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View Full Version : B2 and Migraines

04-12-2017, 12:37 AM
OK this is a thread that MIGHT HELP a FEW of our MEMBERS here

Also what the Doctors feel is safe for ME might not be for you
So please talk to your Migraine Doctor before you try B2

Well I got my every 3 month $5 K Botox in my forehead the other day to "HELP" with my migraines

New Doctor , as the old one and the hospital got in a fight and he left or was Helped to leave

IMO s Better Doctor
As he and his intern spent a while looking at all the med's I take

He is trying to get a number of "New" med's for me to use

One of them is B2 the vitamin
200 Mg , 2 times a day

He submitted forms so Ohio Workman's Comp will pay for all the new med's

I did 2 search's on B2 and found a lot of study papers on the subject saying it helps
But non of them say why

Today I ask another Doctor helping me with nerve pain about B2
He said it wouldn't help the nerve pain , but he said he is hearing good things about it
More ladies get migraines , so there isn't as much data for men , but all the info I read says it works for men also

And he chuckeled the the main thing people talk about ... it many times turns your "Pee" dark Yellow or Orange

But I saw bottles of 100 count , of 100 Mg tablets for just over $5

So for 24 cents a day , I am going to try it
I sure hope it helps some

Oh , also my lady laughed
That next time I have to give one of the Doctors a "sample"
I might get a few more tests run on me LOL


04-12-2017, 12:45 AM
Hope it works...and it is certainly worth a try.

Prayer sent for you.

04-12-2017, 01:00 AM
Just so I understand you correctly, the Botox shots were no help?
My daughter gets migraines frequently and they are severe. She is talking about getting the Botox maybe next week.

04-12-2017, 01:08 AM
Just so I understand you correctly, the Botox shots were no help?
My daughter gets migraines frequently and they are severe. She is talking about getting the Botox maybe next week.

Seems they help, but don't eliminate the headaches.

Well I got my every 3 month $5 K Botox in my forehead the other day to "HELP" with my migraines

04-12-2017, 07:42 AM
Johnch, are you also taking Magnesium?? My Numerologist recommended at least 400 mg daily. Magnesium is also a supplement and I take it daily, I believe it has helped me greatly.

I would also recommend you get and read the book, " Grain Brain" by neurologist David Perlmutter, MD :



04-12-2017, 11:14 AM
it's hard to read anything when you got tunnel vision and dancing lights going back and forth across your vision.
B vitamins seem to help a lot of things [and also help other vitamins and minerals be absorbed by the body] so taking them for migraines could certainly be helpful.

04-12-2017, 11:29 AM
Just so I understand you correctly, the Botox shots were no help?
My daughter gets migraines frequently and they are severe. She is talking about getting the Botox maybe next week.

Help Yes

But I can only get the shots every 3 months
First 1 1/2 months 75% reduction
Next 1/2 month 50% reduction
Last month starts at 50% reduction and quickly gets to no help at all

And if you get the shots to close togeather in time , your body builds antybodys to the Botox and it stops working at all


04-12-2017, 11:36 AM
I fight the same fight and had been curious about botox. As it stands I have a prescription for Sumatriptan which for the most part does a pretty good job. Sometimes the migraine is just flat out bad and wants to hang out but usually the Sumatriptan does the trick. I used to take Maxalt but it was less effective for me.