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View Full Version : A pocket reference...

11-10-2005, 07:31 AM
Some years ago I had a handy little pocket reference book that gave the formulas for all kinds of stuff. Like; finding areas for many geometric shapes, finding the angles in a right triangle, etc. It also had some tables. All in all, just a handy little book to have. Anyone recall something like this and have a name?

11-10-2005, 07:37 AM

This is the PC convert utility that has everything in it that you used to go into your handbook to find. It is a good'un.


11-10-2005, 02:47 PM
Some years ago I had a handy little pocket reference book that gave the formulas for all kinds of stuff. Like; finding areas for many geometric shapes, finding the angles in a right triangle, etc. It also had some tables. All in all, just a handy little book to have. Anyone recall something like this and have a name?


Just that: "PocketRef"; it's a little 3-1/4" x 5-1/2" book about 5/8" thick by Thomas J.Glover that you'll find at the checkout counter at any chain harwdare store - the "ACE" stores out here in the West all seem to have them - if not, ask the clerk. Mine is a Second Edition, 1999, but new ones come out all the time. 540 pages of good info, and the last page is even ruled along the edge in inches and metric units so you can check bolt lengths, etc., at a glance.


11-11-2005, 01:01 AM
Ditto on that! I know for a fact that MSC sells them for like 10 bucks plus shipping - It' where I got mine... I find I use it all the time... I would buy at least 2 copies - put one in your toolbox(you do have a calculator there right? If not Shame!) and one in your house....


11-11-2005, 11:42 AM
Thanks fellas. I lost mine somewhere along the line and recently had the need. Amazing how much one forgets when you don't use it everyday. The conversion utility is neat. A real keeper. I just bought a new scientific calculator from TI. Has more function than I need, but a nice little machine.