View Full Version : Do Unto Others

05-06-2017, 03:15 PM
It was my first winter in Pennsylvania, and I thought I was prepared for a weekend drill with the 28th Division Artillery in Palmyra, near Hershey. I was lodged in the transient barracks at Ft. Indiantown Gap, which is a twenty minute drive from the armory. I pulled into an empty parking space, put the transmission of my Nissan pickup in neutral, and set the park brake. A chill wind brushed my ears as I lugged baggage across the frozen parking lot to my room.

The next morning, I got up and got myself ready, walked out to the pickup, and turned the ignition key, bringing it to life. I shifted into first gear, and pulled straight ahead, when something strange happened; the truck was being held back as if by a giant hand. I glanced back over my shoulder, and backed up. No problem. I pulled forward again, same thing as before. Now I was starting to get agitated, going back and forth, to see if something would loosen up; no dice. After about fifteen minutes of futility, I walked over to the PX store to see if I could call my unit, and tell them I would be late.

The young lady at the counter was very obliging. She let me use the phone, and offered to find someone who might be able to help. After that she offered me a free coffee, which I gladly accepted. I mentally ran through all the diagnostics that I could come up with, but I had never had such a problem before, and I was truly stumped. After about a half hour the store clerk had located one of the post engineers, who came to my aid. We discussed the problem; shortly he came back with a propane torch, and crawled under the truck to thaw the frozen brake cables. Ten minutes later, I was back in business, and drove off to Palmyra.

At the next drill, I looked up the store manager to let him know my appreciation for the help I had received, and asked for an address to send a letter. He said, “All those types of correspondence go to the main AAFES office in Texas, and they will handle it from there.” He gave me the address, and a few days later I did send the letter to AAFES, expressing my appreciation for the store clerk’s help. I mostly forgot about it after that.

In the Spring I was back for another drill with DIVARTY, and once again staying at Ft. Indiantown Gap. I visited the PX for a few things I needed that weekend. While browsing the aisles, I heard a female voice behind me, “There you are! Thank you!” It was the clerk who had helped me. She gushed her story about receiving a commendation from AAFES headquarters, and said she had received an award and a US savings bond. She went on to say that she would use the award when applying for higher level positions. Suddenly serious she said, “You know I won’t be working here for the rest of my life.” We chatted a few more minutes, then I made my purchases, and departed with a warm glow inside.


05-06-2017, 04:00 PM
Good story Wayne ! Wouldn't be amazing if we lived in a world that went by the golden rule (bout the same as the second great commandment) every day ? Thank you .

05-06-2017, 04:32 PM
That's what came to my mind also " love your neighbor as you love yourself "

thank you for your post Wayne I enjoyed it

05-06-2017, 07:02 PM
Thanks guys. Sorry I haven't been here in a while. Life has been pretty hectic lately. Sometimes it's hard to just turn things over to the Good Lord.


05-06-2017, 07:10 PM
Tell me about it Wayne ! Been there ...done that lately myself brother . Wondered where you were . Hope things are good or at least getting better . Life throws a lot of curve balls at us . Be well Wayne , pm if I can help .


Preacher Jim
05-07-2017, 06:38 AM
Old fellow that I respect told when life throws curve balls remember who is in control. He is just making you better and waiting for you to follow His directions for how to hit one out of the park. Waiting is the hard part of faith, Ish 40:31

Pine Baron
05-07-2017, 08:18 AM
Amen, Jim. Patience is a constant struggle.

05-07-2017, 08:21 AM
Thanks for sharing.

05-08-2017, 12:30 AM
What a great story! We have so many opportunities to make a positive difference in our daily lives, that we so often don't even recognize. Hopefully, this story will make us all see more of these type opportunities, and give us whatever it takes for us to create something good out of a stressful situation. We worry so much about the tiny, incidental things, and so little about the bigger things and people in our lives. And all we have to do to make a difference oftentimes, is just stay calm, not lose our cools, and just THINK, and do what we know we should do. People all around us assume we don't care about them, and that they really don't matter to us, because all too often, that's what we show them. "Concern" may be a warm, fuzzy feeling, but if we don't give it voice and action, it disappears like a vapor, and nobody can ever know it even existed. Only that which we give action to can ever be really recorded in the Book of Life. Thinking are feeling are good, but action speaks immense volumes, and determines what kind of world we live in. If things around us are eroding, like they are in this country, even since the election, then it's for sure a sign that WE have faltered, and not done a lot that we should have. Little things add up, and become very BIG things, if we'll just accumulate them. And a society depends on them, whether we realize or perform them or not. What a wonderful story and objective lesson for us all. Thanks.