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View Full Version : Nov. 8 th prop 63 Calif. ?

04-17-2017, 11:56 AM
States that ammo can not be shipped to buyer . Does this cover cast bullets and air rifle pellets that are not live ? Marvin

04-17-2017, 02:13 PM
Hang on, it will soon outlaw spears, kitchen knives and forks.
After 9-11 I had worked for the airlines for 42 years, the dumb security was set up and we had to go through it. They confiscated my fork and nail clippers from my lunch bucket. Mechanics could not bring tools through.
Need the wall around the commy state.

04-17-2017, 02:38 PM
Is that in effect now, or after jan 2018?

Follow Me
04-17-2017, 02:45 PM
I feel that the liberals in California have a very distorted vision of the real world and of what/where the state is going. Of course, since I do not live there and pay taxes there, many Cali's will give me the "middle finger" for even opening my mouth. The situation is very sad. I would not ever, never step foot into that state. My condolences to the sane folks that live there.
Just my $.03.

04-17-2017, 03:07 PM
It starts at the end of this year. Currently it does NOT include components, but I expect once in place, even the dumbest of liberals will figure out some of us reload & components will also fall under the bill. The sneaky thing that I guarantee happens is once the ammo purchasing is restricted to Kalif borders, you will see a per loaded round tax like Seattle has.
This new law is more about revenue than safety IMO, but they could never pass it as such. Kalif loses millions in sales tax annually & this will effectively close that loop hole. Then the ammo tax will come, I expect by 2020. I won't play the game, no lic or purchasing inside Kalif for me. All the libs are doing is pushing the hard working folks to other states. All that will be left are the rich that don't care & the illegals.

04-17-2017, 08:35 PM
it only covers ammo for now.
I made a vow last year when this went through to not purchase any ammo online so those in California could stockpile as much as they could afford.

they are also talking about needing a back round check to purchase ammo here shortly.

04-17-2017, 08:42 PM
I have not ever understood why liberal folks can be so liberal about everything , except for things related to firearms...

If they were true "liberal" folks, they should be "liberal" about folks who want to have firearms. THey are liberal about everything else, right?

I will forever be pondering the idiocy of certain parts of the human race....

I hope that you folks who tend towards the more conservative end of the spectrum out there, find some way to overcome the narrowmindedness of the ones who seem to be taking control of your state.

G'luck! Looks like ya need it a lot....

04-17-2017, 09:38 PM
Thanks for the replies . Marvin

04-18-2017, 12:08 PM
"Liberal" is just a name for a bunch of "pie in the sky/Pollyanna" thinking people, not a descriptive term. They "liberally" throw their "free everything for anybody" politics around.

I grew up in So. CA (born in So. Central LA) and saw firsthand the craziness. When I finally decided to flee, it was too late as I had a very good career going and couldn't afford to leave, but two days after I retired I was outta there! The problem is the state is run by the large urban centers (thickly populated and ghetto areas; L.A., Bay Area, Sacramento, etc.) and the "real people" are vastly outnumbered...

04-18-2017, 12:55 PM
Is it legal to own a bullet mould in CA. ?

04-18-2017, 02:41 PM
I have not ever understood why liberal folks can be so liberal about everything , except for things related to firearms...

If they were true "liberal" folks, they should be "liberal" about folks who want to have firearms. THey are liberal about everything else, right?

I will forever be pondering the idiocy of certain parts of the human race....

I hope that you folks who tend towards the more conservative end of the spectrum out there, find some way to overcome the narrowmindedness of the ones who seem to be taking control of your state.

G'luck! Looks like ya need it a lot....
Wait! Are you saying Liberal's are hypocrites???!!! Say it isn't so!:groner:

04-18-2017, 02:41 PM
Is it legal to own a bullet mould in CA. ?

Sure but lead, that is a whole nother can of worms.

04-18-2017, 02:55 PM
Funny how certain provisions from the GCA were repealed because they weren't feasible. California obviously wants all firearms and ammo banned and are reinstating some of these provisions. They are getting closer one small bite at a time.

04-18-2017, 04:06 PM
Right now there are more people on Welfare and not working here in CA than are working and paying taxes. Just wait until the Mexican/Americans here start starving! They will revolt when the Social and Free Stuff programs run out of money due to higher demand,,, and they do know exactly who to go after.

The Liberals here are desperately trying to execute Saul Alinsky's 8 point plan to create a Socialist State, which is 3 points short of Lenin's 11 point plan to create a Communist State ruled by Russia. They are not doing a bad job of it either.

In a Communist state everyone is supposed to be equal and enjoy the same level of living. That's how they sell it to stupid people. However we also know that it is not the case and the rich always live better than the poor and those in control live the best of all. This while the people at the bottom starve to death under the direct mandate of those in control.(cutting Losses and trimming the fat that got them there in the first place.

In Russia, Stalin created a Famine and killed 30 million of his own people by starvation, just to make a point. And that point was,,, either knuckle under, or die! Those that did knuckle under still died!

However that is not going to happen here simply because I have not talked to one LEO that is going to enforce Gavie's new laws. There are more guns in this state than any other state in the Union and the Politicos will never get them all. As long as we have the means to fight, they can never win. Everyone who turns in magazines here is sending in "printed magazines" not ammo feeding devices.

Also there is a thing called the Federal Government which ultimately "TRUMPS" State Laws, and I only hope that they can reign in these crazies before it is too late.

Hey Jeff Sessions,,, how about arresting some politicians for defying Federal Immigration Laws? That would be a better start than cutting their funding, which only has resulted in a new gas tax to fund their projected short falls!

Why not start at the top and work down instead of the namby pamby approach of "Incremental Law Enforcement," which they are counting on. It's called an effective approach to "Stopping the Insanity!"

And Insanity can't be allowed to run a state.

Ask me how I really feel. I just got back from Front Sight where I bonded with hundreds of like minded people from all over the US and primarily CA.


04-18-2017, 04:43 PM
Is it legal to own a bullet mould in CA. ? Yes, but lead is questionable...

04-18-2017, 07:00 PM
:D Do you fine folks here know why the calif abbreviation for California was dropped?Well here it is.Too many people began to think that it stood for"Come And Live In Florida";).
Good luck.have fun.Be safe.

04-18-2017, 08:29 PM
Wait! Are you saying Liberal's are hypocrites???!!! Say it isn't so!:groner:
Yup.. That is pretty much what I am sayin.. ;)

Oklahoma Rebel
04-19-2017, 03:02 PM
think about it though, those cops say they wouldn't enforce, but when it comes to either enforce, or be fired and them not having money to feed their family, atleast a good few will give in and go to the dark side

Oklahoma Rebel
04-19-2017, 03:03 PM
I hope I am wrong though

04-19-2017, 03:11 PM
Does the state of California have the right to stop interstate commerce ?