View Full Version : What the heck !

04-19-2017, 09:27 PM
I haven't been on much , just looked and 2 threads put up in the Chapel in 2 days ! Ken , Ted , Jim , Paul , Jimmy , Luke , Don , Ron , Dennis , Ray , James and many more...WHAT TA HECK !

Easter lag ? No praise , prayer ! No needs ? Heaven ain't descended yet and we ain't through .

Ken in Iowa
04-19-2017, 09:57 PM
I'm still here and needy.

Easter week has been a blessing for me with lots of friends and family.

04-19-2017, 10:14 PM
Go to our town country gent lost his dad

04-19-2017, 11:00 PM
that's what happens when the ring leader is absent :p

Pine Baron
04-20-2017, 12:46 PM
Dang it! I'm here, holding on the best I can.

04-20-2017, 07:53 PM
Dang it! I'm here, holding on the best I can.

I'm here , holding on the best I can ....Dang right , I can relate to that ! We all have been there , I may use that when I talk to GOD at bedtime tonight . Thank you Pine Baron !

Preacher Jim
04-20-2017, 08:35 PM
I am here but been busy praying for you Boaz Lord must be tired of me petitioning Him about you.

04-20-2017, 08:54 PM
I am here but been busy praying for you Boaz Lord must be tired of me petitioning Him about you.

I thank you brother , your prayers are not wasted ...they are needed and appreciated . The situation keeps going south . Thank you .

04-20-2017, 09:22 PM
Still thinking about you Ken and praying.

Been kinda busy just keeping my own little ship afloat.

Nothing seriously wrong, just the medicine I have been on for the last 15 years is not working like it did. And there are not a lot of alternatives available.

About 18 years ago after using and abusing my body my Adrenal glands pretty much just packed up and quit. Left me slip sliding away in my chair watching time disappear in 1-3 hour chunks. Been better since we finally figured it out. Closest I can say is it is like Addison's, but different cause. My Pituitary gland just never showed up.

We had a CT scan done some 4 years back to get a good look in there. Doc said "maybe a few cells" that is all.

So when everyone else was stretching and growing I was working hard to break 4 feet by the time I graduated. Thanks to the good doctors at Mayo Clinic that was 4' 2" and in 2 more years I was up to 5 feet even and they took me off the Human Growth Hormones. (from cadavers) I was one of the first 3 through the program down at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Mn.

Eventually in my mid 20's I was done growing and they put me on male hormones and I finally hit puberty. I hit it, got halfway through it and stuck.

Part boy with no facial hair, part old man. Unique, smart mouthed, cocky and a real pain in the posterior at times. That is me.

I am 64, still have a full head of hair, starting to see just a hint of gray at the temples.

All donations and prayers gratefully accepted, but I am ok, not asking.
Just struggling a bit.

Did not really help that the Lord asked me to do some fasting this week.

You now know more than you ever wanted to about me. It might explain a thing or 2.
By the time I hit my mid 40's I was only 20 years behind everyone else I grew up with. Found the most amazing woman in the world. Hard worker, smart, masters degree and a huge heart. We are both in our own way broken. But together we make a more perfect union. May 25 2017 will be 21 years for us. That is a long time when you start late.

Love you brothers, thanks for letting me ramble.

04-21-2017, 05:35 PM
You need to ramble more often I enjoyed geting a glimps of our life

love you too

Ken in Iowa
04-21-2017, 06:08 PM
You need to ramble more often I enjoyed geting a glimps of our life

love you too

the true heart often comes out in such ramblings. I used to diarize calling them "random thoughts" for my title. :)

04-21-2017, 10:52 PM
I am still here also and still praying for you and several others. Having health issues with my back again. scheduled for consult with Pain Management at the VA on the 17th of May. Prayers continueing.

Bro. Albert

fast ronnie
04-22-2017, 01:12 AM
Busy with life, trying to keep stuff going. Took the wife's race car to town today for display this weekend for a cancer fundraiser. Supposed to pick her and the car up Sunday after church. Got lots to do tomorrow, too.
We are leading a new marriage strengthening group at church and will be having our second meeting this Sunday. Many marriages are in trouble today, and we hope to help strengthen those we can help.

04-22-2017, 09:22 PM
Thanks Ghost, for the self revelation. I think we'd all like to meet face to face and get to know each other much better. I think we'd be surprised at many of us. The thoughts and sentiments of a man do not reflect what we are on the outside, just on the inside. There are a lot of truly quality human being believers here. I'm constantly humbled and edified by all of you. It's amazing how folks can relate when they just lay their honest inner thoughts and cares out in the open, and drop the PC facade. When folks stop relating to each other genuinely and honestly, nothing good can arise from that. It's SO good to see so many willing and able to drop whatever facade we wear in the rest of the world, and just be fully, completely "human" here, and so devout and interested in learning more about each other, and our Lord, and all that He tried to teach us. It's what makes this place so very "special." Thanks to all of you.