View Full Version : Tamale beans !

05-14-2017, 07:01 PM
Being over half a century old tamale beans are part of life for me. Being in Texas over half a century that time included tamale beans . Born and raised here in Texas I don't remember not having the Mexican food influence . It influenced a lot of cooking . I live in north Texas , the farther south you get that influence grows stronger , Texas is a big state . Living in North Texas is a combination of classic southern and 'TexMex" . Probably was more classic Mexican down south closer to the border .

Just an aside , all my dad's folks lived 60 miles north in Oklahoma . As a child , young person I remember NO Mexican influence in the home cooking , seems to have slammed off at the state line . My point is that the Mexican influence in cooking has always been with us in Texas .

The above was just personal thought and a ramble . So lets do tamale beans ! A poor man's meal by today's standard ...but dang good !

This is all you need .


Salt 1 teaspoon
black pepper I tablespoon
1 lb of pinto beans
1 28 oz can of tamales

I like Casserole pinto beans , they don't ever have rocks in em but you still need to sift for rocks and wash in a colander . (I hate getting a rock while I'm eating beans !)


Cut 1/2 to 1 lb of bacon slices into quarters . Put in boiling water for 15 min .



Add you 1 lb of pintos after cleaning in the calendar



Simmer for about 2 hours you will have to judge) or 30 min before beans are done .

Add can of tamales cut into quarters .


Pour juice left in can into the pot also , cook till done !


And as is nothing but normal here in Texas you need ;



Preacher Jim
05-14-2017, 07:19 PM
Boaz you have made me hungry if you keep posting the food post I may have to come down to Texas for a few real meals.

05-14-2017, 07:25 PM
Eatin well this evening in North Texas , Thank you for watching !


square butte
05-14-2017, 07:26 PM
Now you've gone and done it - It's too late in the evening for me to be thinking this much about such good eats

05-14-2017, 07:31 PM
Love it!!


05-14-2017, 07:33 PM
I was going to start a diet tomorrow. Not now.

05-14-2017, 09:00 PM
I've never heard of a dish quite like that, but darned if ya' ain't goan an' made me HONGRY!

05-14-2017, 09:25 PM
Ok! Ok! Ok! First I am making Gandma's Soup....now you have thrown me under the bus with another recipe to try......I think you need to do a weekly food column in our Cast Boolit Family....all kidding aside....thanks Charlie!

05-15-2017, 12:48 AM
I grew up eating bland MN food.. chili up here is tomato soup someone waved the chili powder over... hotdish with cream of mushroom soup(or cream of chicken), potatoes, bland meats... Germans/Scandinavian influence on everything.

I am the food outlaw in the family, love Tex-Mex, spicy Chinese/Thai etc, got my mom eating it then dad, and now my brothers and sisters do more than meat and potatoes but nowhere near the spice levels I like. And this sounds right down my alley! I will have to see if I can get the ingredients up here.

05-15-2017, 06:26 AM
Looks good! I love all those ingredients.

05-15-2017, 08:03 AM
Man I love pinto beans. Mom was born in New Orleans, raised in El Paso del norte.

Dad was down there from Minnesota durring the tail end of the big WWII.

I grew up on beans and rice, pinto's cooked preferably with a ham bone. Bacon if not.

Mom had a Tamale/chili cassorole she used to do where she would layer hormel chilli, onions, tamales, then bake for an hour. Served with Frito's corn chips crushed on top and on the side.

Good stuff.

Your beans look good Boaz!

05-15-2017, 08:29 AM
This looks like a good dish to introduce my son to tamales and cornbread. He is a good eater. strong boy w strong appetite, but he doesn't like stews and gooey consistencies.

Looking at that fine dish Boaz, I'm thinking even my boy who won't try stewed food will change his mind once he smells it and has a dab of cornbread to wake his appetite.

Going to try this next weekend when he's with me again.

We're a'gonna have to sleep with the windows open Saturday night....


05-15-2017, 05:02 PM
Boaz you have made me hungry if you keep posting the food post I may have to come down to Texas for a few real meals.

Come on down Jim ! I'll warm up the grill ! How do you feel about cheese and onion enchiladas ? Been wantin some here lately !

05-17-2017, 01:46 PM
You done went and flung another craving on me !
In college a favorite meal was the Hormel canned tamale's with a can of Trappey's red kidney beans in chili sauce ! Cheap , easy to fix and filling...everything a guy could ask for. And wash it down with a quart of Pearl beer !
I haven't had that in years....thanks for the memories !
I putting this on the shopping list right now ! Do they still make Pearl Beer?

05-17-2017, 03:10 PM
Tried it yesterday, came out very tasty, I added a small chopped onion, couple of cloves of garlic, that made it come out thicker, more like a stew, one thing is that all the bacon I saw had more fat than meat, saw one very meaty looking, the only thing I missed was that it was maple bacon, the pot smelled like I had poured some maple syrup in there :groner:, couldn't really taste it but I think next time I'll keep a closer eye on what I get, LOL..........Thank you for posting the recipe.

05-17-2017, 08:12 PM
Tried it yesterday, came out very tasty, I added a small chopped onion, couple of cloves of garlic, that made it come out thicker, more like a stew, one thing is that all the bacon I saw had more fat than meat, saw one very meaty looking, the only thing I missed was that it was maple bacon, the pot smelled like I had poured some maple syrup in there :groner:, couldn't really taste it but I think next time I'll keep a closer eye on what I get, LOL..........Thank you for posting the recipe.

As long as they came out ok....everything is good ! Glad you like em .

05-17-2017, 11:37 PM
Maple goes well with chili peppers!

05-18-2017, 12:03 AM
My mouf is waterin'!