View Full Version : 44man

05-14-2017, 06:59 PM
Do people realize 44man has been banned? I have butted heads with him many times but I hate that it happened.
Well time must move on.

05-14-2017, 07:41 PM
I didn't know, why?!

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05-14-2017, 08:17 PM
I hate it too! A lot of ppl didn't know how to take him or how to take his comments with a grain of salt so they complained. Some took things up with him on the spot, others took things privately to the powers that be and he is gone. I would like an email address for him at least.

05-14-2017, 08:31 PM
Ive not been back here for all that long. I had to reregister not remembering my past login info....Any way 44man was a fella I had become very fond of. There was a lot of knowledge between that ones ears. This is a sad thing....Jeff

05-14-2017, 08:41 PM
I'm really sorry to hear this. I greatly respect his opinion on matters of the 44mag because of his many years of experience,. Even though he may seem rough at times, I don't think it is intentional. The written word is not the same as the spoken word due to the lack of voice reflections. In any case, I hope his ban is not permanent

05-14-2017, 08:53 PM
The written word is not the same as the spoken word due to the lack of voice reflections. In any case, I hope his ban is not permanent

x10 Me to !!

05-14-2017, 09:25 PM
Hope he is allowed back as he was blunt and seemed arrogant but I think he knew what he was talking about.

05-14-2017, 09:42 PM
He's a salty old dog with a lot of wisdom. Opinions too sure. Helpful on the phone as well. Hope he is back soon.

05-14-2017, 09:46 PM
This is my reply were I as well spoken:

I hate it too! A lot of ppl didn't know how to take him or how to take his comments with a grain of salt so they complained. Some took things up with him on the spot, others took things privately to the powers that be and he is gone. I would like an email address for him at least.

05-14-2017, 10:31 PM
Oh man that is too bad I liked his posts he had allot of experience even if I didn't agree it was Ok. Well hopefully the mods will let him back after a short penalty period......:D

gray wolf
05-14-2017, 10:41 PM
If I said what I thought I would be banned also.
It would almost be worth it.
Some crusty folk don't mellow with age, the crust just gets thicker,sometimes a little less tolerant.

I hate to see things like this,looking through my own window 44 man was all good.
I will miss your wisdom Sir.

05-14-2017, 10:48 PM
I certainly hope you can return quickly! I thoroughly enjoyed your wisdom!
I hope the powers that be, have you return soon!


Texas by God
05-14-2017, 11:27 PM
Arrogant, hard to understand, prickly, a BS artist; but kind and knowledgeable in my short experience reading his posts. I miss him too.
Best, Thomas.

05-14-2017, 11:32 PM
Well Boo! Hate to see the free exchange of ideas take a blow. I always thought the man had a pretty good idea of what he was addressing even though at times his delivery may not have been as soft as could be. With that said, I have a hard time believing the Mods addressed the issue lightly - here's hoping all gets worked out.

05-15-2017, 12:57 AM
Banned? No, I didn't know. I can certainly understand how it could happen though. While he had some knowledge and experience, he was as rough as a cobb.

From what I've seen of these mods over the years he must have worked hard to get banned. They don't do it lightly or on a whim. You have to be a bone head and then keep it up for a while.

If he is let back I hope he learns from it.


05-15-2017, 06:01 AM
I will miss his post as well , I deal with ruff talking old guys without letting it bother me .

05-15-2017, 06:57 AM
I don't think anyone should get banned unless they make a direct, posted, insult to an individual. Being a bit rough and opinionated isn't a good enough reason. I always thought his posts reflected a lot of experience on his part....even though my own experiences didn't always agree with his. But, having a lot of experience and strong opinions are just what we end up with over time. I hope he gets back so he can occassionaly rub me the wrong way once in a while. After all, he paid his dues to learn everything he believes to be true.

05-15-2017, 07:27 AM
I've never known 44 man to loose control, he always was worth listening to when he had something to say.
I can't figure out how some of the true antagonist linger on here without getting banned.

