View Full Version : Line-Up pins

05-08-2017, 09:26 PM
Is it normal thinking to press the line up pins out of the mould to lap and revamp an old mould? What's the secret to getting these pins out? Thanks.


country gent
05-08-2017, 10:08 PM
I would only remove them if I had to rework the faces of the blocks. Then reinstall before reworking cavities or tops and sprue plate. These alighnment pins are what alighns the blocks and cavities with out them you don't have a clue where your at. If I'm removing them I use a fitted plate and push them out with an ahrbor press.

05-08-2017, 10:19 PM
The faces are what I need to work on. Of coarse I would need to reinstall them to line both halves up again. Thanks for the info and posting.


country gent
05-08-2017, 11:01 PM
By a fitted plate I make a simple 3/8"-1/2" thick plate with the pin holes in it .010 - .015 big, this plate allows complete support of the block when pushing pins in and out. I either polish or surface grind the faces of the plate smooth with a light to med chamfer on the holes edges.

05-08-2017, 11:19 PM
Those pins can be a bear to get moving. I will agree a press, either arbor or hydraulic, would be the best way; but I have used a three pound sledge to adjust them. You really need something solid to rest the mold blocks on if you use a hammer.


05-09-2017, 04:45 PM
Hello MK42. Good enough. I just wanted to see if it was Being done out there. I haea 50 Ton Hydro and a small 4 Ton Arbor in my machine shop here. If I press them flat to the face, that's all I need. Then like C Gent stated, can line them back up and press them till they are back in the holes to the point they don't move around. I fig with the bad shape this old ideal/Lyman 358477 4 C mould is in, I have nothing to loose. Lol. thanks for all the post.


Wayne Smith
05-10-2017, 09:58 AM
PM Buckshot. He will give you chapter and verse on how to do it right.

05-10-2017, 05:21 PM
10-4 Wayne. I just may do that. Thanks for posting.
