View Full Version : Home brew BB caps?

Buckshot Bill
04-28-2017, 08:44 PM
Has anyone had any success with a homebrew version of these?

I picked up a smoothbore flobert project gun, I'd like to shoot it but $35 per 100 hurts, would like to reload a substitute.

It seems the copper cases are essential in part to keeping the action closed on my first model flobert where the breech is basically held shut only by the tension of the hammer spring. Otherwise I would just use .22 short brass. I have a .220 roundball mold, my bore measures .210 so I should be ok there. Bite the bullet and buy a packet of these then reload using prime all compound and maybe a pinch of FFFg?

Would be interested in hearing from anyone who has tried something like this, that might save me a bit of time and frustration.

I know I could retire it and hang it up as a look pretty but it's very hard for me to own a gun and not shoot it at least a few times :)

04-28-2017, 11:01 PM
I bought the 22 reloader kit for very similar reasons.
I want to reload other Rimfires other than 22 LR.
Like my .32 rimfire or when I make some cases, a .38 Rimfire.

04-29-2017, 02:44 AM
I bought and tried the 22 reloader kit. My experience is bad crimping and definitely need to size them after casting. Or else carry a rod to push the tip back out after it sticks and no fires. The primeall is a good mix, but hard to ensure it gets into the rim uniformly enough.

I'll play with it some more as time goes by, but I think for the trouble, it's more of the novelty of just being able to do it.

Just my $0.02

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04-29-2017, 03:53 PM
I agree in many ways HtNRun.
I bought it so I could play with it and Bank Away the knowledge that I can expand or improve on.

It is better to have the knowledge and not use it, Then to need the knowledge, and it not be availabe.