05-15-2017, 09:21 AM
Would normally read his posts --he knew what he thought he knew and I learned some from him-- hope things become settled

05-15-2017, 09:54 AM
There are a good bunch of people on this forum, and an incredible amount of knowledge. 44man is one with an incredible amount of knowledge, and the experience to back it up. Some had different experiences and were equally as passionate about their experiences. In fact one of my favorite threads is one I started where 44man, 35whelen, and sixshot had many responses. You cant get that amount of real world experience from a book and I appreciated everyones input. When 44mag#1 and 44man get going in a thread I just read and hope to retain some that I can reflect in my real world experience.

I am hopeful his account gets reinstated as it would be a shame to loose that benefit of knowledge because a person wasn't used to his "delivery".

white eagle
05-15-2017, 10:40 AM
Thats to bad
I always thought Jim knew his stuff
and shared it openly of course I didn't always agree
but who agrees with everything someone else says or does
there are few that I looked forward to reading their posts or replies
his was one of them

Tom W.
05-15-2017, 10:45 AM
Lots of snowflakes and thin skinned people on the forum now. Some get upset and go crying to the mods, hurt feelings and what not.

05-15-2017, 10:50 AM
Thats to bad
I always thought Jim knew his stuff
and shared it openly of course I didn't always agree
but who agrees with everything someone else says or does
there are few that I looked forward to reading their posts or replies
his was one of them

Couldn't have said it better. If he is lurking here and reads this, he'd always be welcome on the "other" forum where many of us hang out. Larry Gibson knows where I mean...

05-15-2017, 11:00 AM
Let's hope it is a vacation and not disappeared
I never disagreed with him factually, except he does not get the fact that not everyone wants to do exactly what he wants to do. So a thread about .44 mag wadcutters got turned into him saying over and over, that he thinks .44 mag wadcutters are stupid. After the 10th time it like "OK, we get it, you hate .44 mag wadcutters." Or mid/low-range anything. We get it, you think it is stupid, but can we discuss it anyway? Or, how much disdain he had for the .357 mag for mid-size game. O.K. we get it, you think it is stupid, but can we discuss it anyway???
His arguments with members about long range handgun shooting who went off to another forum just add to the mix. I just dubbed him The Doctrinaire. No point in discussion. I would love to meet him, as he has been there and done that, many time over. If you really want to contact him, PM me and I will contact him on another forum for his email address.

05-15-2017, 11:04 AM
I liked 44man & I think he had a great deal of knowledge to share, some we agreed on & some we didn't but that's why they make chocolate & vanilla.....so we have a choice. The man has done a great deal of shooting & experimenting & killed more deer than most people have ever seen. I really think banning him is a bad thing to do & hope that it is reconsidered. Anyone with a lot of experience is opinionated & usually defends those opinions with facts & many times photo's, & that's just what he did. I hope we let the man back on!


05-15-2017, 11:31 AM
I have enjoyed posts from 44man for several years now on this forum. Much to learn. All knowledgeable and interesting individuals have strong opinions. Please reinstate. We also lost 45 2.1 a couple of years back who designed most of the MiHec molds I use - another significant loss of knowledge. Let the conversations roll!

05-15-2017, 11:39 AM
"We also lost 45 2.1"

That was a serious bummer

05-15-2017, 11:46 AM
I don't post or even read on here nearly as much as I used to and I've always been more of a "reader" than a "poster".

I'm not shooting as much these days (thanks work!) and I've pretty got my processes and loads down pat, thanks, by in large to this sight and to a degree .44 Man.

I learned a lot from him. That which I didn't agree with or just didn't want to fool with (or did, for that matter), I ignored, if he got annoyingly repetitive, I ignored. Which is the great thing about dealing with people on the internet.

If he gets to return, and I hope he does, someone may want to explain to him that in 2017, there's lots of folks that already know everything (they've already read all about it elsewhere on the interweb!) and being disagreed with hurts their feelers and costs them therapy dollars. We've all seen them alive and well on other forums, hate to see they made it over here.

From reading some of his posts, I do rather doubt anyone ever explained the concept of a "safe space" to .44 Man......

