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05-07-2017, 07:24 AM
He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.—Acts 1:3 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=a7346a4a78&e=3dd732485b)Have you ever been eyeballed by someone? Let me restate the question: Do you have a mother? If so, then you know what it is to have someone stare at you. That is what the disciples did with Jesus after the resurrection.

Acts 1:3 tells us that Jesus “presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by [the apostles] during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” The word Luke used here for seen could be “eyeballed.”

Here was Jesus, who had been crucified and put to death. They heard the blows of the hammers. They saw the spikes go into His hands and feet. They saw the blood and water spill from His side. They saw His traumatized, beaten body taken from the cross, and they knew He never would live again, much less walk and talk with them. But then, sure enough, here was Jesus. Alive. And He wasn’t appearing once or twice; He was popping up everywhere. In fact, He was seen by five hundred people on a single occasion. That is no mass hallucination; that is evidence.

Also, the word Luke used for proofs includes the idea of being convincing. Luke was saying, “I have the proof. We saw Him. We knew it was true. We couldn’t deny it was true.”

If this had been a hoax the disciples dreamed up, certainly one of them would have broken ranks and said, “You know, we made this whole thing up.” Yet every apostle except John died the death of a martyr. Not one of them broke ranks because they couldn’t deny what they knew was true.

Jesus was alive. They had seen Him. It transformed their lives, and they had to go out and share this message with others.

05-07-2017, 08:17 AM
Our message today all hinges on the resurrection.

05-07-2017, 10:57 AM
He is Risen INDEED!

Glory be to God in the Highest. He is RISEN! Oh death where is thy sting?

05-07-2017, 01:42 PM
Yea....there was no hoax . It was GOD's plan to pay our debt . 2000 years later the bible outsells any book written . Thank you Lord .

05-08-2017, 12:06 AM
Many have died, and been martyred for their faith. Only One has ever risen from the dead. And it is CERTAIN that He actually did so. Only a fool could dispute the many, many witnesses who saw him after the resurrection, and witnessed the power with which He has been in evidence ever since. We have REASONS to believe! It is NOT just some stray emotion that hits us AT ALL, as many non-believers tend to think. Belief is the most rational and reasonable and documented thing we can possibly do in this life. It all makes sense, unless one blocks out that sense, and merely chooses to disbelieve, despiite all th evidence and reasons we have for our belief. So many languish in a cesspool of disbelief, and it CANNOT lead them anywhere that provides true satisfaction in the long run. No faith. no hope. No promise for tomorrow! What a desperate life they truly live without Christ! I feel for them. It's not God's will that they perish. It's by their own choice. All God does, is allow them to choose. If they choose badly, it's not His fault! But of course, they'll always blame everyone but their own existential denials. It's just what non-believers do.

God and Christ and the Holy Spirit have given us all so very many ways to perceive the Truth about them. If we simply turn away and deny all that, whose fault could it be but our own? I am so thankful that He cared enough to show me the way. Truly, God's love and his patience are wondrous, and a gift we could never really "deserve." And yet, He gives us all this, and a wonderful universe and world in which to live, and even life itself! The word "generous" doesn't even begin to explain or describe His love for us! What a wonderful Lord we serve! He humbles me daily, and even moment by moment. The awesomeness and scope of His love is so immense, I can't really get a good grasp of it! I can only be so very thankful for it. And that's enough for me. Had He wanted more from me, He'd have made me with a bigger mind capacity, I think? We owen Him so very, very MUCH. And yet, all He wants of us is to just simply believe in and honor Him, and do those things which He has instructed us to do, so that we might be more happy, and have the fewest problems and pains in our lives! The more I understand Him, the more in awe I become of Him! It's the most humbling thing we could ever conceive of! Praised be His holy name forever!