View Full Version : Suggestions for Female Carry SCCY CPX-II

04-23-2017, 10:16 PM
Recently I bought my wife a Sccy CPX-2 for her to use as a carry weapon. However her carry preference is the flash bang bra holster. After looking into it, the flash bang is not offered in the CPX-2. So I am asking the wealth of knowledge here, what would be a good carry option for a woman with this firearm ?

04-24-2017, 01:07 AM
Not intending to be flippant......If she is not comfortable with the way she wants to carry, she probably won't.

04-24-2017, 05:01 AM

04-24-2017, 07:32 AM
A good "in the pants" holster is hard to beat. Since most women wear their shirts not tucked in, it makes it easy to conceal. I don't believe in women carrying in their purse, since that's the first thing a thief is going to go for.

Also, I am not familiar with the gun, but for the Ruger LCP there is a clip that can be mounted to the side so I holster is not needed.

04-24-2017, 08:12 AM
The purse depends a lot of the female's awareness. If she carries the proper purse in the proper way it can give an advantage. There are purses with a pocket designed for the woman's hand to go in the purse not causing alarm. This means when a woman sense's danger she can unzip the gun compartment, and have her hand on the gun ready to deploy. Using revolvers she can get off shots at close range without even removing the gun. Though that will ruin the purse.

04-24-2017, 09:32 AM

04-24-2017, 12:55 PM
My wife has been teaching NRA Women On Target clinics for 16 years now. There is not a single man out there that can find a holster that fits a woman w/o her input.
Purse carry is a hotly debated topic.
Many good purses out there,,, but it is an "off body" carry & the purse is a target for thieves. Awareness reduces the potential problems,,, but they must decide if they like it or not.
On body carry. Women wear their clothing in a different manner than us men. As such,, many do not wear belts. No belt support for a holster. Bra holsters work for very few guns,,, and must be worn by a lady that has a bit of bosom & wear print types of material as to allow the printed material to help conceal the gun. Flat chested & plain solid colors don't work.

Having done a LOT of legwork with MANY manufacturers of items to help ladies carry concealed for about 2 decades, I still defer to the ladies when I ask them what they like.
What the ladies in my family that carry,,, (currently there are 5 ladies in the family that carry,) have found to be the most comfortable is this;
UnderTech Undercover compression shorts. Look them up,,, they are comfortable & well liked by the ladies.

04-24-2017, 02:48 PM
Reminds me of an exchange I once had with my best friend:

"Hey Chris, Becky carries a gun doesn't she?"

"No, why?"

"Well, the other day you told me she was packin' twin 38's that would knock a man dead!"

04-24-2017, 05:30 PM
A purse, even when it is not a target for theft, can be expected to be separated very shortly from its carrier should a woman be assaulted. Since women are subject to overpowering attempts when they are victimized, real thought should be given to viewing purse carry as the liability it actually is.

04-24-2017, 05:42 PM
A purse, even when it is not a target for theft, can be expected to be separated very shortly from its carrier should a woman be assaulted. Since women are subject to overpowering attempts when they are victimized, real thought should be given to viewing purse carry as the liability it actually is.

Well this falls into the category of getting your tallywacker whacked, or cut off. Instead I encourage women who wish to purse carry to learn the right way. And if her hand is on her gun when the purse is snatched, well the thief just completed her draw. See they can walk with their hand on their gun without getting arrested for brandishing.

04-24-2017, 05:48 PM
OK, first of all, I assume you CALLED Flashbang to inquire??

http://www.sccy.com/product-category/handguns/cpx-2/ (http://www.sccy.com/product-category/handguns/cpx-2/)

For ankle use the Desantis Apache

04-24-2017, 06:31 PM
The problem is when her hand isn't on the gun when she is assaulted.

Despite admonishments to be in Condition Yellow all the time, at some point we will get caught flatfooted or possibly assaulted by someone who knows how to ambush.

Being immediately separated from one's arm strikes me as a bad idea for logical reasons.

Carrying on body, I can also put my hand on my pistol covertly. Just gotta know how. Not difficult. If somebody grabs me before I can get my hand on my pistol I'm in trouble, but I at least have better access to the pistol than if it was off body and I'm scrambling to keep my balance, or have been grappling with someone, or have been knocked over.

Being so situationally aware that that you can always spot trouble before it occurs is not something I tell people they can absolutely count on. Being that women's use of the handgun may be even more up close and personal than men's, the idea is worth thinking about.

04-24-2017, 07:03 PM
The problem is when her hand isn't on the gun when she is assaulted.

Despite admonishments to be in Condition Yellow all the time, at some point we will get caught flatfooted or possibly assaulted by someone who knows how to ambush.

Being immediately separated from one's arm strikes me as a bad idea for logical reasons.

Carrying on body, I can also put my hand on my pistol covertly. Just gotta know how. Not difficult. If somebody grabs me before I can get my hand on my pistol I'm in trouble, but I at least have better access to the pistol than if it was off body and I'm scrambling to keep my balance, or have been grappling with someone, or have been knocked over.

Being so situationally aware that that you can always spot trouble before it occurs is not something I tell people they can absolutely count on. Being that women's use of the handgun may be even more up close and personal than men's, the idea is worth thinking about.

Police have been stabbed open carrying ON BODY. The primary prevention of violent crime is SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. The way most women carry a purse, yes they are a target whether armed or not. A women carrying a sturdy purse properly without a firearm is less likely to have a purse snatch. Ya know why? Because they are not presenting themselves as a victim. Look like a victim, become one.

