View Full Version : Our Lauren

04-13-2017, 06:35 PM
It's been almost two weeks since our Lauren was killed by a truck driver in Illinois. She was a 24 year old RN in Neurosurgical ICU. She spent most of her life brightening peoples days. How does a parent deal with this?

04-13-2017, 07:19 PM
It's impossible to advise nannyhammer , My heart goes out to brother . Rely on GOD , depend on him . Talk to him often , pray with your wife and family , request council with your pastor/priest . Don't let it lay and smolder , talk to those you trust and love . Give it time brother , please give it time . Lauren is home now , take care of yourself and family .

GOD knows your pain . Many here will pray for you and yours . PM me if I can help and there are others that will respond also . I am praying for you .


square butte
04-13-2017, 07:28 PM
I am so sorry for your loss - May you know the presence of God and receive His comfort

04-13-2017, 07:39 PM
Words cannot express simpathy in your loss. God and Church is the answer, pastor, friends and the congreation as a whole will help you. God is the Great Physician.

country gent
04-13-2017, 07:42 PM
My prayers are for you Nannyhammer. Remember her always and she will always be there.

04-13-2017, 07:46 PM
No words, but prayers sent.

daniel lawecki
04-13-2017, 08:00 PM
I'm loss for words Keep The Faith prayers sent.

04-13-2017, 08:20 PM
David, I searched the news articles and read the obituary. Lauren seems to have been a bright, wonderful & well accomplished person. A tragic loss at such a young age.. I've been involved in many tragedies, you never get over them completely. As I was writing this I was notified of another tragedy, family friends high school son took his life last night. Unfortunately we must continue on and support our family and friends, never forgetting the loved ones we've lost. Our hearts are heavy for Lauren and your family, The Knaus Family

04-13-2017, 09:08 PM
I am so sorry. A parent should never have to outlive their child. I have no words that can help in a time like this but we will pray for your family.

04-13-2017, 09:21 PM
Prayers are sent.
Jesus in telling his disciples that he would soon be crucified,told them that he would be sending The Comforter. "The" tells me there is only one, so comfort must come from the Holy Spirit that came on the day of Penecost.
The Bible also says that death has a sting. Time will help but the sting never leaves completely. When things are unbearable,pray and read God's Word and ask for comfort.

04-13-2017, 09:45 PM
nannyhammer there is nothing that we can say will make you feel any better brother but you can be assured that we are there for you and your family brother. The question is always why but there are no human answers. With time you and your family will heal but my prayers do go out for you all.

Father, Please bring comfort and understanding to nannyhammer and his family. No parent wants to lose a child but for some reason You have called her home. Please walk with them and help them to dwell on the good times they shared together and not fixate over what has happened. Father, only time and You can heal the chasm that was left with their daughter's passing and I pray that You walk with them and show them the grace and healing that they desperately need at this time in their lives. AMEN

04-13-2017, 09:59 PM
I don't have any answers for you but I know the one who dose! Seek him he will show you guide you comfort you and some day in his time you will be together with Lauren again in a place with no pain and no tears

04-13-2017, 10:08 PM
nannyhammer there is nothing that we can say will make you feel any better brother but you can be assured that we are there for you and your family brother. The question is always why but there are no human answers. With time you and your family will heal but my prayers do go out for you all.

Father, Please bring comfort and understanding to nannyhammer and his family. No parent wants to lose a child but for some reason You have called her home. Please walk with them and help them to dwell on the good times they shared together and not fixate over what has happened. Father, only time and You can heal the chasm that was left with their daughter's passing and I pray that You walk with them and show them the grace and healing that they desperately need at this time in their lives. AMEN

Amen .

04-13-2017, 10:10 PM
There are no magic words to say or things to do that will make it better. In time all of your thoughts of Lauren will be of her bright, loving sunny side. I'll pray for you that the time between now and then passes quickly.


04-13-2017, 10:12 PM
I can't imagine losing a child. My youngest son was in a wreck in S.C. last week, I had to make a whielwind trip there to pick him up. Totaled the car and very easily could have killed him, made my wife and I think.

Prayers sent, the world is a poorer place without her.

04-13-2017, 10:49 PM
Cling to our Father and your wife. Cherish Good Friday in the assurance tha He knows what it mean to lose a Son, that he has the peace you both need.

