View Full Version : Behold the Power of Prayer!

05-09-2017, 07:32 AM
25 years ago my father, then in his mid 60's was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Left lung, the size of a grapefruit. For a while there it did not look good. They tried a new experimental technique on him, chemo first, before surgery. Trying to shrink the cancer, so when they went in they could save more of the left lung. But the odds were not in Dad's favor.

At the time I was intensely involved in an online flight simulation. Had a huge circle of friends. We routinely fielded 25 - 40 pilots on our normal friday night missions.

So I put the word out. Looking for prayers for my dad, he's not doing well. Chemo is hitting him hard. Surgery to come. I was hedging my bets.

Doing anything I could to tip the scales in my favor.

That was 25 years ago.

Ohhh, yeah, Dad is still with us. :)

Less than 24 hours after the prayer call went out something changed. Dad perked up, the chemo worked even better, the hair stopped falling out. Although it did turn snow white.

Surgery went faultlessly. Within a month dad was back up and around. Mowing the lawn, tinking with stuff, working on the lake cabin.

He is "shrinking" a bit now, eyesight is pretty much gone to Maculuar degeneration. He is into his middle 90's, and still sharp.

This is I guess part thank you, to all of those who have helped me.
Part testimony. Ask and it shall be granted, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.

This is also part pay it forward. I never read a post where someone is asking for help without lifting a silent prayer to the father. There are many times when I can feel the answer is not going to be what the people involved are going to want to hear. And in those cases I often pray again, asking for love and consolation for those who will know grief.

He always answers. It is just that sometimes that answer is not what we need or want.

To all of you who are quick to lift a prayer in support of others. I wish a very special blessing on you. To you who give without expectation of anything in return I say Be BLESSED in spirit. May the Love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit overflow your life and repay your goodness.


Pine Baron
05-09-2017, 07:53 AM
Thanks Ghost for this wonderful blessing of a story. Go in Peace.

05-09-2017, 08:01 AM
Thank you brother! Peace has indeed found me.

05-09-2017, 08:13 AM
I Agree with Pine Baron , to hear of GOD's work is always a blessing . Thank you for sharing !

05-09-2017, 08:19 AM
God surely answers our prayers, but we must be mindful that He does that on his time, not ours. Sometimes, his answers are "not yet", and oth, sometimes you may state a simple wish, like Lord, I sure like to shoot a 150 lb buck this year, and you let it go at that. That was way before deer season. So I shoot a buck and I'm in a hurry to weigh it. Comes in at 154lbs! In a round about way, this means so much to me, as it shows He does care about you, even in the little things. He is a wonderful God.

05-09-2017, 08:33 AM
Praise GOD for answered prayer and giving you many years of unexpected time together.

05-09-2017, 08:41 AM
We all benefit from a good report
God loves a good report

05-09-2017, 08:46 AM
I'm with jmort . A good report is a praise to GOD . Proof of his work in our lives and testimony to his power , glory and love .

05-10-2017, 12:56 AM
A good report indeed and always encouraging to hear them!

05-10-2017, 03:40 PM
What a great testimony, Ghost! Indeed, it's amazing to me how many people pray with a fatalistic outlook. If they don't believe in prayer, why pray to start with? It's true that God doesn't always answer our prayers the way WE WANT Him to, but .... He always DOES answer them. If the answer is "no" or "not right now" or "not that particular way," that's just because He sees far further and far better than we can, and He loves us ENOUGH to deny requests that ultimately aren't for the best for either Him or us. Personally, I have come to be VERY thankful to Him, however He answers my prayers, because I know He looks out for me better than I CAN look out for myself! It's taken a very long time to get to that point, but .... what's life without constant learning and growth?

And God DOES often grant us our prayers - FAR more often, I think, than we even realize. Indeed, He truly does work in mysterious ways, His wonders to fulfill! Thanks for a great example of that. I've seen prayer answered too many times to not know it's real, and that it really works!

05-10-2017, 09:40 PM
Indeed Blackwater, he gives us what we need, not always what we want. And sometimes what we want is in direct opposition to what someone else needs.

Peace can be a blessing to those in pain.

Got to be a tough job trying to keep it all straight.

Thank you Father for all that you do, all too often unthanked and unappreciated.
To God be the Glory, forever and ever, amen.