05-15-2017, 11:58 AM
So he was a wise ole-bird with some 'tough bark' on him...all this lamenting and wailing ain't going to change a thing...

You poke the Bear enough times...your gonna get bit!

05-15-2017, 12:07 PM
"We also lost 45 2.1"

That was a serious bummer

I didn't realize he was gone too. Dang.

05-15-2017, 12:45 PM
Well this comes as news to me as well. So he joins the ranks of Larry Gibson and Goodsteel, and others who actually had something of value to contribute to this forum, that are now kicked to the curb. I never found anything they said to be offensive in any way.

Jim is an individual who has an immense amount of experience and is probably old enough to not want to vary too much from that experience to placate lesser minds. Sure he spoke his mind, but so did Larry Gibson and Tim Malcolm, and I as well.

I really don't like it when a few people get together and make complaints to the higher ups in order to squelch someone they don't agree with, and especially when that someone has forgotten more about the subject than the people who complained about him will ever know.

If you don't like what he is saying don't read his posts! Simple as that.

I really hope the moderators revisit this issue and maybe look at revising the infractions that lead to banning. And also look very closely at those who called for the ban and weigh their contributions against the one they seek to remove.

I don't class complaining about someone's tone as a contribution. I also think that once a person is beyond 5,000 or so posts that they shouldn't be banned unless they completely go off the deep end... They have established themselves as a valuable contributor and there should be some degree of respect for that contribution.

After all content drives this and every other forum and money is generated by that content, and when this forum is sold (which it will eventually be) that content will go with the forum and be locked in place so it can't be removed. I am involved with another forum that was sold and the new owners lock in every post that is put up so you can't even edit it!

This forum is essentially one of the largest repositories of information on Firearms and Loading of Ammunition on the web, and there is significant value in that content. I feel that the largest contributors deserve some respect for those contributions, rather than a kick in the rear.


05-15-2017, 12:58 PM
I enjoyed reading his posts, hope the ban is short term and he decides to return. 30cf.

05-15-2017, 04:38 PM
Things are not always cut and dry. Sometimes members get too mouthy, sometimes they become very disrespectful, and other times they just appear to lose their mind then go off the deep end when I try to talk with them about it.

What members DON'T see is everything we have to "fix" - eventually we get a belly full and that is when they have to leave.

If you wish to know what happened take a look at the Castboolits facebook page on May 6, it's all there in black and white.

05-15-2017, 05:49 PM
Thanks for posting No 1. I will join the FB group.....did not even know one existed.

white eagle
05-15-2017, 06:00 PM
I tried to find it but alas my facebook skills are not sharp
hope like others have said when things cool off he
and everyone involved comes back

05-15-2017, 06:47 PM
I agree many people on this thread. This was real surprise and I hope he can come back. Let's not forget the fact he is 80 and still shooting big guns with precision. Do you know anyone else like him? I don't. Banning him will be a huge loss for this forum.

05-15-2017, 06:56 PM
I agree many people on this thread. This was real surprise and I hope he can come back. Let's not forget the fact he is 80 and still shooting big guns with precision. Do you know anyone else like him? I don't. Banning him will be a huge loss for this forum.

Yes...I do. 'Ole Bob' an 84 y.o. X-Kansas City Boy, retired Air Force & Korean War Vet., a mentor to me, handloader & caster...has more guns than any two ought to have...sharp as a tack, works outside or in the shop everyday, kind & gentle...would give a stranger in need the shirt right off his back...last but not the least, he is my very good friend.
Yeppers, I know someone like that.


shooting on a shoestring
05-15-2017, 09:54 PM
44Man was the green chili in the enchiladas. Perhaps an acquired taste. Perhaps not a flavor for the masses. I liked him fine.

To the mods: I wouldn't do your job for love nor money, literally. It's a necessary evil in our modern world. Thanks for the effort. Dealing with people is hard. Throw in a keyboard and oh my!

Plate plinker
05-15-2017, 10:10 PM
Bummer I liked his comments and appreciated his knowledge. All that and I don't even own a 44.

