View Full Version : Cerrocast

05-03-2017, 10:02 PM
Well I thought I got lucky. I bought some stuff a while back and got a box that I overlooked as lead ingots. I opened it up today and score cerrocast! Been needing to order some to cast chambers. Of course I looked at it again and realized it wasn't what I needed. I need cerrosafe not cerrocast. Anyone know a good use for it? I have almost a 100 pounds of 60/40 and not enough lead to mix that with. I guess I could keep it around but I'm running low on room and can't think of a good reason to keep it.

05-03-2017, 11:32 PM
There are a LOT of good uses for this stuff! Many members, myself included (broke right now, sorry) would like at least a little of it!

05-04-2017, 12:08 AM
Unfortunately I don't think I can do chamber casting with it. Maybe I can but I was under the assumption that cerrosafe was for chamber casting and cerrocast wasn't. I have around 11.5 lbs I'm trying to come up with a good use for.

05-04-2017, 12:39 AM
Here's an old thread, maybe it will help you a bit more,

05-04-2017, 12:59 AM
Thanks but I read that one already.

05-04-2017, 01:48 AM
K, and you don't think you can use it to chamber cast after that read? It also states, at that time, it's worth $14lb?
Maybe we both need to go to bed and reread this tomorrow?

05-04-2017, 08:54 AM
I read where one guy said it could be used for chambers. I'd like to find some more references to it before I do it. Cerrocast expands after cooling and don't want to have to hammer or melt it out. For all I know he had a long day as well and was thinking about cerrosafe. I appreciate the link.

Paper Puncher
05-04-2017, 10:05 AM
It appears Cerrocast is Bolton 281/338 http://www.boltonmetalproducts.com/
Specs say it expands -0.0001 (shrinks in other words) after casting. Cerrosafe (Bolton 160/190) expands -0.0009 at 30 minutes. http://www.boltonmetalproducts.com/Specifications.html
Melting temp for Cerrosafe 160 F to 190 F and for Cerrocast 281 F to 338 F

05-04-2017, 10:55 AM
Now I guess I missed that or looked at it wrong. For some reason I was thinking it expanded. I'll try it on a junk barrel first and see how it does. Of course 11 lbs is probably more than I need. Any other good uses or just sell off the excess? I've done that in the past where I sell something off and realized I needed it later.