The other problem is getting on the wrong side of a strong female by sticking your nose where it does not belong. But if you prefer whiny submissive women ya might get away with it.

04-25-2017, 11:14 AM
We did inquire, it took a while for them to get back with us but they do have a model that fits the cpx it is just listed as a different model.

Thanks for the other suggestions, I will probably get a couple other designs for her to try as well. Like stated above she will need to be comfortable while wearing it.

04-25-2017, 11:23 AM
We did inquire, it took a while for them to get back with us but they do have a model that fits the cpx it is just listed as a different model.

Thanks for the other suggestions, I will probably get a couple other designs for her to try as well. Like stated above she will need to be comfortable while wearing it.

I forgot that the CPX, and the Keltec are virtually the same. Guessing that is the model they are referring.

04-25-2017, 12:45 PM
Suggesting a method of carry that allows access to the gun even when situational awareness may be lacking or circumvented strikes me as a much better idea than placing a firearm in a less accessible place when things do not go according to the scripted ideal of perfect situational awareness all the time, which is quite unrealistic.

Better to still have access to the firearm when everything goes awry. That means on body carry.

04-25-2017, 02:51 PM

04-25-2017, 03:10 PM
Suggesting a method of carry that allows access to the gun even when situational awareness may be lacking or circumvented strikes me as a much better idea than placing a firearm in a less accessible place when things do not go according to the scripted ideal of perfect situational awareness all the time, which is quite unrealistic.

Better to still have access to the firearm when everything goes awry. That means on body carry.

What it boils down to is you have no control over the methods of others, you might as well stop obsessing over it. It is not healthy.

04-25-2017, 03:13 PM
Flashbangs are quite often suggested by guys ... go figure!

They do have some drawbacks ... in no particular order ...

The wearer has to have the right figure.

The wearer has to have clothes that allows "flashing"

The wearer has to be able handle the extra weight on the bra straps, not only to not sag the front, but to not dig into the shoulders ...

Too much "overhang" can allow the gun to "swing" which will chaff ...

For a few women, they work ... unfortunately probably most of them are sitting in a box/drawer like our "collections"

I showed them to the wife, her response was "no way" seems a bra for some women is uncomfortable enough, she can't wait to get hers off when she comes home. Her word is final, no matter what I think. We have been together for 38 years because we do not tell each other what to do.

04-25-2017, 03:13 PM
I've found that if you help a woman with a choice of a gun, holster, or probably anything else, if they don't like it, it will be your fault.

On the other hand, if you don't help them and let them decide for themselves, it will also be your fault.

It's a no-win game, so why play?

Unless you just enjoy jousting with windmills or pissing on electric fences...

04-25-2017, 04:56 PM
I do not have control over what other choose to do. However, I can make recommendations that are in their best interest. Purse carry or off body carry is not in their best interest. I understand good advice is often ignored, but that does not change the fact that it is good advice.

Nobody is obsessing over this and it is quite mistaken of you to suggest that is what is happening. I just never tell women purse carry is a smart thing to do. Ever.

04-26-2017, 07:33 AM
My wife went with an appendix carry holster from Well Armed Women, for her 642. Her preferred method of carry.
She also has a Thesis all Kydex IWB Holster. Since she's right handed and I'm a lefty....she couldn't try any of mine. Mika's pocket holster is my preferred method of carry and is ambidexterious, but women's small pockets aren't conducive to that type.



Tom W.
04-26-2017, 10:45 AM
While the SCCY is a nice pistol I just couldn't get used to the safety being ,to me, upside-down​.

Tom W.
04-26-2017, 11:03 AM
While the SCCY is a nice pistol I just couldn't get used to the safety being ,to me, upside-down​.

04-26-2017, 11:10 AM
While the SCCY is a nice pistol I just couldn't get used to the safety being ,to me, upside-down​.

The cpx 2 doesn't have a safety, they put a longer trigger pull on it alot like some of the snubby revolvers.

Tom W.
04-26-2017, 04:05 PM
Ok, whatever model I picked up at the LGS had one......

04-26-2017, 04:43 PM
I do not have control over what other choose to do. However, I can make recommendations that are in their best interest. Purse carry or off body carry is not in their best interest. I understand good advice is often ignored, but that does not change the fact that it is good advice.

Nobody is obsessing over this and it is quite mistaken of you to suggest that is what is happening. I just never tell women purse carry is a smart thing to do. Ever.

And yet you are commenting again on another person's choice of carry.

04-26-2017, 06:14 PM
And yet only you are getting upset about it. Good advice it still is. Since the OP asked about on body methods of carry, perhaps we should let him stick with it.

Wild Bill 7
04-26-2017, 06:27 PM
Look at Dene Adams holsters, different styles of body hugging holsters for the waste and thigh style holsters. The Mrs. is looking at both.

04-26-2017, 06:32 PM
And yet only you are getting upset about it. Good advice it still is. Since the OP asked about on body methods of carry, perhaps we should let him stick with it.

Yes we should! It is none of our business how she carries. She will carry how she wishes despite your whining.

04-27-2017, 08:13 AM
My you are getting too personally invested in this as you are quite upset in using the words "whining and obsessing." Language of the sort rather implies the accuser is guilty of same. It was and is worth noting that off body carry is the type most strongly recommended against and I have a great deal of company in so doing.

If you want to rationally debate the point we can add something to the thread. If you want to keep using words that show how personally invested you are in your beliefs, better to just let it go and not further hijack the thread.