04-13-2017, 11:23 PM
I can only imagine the unspeakable pain and loss you are experiencing, I'm so sorry for your loss. The answer to your question is, minute by minute, day by day, never in isolation and surrounded by those who love you.

04-13-2017, 11:35 PM
You and all concerned are in my prayers.

04-14-2017, 12:52 AM
My heart goes out to you and yours.

04-14-2017, 01:55 AM
My heart goes out to you and your family.

I have no answers for you...but, more importantly, you have my prayers.

Preacher Jim
04-14-2017, 06:21 AM
Lord you are the only one who can comfort this family, our words are but expressions of your love to them. Lord Jesus wrap them in your loving arms give them the blessing of your healing grace and carry them through this grief. You are the comforter to us in times of sorrow. Keep them surrounded by loving people and your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name Amen

04-14-2017, 07:19 AM
All appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Biggest consolation in the whole deal is that she was 110% behind her faith. We found that she had Hebrews 11:1 on the fridges dry erase board.

04-14-2017, 07:29 AM
God knows..........

The hurt you feel.
The loss you suffer.
The pain.
The anger.
Your sufferings.

God knows.

Give it to him.

God can bear the load.

Give.it to him.

Psalms 139 tells us that our days were numbered before there was one.

God knows.

Sent from my SM-J320V using Tapatalk

04-14-2017, 07:32 AM
Faith will heal

04-14-2017, 07:59 AM
Nannyhammer, I offer you my deepest and heartfelt sympathy.

I know of your pain and sorrow, as I have lived it myself, and if I may offer some advice.

You must turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for help, as He is the final and utmost care giver, giving peace which surpasses all understanding.

You need good and close friends, where you live, and also here, the many faithful Christian brothers and sisters who will offer up prayer and share your grief. A good church family of true believers is also helpful. You will need their shoulder to lean, their ear to listen to your thoughts, and their compassion and love to carry you and uplift you as you go through this trail and time of sorrow and duress.

As followers and believers in Christ Jesus, we are all of one family, no matter how close or far apart we are, we are still one, under the Blood, and we directly connected, by our faith in the Lord. Hence we together in all things.

You must realize, your life has now been changed, and nothing will change that fact. To go forward, you need the help of the Lord in your life, and the help of others. You can not go it alone!

One day at a time. Take each day as it comes, and no matter how sad and depressed you get, never, never quit, or give up.

PM me any time you feel the need, I am always available for you and your wife.

God's grace and care for you and your family.

04-14-2017, 08:15 AM
All appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Biggest consolation in the whole deal is that she was 110% behind her faith. We found that she had Hebrews 11:1 on the fridges dry erase board.

That means more than anything

04-14-2017, 08:28 AM
I hardly ever look at these threads but this morning I felt a strong urge to look and I found this thread. I feel your pain from experience of
losing our oldest son but know that healing comes and thank God for the time you had with her. I know words are hollow at times like this but I and my wife are praying for you. jay

04-14-2017, 08:29 AM
Lost my youngest son 15 years ago in a wreck, God calls them Home for reasons we don't understand. Know that your daughter is in a better place, to be with Her Savior. God be with you. Time lessens the pain.

04-14-2017, 08:33 AM
My heart breaks for you and your family, We are putting your family on our prayer list.

Pine Baron
04-14-2017, 10:02 AM
With a heavy heart and sincere condolences, please accept my tearful prayers.

04-14-2017, 03:29 PM
It's not quite the same thing, but the closest thing I'll ever have to a 2nd son was killed one evening within earshot of our home. He was 21, and my son's best friend, and one fine young man. He was killed coming home from the library where he was studding his courses. It was dark and a deputy, who was also a friend of mine, was responding to a report of a crazy man with a gun. He hit the accelerator, and there was a dispute about whether he had his blue light on. My young friend was turning left to the lane that led to his house, and the deputy was passing, and hit his car right on the doorpost.

