View Full Version : anyone ever compare WFT to WFTII?

04-17-2017, 12:42 PM
No traction on calguns, maybe someone here has experience.

I've used the WFT, it's a great trimmer. I want to buy one for myself now, is the cost increase of the WFTII worth it? Anyone ever use both?

At a minimum, can anyone confirm the WFTII trims as well as the WFT?

04-17-2017, 02:52 PM
I just love these responses that start out, "I don't know anything about xxxxx but. . ." So here's what I think. I don't have and have not used a WFTII. I have a WFT in .223 and it's a great tool. It was the last .223 trimmer I bought prior to getting a good deal on the Dillon press mounted trimmer. The WFTII wasn't available when I got mine but if it had been I would have bought the II. With the WFT you have to buy a complete new tool for every cartridge. With the II the initial outlay is only $25 extra and the additional investment is much lower for additional cartridges.

If if you intend to trim large quantities of multiple cartridges you may br better off with individual trimmers but if you only intend to trim a few hundred of each then the II is probably a better purchase for you. I've tried pretty much every trimmer available except the Giraud and the WFTII. I have a Forster, WFT, Lee, Dillon Rapid Trimmer, Possum Hollow and probably some that I've forgotten. For low volume rifle I would still want the Forster even if I had a Giraud for high volume. If starting from scratch today I would go with the WFTII.


04-17-2017, 03:46 PM
I guess then I'm wondering if the bushings are snug, or do they inject enough tolerance into the stack to worry about. First set will be for my ruger precision rifle, so I don't want to be "just good enough" to get by...