View Full Version : Some Chesterton quotes for inspiration and reflection

05-05-2017, 01:02 PM
"The human race has always admired the [Christian] virtues, however little it can practice them; and oddly enough it has admired more those of them the modern world most sharply disputes."
fr. "An Interlude of Argument," The Ball and the Cross.
"The vulgar defense of virtue is often vague, conventional, and slightly tipsy. The aristocratic defense of vice if often ingenious, rationalistic, and even suggestive. But the fact still stands; the cynics and materialists are a microscopic and refined minority. The idealists and visionaries are a multitudinous and suffocating mob."
fr. "The Daily News, Aug. 14, 1909.

"Seriousness is not a virtue."
fr. "The Eternal Revolution, Orthodoxy.

"The exaggeration of sex becomes a war, not against restraints required by virtue, but against virtue itself."
fr. "Illustrated London News," Mar. 30, 1929.

"Every man's best virtues, dwell in the dark."
fr. "The Daily News," July 2, 1901.

"This is, I suppose, the whole subtlety of the sin of pride; all other sins attack when they are weak and weary; but this attacks when men are happy and valuable and nearer to all the virtues."
fr, "The True Vanity of Vanities," The Apostle and the Wild Ducks.

"Unless we strive every instant to be monsters of virtue, we ourselves may easily be monsters of vice."
fr. "Illustrated London News, Feb. 3, 1906.