View Full Version : What a day that will be

04-30-2017, 02:53 PM
Truly what a day that will be !


Pine Baron
04-30-2017, 03:03 PM
Very nice. Only thing missing was a jaw harp, that's okay, I filled it in.

04-30-2017, 03:16 PM

04-30-2017, 04:03 PM
love the "church" they are in, I would love to see more of this style church and less of the megachurchs.

04-30-2017, 04:20 PM
Pine Baron ! You are a man of hidden talents ! I can make noise on a harmonica , maybe we can get a Chapel gospel jam goin (lol) . Bound to be others .

04-30-2017, 04:27 PM
Thanks, Boaz...enjoyed that.

04-30-2017, 04:29 PM
Two of my cousins have taken over the "Pickin' Parties" their Mom and Dad began many years ago now. They'll have upwards of 500 folks come to these, and they last nearly a week, with some getting in early and staying for the full week. They eat great meals (think dinner on the ground at church, times about 5!), play bluegrass and gospel, all with acoustic instruments, and just generally have a great time. I think they have at least 3 upright bass fiddles, and probably more - something you don't see very often these days. They have a moderately raised "stage" set up under the pickin' shed, steel fire barrels scattered about for warmth, plenty of firewood already stacked up, and the conversations abound, and laughter is persistently heard. They also have some comedy skits. And it's all on a voluntary basis. Nobody gets paid. Their Mom and Dad were frequent visitors to the Grand Ole Opry, and made friends with a number of performers, who whenever they could, came down on their own just to spend time there and share their artistic talents, and just generally have a wonderful time with some really great folks. It's a very moving and pleasurable experience.

Their church, due in large part to their influence, began long ago having bluegrass style gospel performances frequently as part of their services. And it really tends to bring folks together to have a VERY good time. The thing about bluegrass style singing and playing is that it's so completely genuine, and from the heart. Any pretension, and real bluegrass folks see it right away, and if continued very long, just avoid folks like that. You've got to be REAL to share these folks' joys and passions and sorrows. I grew up hearing this kind of stuff, and now, it truly burns deeply into my soul. I love it. Nobody is more genuinely humble and determined to do their best than bluegrass folk. Some have advanced scholastic degrees, but none of that matters at these get-togethers. All that matters is if you're genuine, unpretentious and practice traditional manners and philosophies. When folks like that get together, it IS going to be a VERY pleasant experience!

Whose heart could be so hard that this kind of music doesn't move them?