View Full Version : Best Black Powder..."home grown' Recipe?

Nose Dive
04-20-2017, 11:07 PM
OK guys.... here goes.... getting back in to black powder after years and years of 'heavy magnum' smokless shoulder killing rifles and pistols..... I guess...here...I am 'coming back home' to where I jumped into reloading...casting....shooting...

OK...OK...yea... 40 years plus, but old black powder in a pistol now, to me... at 65 or so...(OK...OK...PLUS) is again fun....

So... know I have time...and little money....'go figure'... I want to again make my own black powder.... I did in the third grade...yep... used my 'home made' to win my 3rd grade science project fair.... "a volcano' of mud with a hole in it...stuff with 'my home' made black powder and "FIRED IT UP"... won first price hands down.... Principal ate my butt out for smoking up the gym...but... well...screw him.....God rest his Christian soul in his grave....60 years on....

So now, with 20lbs of store bought saltpeter..(potassium nitrate) and powdered Sulfur...store bought too...OK...OK...got both from SEED RANCH website...we used to have to get saltpeter from the Commissary. Granulatged and low purity....but we made it work...

SO know guys... QUESTION TO MY FELLOW Black Powder compatriots is....

What is your best mix? 75-15-10? 75-13-12? Nitrate_Charcoal_Sulfur....???? Got something better?

I know...grind each separately.... mix well... add Isopropnoyl and mix well again and then spread to dry. Break clumps and blend easy..... ready? yea?

What do you guys like the best.... best BURN rates and pressures and velocities? I do 75-15-10.

Got any better ideas? Any tips for the 'home boys' who do it ourselves?

thanks gents....limme know!!!

Nose Dive

Cheap, Fast, Good. Kindly pick two.

PS....http://www.seedranch.com... had lots of neat stuff....ND

04-20-2017, 11:40 PM

04-21-2017, 04:55 PM
Even longer and everything you need to know :awesome:http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?103852-My-homemade-black-powder

Nose Dive
04-22-2017, 01:01 AM
Why add dextrin to BP mix?

Nose Dive
Cheap, Fast, Good. Kindly pick two.

04-22-2017, 02:29 AM
To make the grains harder and not crumble III

Good Cheer
04-22-2017, 08:21 AM
Heh, mine was 75-10-15 right out of the library encyclopedia in 5th grade, Maple Lawn Elementary, Dallas, TX.
Experienced incidents and close calls. Found out how come powder mills have those buildings spaced apart a ways.