Willie, the deputy, was banged up and both cars were totalled. He was probably doing in excess of 80 mph. when he hit Michael's car. Michael was unconscious when the EMT's got there, and they got there very quickly. He was transported to the hospital, and treated there to try to stabilize him, then he was taken to the Lifestar helicopter to Savannah, where they had neurosurgeons who were MUCH better able to treat his head injuries. When they wheeled him out into the ambulance, I saw his head was swolen very badly, and there was no sign of life in his eyes or his face - a very unusual situation I'd never seen before. James, his Dad, asked me to take his other two children home while he rode in the helicopter with Michael and the crew. I did as he bade, and they kept asking me what was going to happen. All I could tell them was that Michael was in God's hands now, and all we could do was pray for him, which we did, and most ardently so. \\

Then I found stuff to make them a sandwish, but they didn't eat much. It was mainly a time-filler for them, really. When James got back, he walked in with Betty, his wife, and I knew instantly from the expression on his face, that the news was not good. He was an old Viet Nam vet and still carries some shrapnel in his leg to this day, but his most courageous act ever had to be in telling his two remaining children that Michael had died. But he did so with such faith and Trust in God, that it couldn't possibly have been done any better.

A lesser man would have folded like a cheap lawn chair, but James was a rock, and under the most unimaginable circumstances possible. The two kids and I wept the bitterest tears we'll ever weep. But again, James and Betty were real rocks, and comforted them as well as they could be comforted. He told them that no matter how badly we hated it, and no matter that we couldn't understand it, that Michael's death was God's will, and we all had to accept it, and just hope one day, we'd be able to understand why this was to be.

And really, that's all any of us CAN do. Just accept even though we can't understand. That's probably the hardest thing we humans can ever be asked to do, but .... sometimes, we have it before us to deal with. Situations like this are no time to be losing our Faith and Trust in our Lord, but times when we MUST cling even more solidly to them than ever before. Nothing hits us as hard as losing someone really close to us, and a child is the hardest thing there is to have to lose. But God has His plans, and He can see MUCH further down the line than we can.

Was she destined to suffer badly with some disease, and was this God's way of mercifully preventing her suffering like that? Was there some reason for her loss? Or was God just wanting that day to "pluck a rose?" We all belong to Him, and He can take any of us whenever it pleases Him, but I don't believe He ever does it without some purpose. What that purpose is may take us a lifetime to discern, but I believe He knows SO much more than we do, that we really HAVE to trust Him and His judgment and actions, rather than our own willful sensibilities.

And maybe ... just maybe .... He HAS to take one of our best and brightest in order to keep all the rest of us ever mindful of the fact that tomorrow is promised to NONE of us? So many possibilities. So little reassurance that we will ever know which one applies to any given example. All we know for sure, is that God truly DOES love us, and He loved your daughter probably especially, because of who and what she was, and her faith that she put into practice in so many lives that she touched.

At least you can rest assured that you will meet her again. And all you really CAN do is live in such a way as to ensure that you, too, will make it to Heaven, to be with her, and reunite with her and so many more of the ones you've loved and honored through the years. When I got home, I couldn't sleep, and I envisioned young Michael grinning and looking down from Heaven, saying, "Y'all don't worry about me. I'm FINE! You just live like you need to so we can meet again when your time comes." I'll never find more reassurance and comfort than that image of him. I believe that's what many, if not most of those who have to leave us early would say to us, if they could but do so.

So take heart. She's not gone. Just changed in form. And you WILL meet her again. Your job now is just to put your Faith into practice, in one of the most regrettable situations we humans can ever face. It's tough, but it's doable, IF you truly have operative Faith. You know full well that this is what she'd tell you if she could, don't you think?

There's comfort in Christ that's beyond any other possible comfort we'll ever know on this earth. Learning to accept that comfort isn't always easy, but it's always worth it, and it always works. She's not gone. Just transformed, and to her, you're the one that warrants the most concern about. Put yourself in her place. Isn't that what you'd do if you were her?

04-14-2017, 03:34 PM
nannyhammer there is nothing that we can say will make you feel any better brother but you can be assured that we are there for you and your family brother. The question is always why but there are no human answers. With time you and your family will heal but my prayers do go out for you all.

Father, Please bring comfort and understanding to nannyhammer and his family. No parent wants to lose a child but for some reason You have called her home. Please walk with them and help them to dwell on the good times they shared together and not fixate over what has happened. Father, only time and You can heal the chasm that was left with their daughter's passing and I pray that You walk with them and show them the grace and healing that they desperately need at this time in their lives. AMEN


04-14-2017, 05:22 PM
I don't have words ( hard to imagine, I know)

Sincere Prayers for Faith, Hope, Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, and Redemption... Amen

04-14-2017, 07:40 PM
All, thanks for your prayers and support.....especially from those of you that have already walked this path.