05-15-2017, 10:59 PM
Well for those of us who dont have fakebook I hope someone comes back and gives us the info on what happened. Al

05-15-2017, 11:00 PM
I too find it sad he's been banned. Like so many here,,, I learned a lot,, and yet,, I also saw his gruffness with others. I think he & I only had one mild disagreement. Yet,,, I FULLY respected his knowledge,,, and experience. My skin is thick enough to where his personality didn't phase me in the least.
The mods,,, their job is HARD,,, and I too will not accept that kind of position,, ever.

As noted,, decades of wisdom,, learned in the school of hard knocks & experience are invaluable.
Maybe he can return one day.

05-15-2017, 11:30 PM
Not sure how you get banned, but I found 44man's bs boorish and boring. I hope he didn't banned for that. If he gets reinstated would be good, I'll just pass over his posts as usual.

05-16-2017, 12:01 AM
Thanks for posting No 1. I will join the FB group.....did not even know one existed.

I tried to find it but alas my facebook skills are not sharp
hope like others have said when things cool off he
and everyone involved comes back

The "Cast Boolits Forum" is a closed group, after you click on link and sign in to facebook, you have to request to join...it may take some time for the admin to accept, you will get a notification when accepted.

That group is just "kind of" loosely related to castboolits.gunloads.com
I am a member, but not a Admin/Mod there. It was started by a couple members who aren't Mods/Admin here.

As to the May 6th incident, I seen it on May 6th. But I searched for it tonight and couldn't find it. I suspect that thread was deleted.

05-16-2017, 12:11 AM
looks like I wasn't so wrong about him.

05-16-2017, 12:13 AM
Anyone care to give cliffnotes for those of us that refuse to use Facebook? Don't need detailed notes, just an overview. I guess I'm asking if it was the same behavior he exhibited here where his way was the only way?

05-16-2017, 12:16 AM
"I suspect that thread was deleted."

Probably just as well, he made himself look pretty bad. Claiming to be insulted after insulting others typically doesn't end well.

I found it hard here on the forum to contend with statements like the claim that he could shoot tighter groups at 500 yards than most others at 25,,,,,.

Any Cal.
05-16-2017, 12:34 AM

There are 1/2 dozen posters that I am interested in learning from, 44 Man was one.

Loved this forum years ago, like it quite a bit now, but wonder how many can go before there is no point in coming here.

I get that he was a pain, but a knowledgeable pain in the rear is better than a whole bunch of friendly clueless folks if you want to learn something.

05-16-2017, 01:16 AM
This is a darn shame.
44man is like a set of encyclopedias when it comes to casting boolits and shooting revolvers. I reached out to him through this forum when I was starting to cast for my BFR .475. His advice was on the money.

Sometime in a guys life his 'filters' get full or broken. We should not be so thin skinned to overlook the wisdom of the source.
I've been reading this forum for years and this is my first post. It's too bad that this is what finally prompted my post.

This forum has been diminished slightly by the loss of this resource.
My not so humble opinion.

05-16-2017, 01:53 AM
This is a darn shame.
44man is like a set of encyclopedias when it comes to casting boolits and shooting revolvers. I reached out to him through this forum when I was starting to cast for my BFR .475. His advice was on the money.

Sometime in a guys life his 'filters' get full or broken. We should not be so thin skinned to overlook the wisdom of the source.
I've been reading this forum for years and this is my first post. It's too bad that this is what finally prompted my post.

This forum has been diminished slightly by the loss of this resource.
My not so humble opinion.

It is sad that you have been here for over 8 years and this is your first post. Hopefully you can contribute some of your experience and opinions in the future.

BTW, .44 Man has been banned at almost every venue he has joined. This site has been more tolerant than most. I am not sure if he will be reinstated, but if he has not burned every bridge, the site owner has let others back.

05-16-2017, 04:25 AM
I am one of the Administrators on the FB site. The group is a closed group as we wish to ensure prospective members are pro gun and not anti-gun. The thread in question is still there. It is not too hard to find, just scroll back through the post until you get to the ones created on May 6 and you will find Jim's post which starts off with how many years he has been here and how many post he has.