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View Full Version : Invaders from North and South

05-08-2017, 09:29 AM
So one week ago our dog had puppies,my sister who is one of our dogs favorite people came over to see her and the litter,when she left she called to tell me there was a large fox in the road right in front of the house, the next morning I saw said fox in the neighbors pasture. Last night the neighbor was over at my house with a rifle problem and I was trying to help him sort it out, the biggest fox I've every seen came walking right through the back yard and stopped right in front of the chicken coop,I grabbed the 22 and slid the door open and it took off right into the neighbor to the beasts yard while they were out bar b que so I had no shot. Looked over the cool really well and we've had lots of rain and their is fox tracks all around the coop. This morning I saw a large weasel cross the road from the neighbors swamp to my low spot in the yard that's holding water now. So I called the neighbor to let her know to keep an eye on her chickens and she told me that yesterday she had a weasel in her coop but it didn't appear to have killed anything yet. So I have traps set and put up a new motion light on the coop and one by the rabbit hutches. I plan to use the game call tonight and see what I can call in,the only chicken I've ever lost to a predator was one leghorn that was a mean trouble maker whom would escape all the time and thought it wise to roost in the pines on our eastern property line, found her in the morning with no head. So I'm hoping through traps bullets and calling to thin the varmints out some this week
the fox in the yard was different from the fox I saw across the street, much larger with a solid black tail! It was so big the neighbor thought it was a coyote! So foxed coming from the north and south and weasels coming from the south, I may have a few long nights waiting outside!

05-08-2017, 11:46 AM
Good hunting!

05-08-2017, 03:02 PM
Hate me some weasels

05-08-2017, 03:33 PM
Had a neighbor lose 12 chickens in one night to a Pine Martin. They trapped him a couple of gays later.

Tom W.
05-08-2017, 09:40 PM

05-08-2017, 11:20 PM
With all that activity you might consider a grenade launcher! :p

05-09-2017, 08:08 AM
About a month ago our neighbor lost almost a dozen ducks and chickens to a weasel. Seems we have lots of bird/egg eaters also. Coyotes, hawks, weasels, fox, skunk, opossum, raccoon ect that we've seen in our yard.