04-16-2017, 12:57 PM
Started cleaning up things in her apartment so we can put things in storage. Everything you see/smell reminds us of her. Worst Easter weekend ever.

04-16-2017, 01:10 PM
So very sorry Brother

04-16-2017, 07:44 PM
Amen to all the prayers, and may they glorify God the Father in the Name of Christ Jesus!

04-16-2017, 08:20 PM
No words, Just prayers & Don't go it alone stay with friends and family. Trust in God.

04-17-2017, 03:09 PM
Pain will never quite heal completely, but it gets much better, once you realize you'll see her again. But the void she left behind can never be really filled. All you CAN do is keep your faith, so you WILL see her again, when your time to go comes. I doubt we'll ever understand fully why these things happen. We always tend to ask, "Why me?" instead of "Why not me?"

Trials come to everyone in this life, but this is probably the most difficult to bear. But the better you bear it, the more others who know you can come to reconcile themselves when something similar happens to them. I think your daughter would be VERY proud of you for showing your Faith in this most horrible of circumstances. Live to please her, as well as our Lord, and when you see her again, all will be blessed so immeasurably, and happy beyond our wildest dreams. "All things work to the good for those who love the Lord."

Without real trials in our lives, we'd probably be the sorriest creatures on the face of the earth. Leaning this is our greatest mission here, I believe. God bless you and all who loved her so much, and bring you the peace that comes with the certainty of our Faith. It truly matters, and matters SO much!

04-22-2017, 02:39 PM
Another rough day.....packed up the apartment so that we can place many of her things in storage until everything gets settled. Hopefully only one more day to empty things out.

04-22-2017, 05:56 PM
Be with family , friends , pastor/priest , church members . Talk and share with those that loved her . Don't isolate ! Everyone that loved her is grieving , share that grief because it is real . In the meantime realize others grief that loved her . It's a shared terrible experience .

Brother my heart aches for your pain , so many here would do anything to help you but distance hinders us . We love you and feel the pain but are helpless to lay a hand on your shoulder and cry with you . But we are here ..talk with you need to . If there is anyone here you would like to personally talk to on the phone I'll try to get their number ...just pm me . It will get better , GOD blessed you with your amazing daughter and he will help you recover .

Pm me if I can help .


04-22-2017, 06:01 PM
I'm not the only one . I would suggest anyone willing to help post or pm a message of help .

04-22-2017, 07:21 PM
Boaz, we are by no means staying isolated and have one set of grandparents and my wife's sister in the area. With today's technology and unlimited cell/text I'm staying in touch with most of my family and a few of her co-workers. I'm sure we'll get through but voicing the pain seems to help us the most. Of all the things you think about doing in your life, I guess I never thought this would be in our path. Was always told that God will never give you more than you can handle but some day's it sure feels like he overfills our plates.

04-22-2017, 07:21 PM
nannyhammer, Healing is slow but like you said Lauren's faith was rock solid.....It will get better but it is going to take time......like BOAZ.....you can pm me if there is anything I can do for you and your family.....Paul

04-22-2017, 07:37 PM
Boaz, we are by no means staying isolated and have one set of grandparents and my wife's sister in the area. With today's technology and unlimited cell/text I'm staying in touch with most of my family and a few of her co-workers. I'm sure we'll get through but voicing the pain seems to help us the most. Of all the things you think about doing in your life, I guess I never thought this would be in our path. Was always told that God will never give you more than you can handle but some day's it sure feels like he overfills our plates.

He will never put on you more than you can bear ...that is the truth . But you can seek help . DO it , there are those that will help . There are those that will help , wanting to help . If you need .

04-22-2017, 09:09 PM
Boaz is right. He'll never put more on you than you can share, but He never promised He wouldn't allow us to be stretched to our limit on rare occasions. And nothing can stretch us to the limit like the loss of a child, of any age. Our muscles benefit from stretching and constant exercise. So do our spiritual lives. When stretched, they become stronger, more solid and deeper. If we never got challenged, we'd be a bunch of real "softies" who had little strength in a challenging situation. It's an awful price to pay for that strength, but we as believers have the assurance that we'll meet all those we've lost along our way again, and this time, nothing will part us ever again. What a wonderful day that will be! But God chooses the time, not us, and that goes for all of us of all ages and beliefs. We grieve now, but later on, we'll all rejoice, and never again will know loss. Blessed be the name of the Lord.