro...ya nailed it. I've found myself grumbling many times, and looking at a "lack" in my life. Then, I take the dog for a walk and notice a firefly in the evening glow, and a wonderful Texas sunset, followed by stars in the sky...my wife and daughter with me, and happy smile on the dog. It's all a matter of perspective. A person can either focus on the negative and be miserable, or focus on the provision of God and be joyful. It's a decision that we make, and usually a decision that we make several times a day.

05-16-2017, 08:51 PM
Bro...ya nailed it. I've found myself grumbling many times, and looking at a "lack" in my life. Then, I take the dog for a walk and notice a firefly in the evening glow, and a wonderful Texas sunset, followed by stars in the sky...my wife and daughter with me, and happy smile on the dog. It's all a matter of perspective. A person can either focus on the negative and be miserable, or focus on the provision of God and be joyful. It's a decision that we make, and usually a decision that we make several times a day.

Exactly ! This is the same thing I posted the other day . We are blessed .


05-17-2017, 03:25 PM
The great times in our lives are SO wonderful! All the promise, all the gratifications, and nothing holding us back! Truly, our God has provided us with a wondrous world! But there's work to do, and some of us don't or won't do it until some of this is taken away from us. God is wonderful enough to give us what we NEED, rather than what we WANT. Enjoy the good times to their fullest. Drink up all the wonders Heaven has provided for you and yours. Trials will come, but knowing such times, seems to give us strength, is only we'll just use it, when the challenges come. A warm nap is the summer's sun on a beach or just in a bed of grass somewhere, or in a boat on the water, CAN be a wondrous thing. But so very few, these days, appreciate the small, wonderful things He gives us. Most take it for granted. It's good to see someone who truly recognizes these times for what they are - a chance to recharge our batteries, and continue the fight for our Lord.

05-17-2017, 09:50 PM
Amen brother!

I had been going through a rough patch some while back, health issues.
And then I woke up one morning, listening to my wife singing in the shower.
I got to thinking, counting my blessings. And then in dawned on me. All those things back 30 and 40 years ago that I wanted so badly. That I thought I would never have.
I have them all. I have a loving hard working supportive wife. A trim little house that is paid for. I owe no one anything, debt free. I have a house full of toys, books, movies, computers, and knick knacks and tinker stuff.

I have it all. And I turned to myself and I said sternly "SELF! You see this? All this? You got nothing to ***** about. So quit bitchin and be happy. And that too was given to me. I have all that, plus you guy, no complaints here. Life is good. Even if the green side of the grass is cold, snowy, or frosty half the year. Warm inside.

Coffee anyone?

05-18-2017, 03:45 PM
Amen, Ghost! We typically don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. We tend so consistently to do this, that I'd call your realization above an "epiphany." A sudden realization of something that should have been clear long before then, but ... due to our "humanity", just didn't come to the fore of our consciousness until something prompted it.

We humans seem to have one-track minds, and can only focus well on doing one thing at a time. This, I think, has a large effect in creating that tendency within us to neglect to appreciate what we HAVE, and keep us focused on what we WANT to have in addition? But whatever it is, we surely forget to be thankful for all the wondrous blessings we ALL have each day. Just to still be alive is a blessing that not all of us have, for some didn't make it to see the light of this new day, because they passed on last night. Truly, we all need to be more thankful for all we have, and the true wonders we've been given. Our Lord and God are SO wonderful and generous to us! All we really CAN do is be thankful for it all.

05-20-2017, 03:14 AM
You are certainly blessed...as am I...and all of here.

05-20-2017, 07:16 AM
nagantguy, What a great testimony and tribute to what God has done for us.....Paul

05-21-2017, 07:32 AM
Amen and Amen