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04-08-2017, 03:31 PM
I'm no metallurgist, and certainly no pro at alloys, but has anyone ever tried adding Vi.agra to their lead to make it harder?

I'm thinking it might work, but you'd have to shoot the bullets within 4 hours?

Water quenching would probably actually need to be avoided?

04-08-2017, 03:59 PM
Apparently, you got hit by the net nanny that is there to protect us from colorful words and perhaps even spam...

So, I guess we get to treat this like a Wheel of Fortune puzzle...

I'm thinking "v i a g r a", maybe?

04-08-2017, 04:05 PM
Nice! You didn't even have to buy a vowel.

Seriously, Vi.agra is censored? Kinda took the sails outa my post, yanno?

04-08-2017, 04:35 PM
I think it only puts lead in your pencil.

04-08-2017, 04:57 PM
Very hard to work with once it gets hot.

04-08-2017, 05:32 PM
I think it only puts lead in your pencil.

It just gives me a headache and stuffy nose. You can't raise the dead.

04-08-2017, 06:13 PM
It just gives me a headache and stuffy nose. You can't raise the dead.

Sorry to hear that.

04-08-2017, 07:55 PM
it's good for altitude sickness too.
dunno how long it lasts for that.

04-08-2017, 08:01 PM
Heck, if you shoot those you might get baby bullets.

mold maker
04-08-2017, 08:38 PM
It plainly says to avoid excess alcohol. So getting high enough for altitude sickness is out.

04-08-2017, 11:08 PM
Preparation H tubes used to be pure tin, and Frank Marshall used the empty tubes to alloy his lead and flux it at the same time.
"Guaranteed to shrink your groups"

04-08-2017, 11:56 PM
On a Sunday, not too long ago, in a church near here, they have a Sunday school class every Sunday for the lil kids in the basement of the church, while the parents, teenagers & other adults go the the sermon in the church above them. Every month, once a month, the lil ones are brought up to listen to the sermon with the parents and adults to learn how to behave in the "Big persons" church & learn more about biblical things they have been studying. They are asked questions that pertain to the sermon & what they have been learning for the last month in Sunday school... They sit in the front row to be able to hear & be watched over by the rest of the congregation and the pastor..

Well last week end, it was the Sunday that all the lil ones were brought up to spend time in the church & hear the sermon.
After the sermon ended, the pastor looked out at the front row & asked a question to all of the lil ones.. He said, "well, children... We are coming into the Easter week, and as I have talked to your Sunday school teacher, I understand you have been learning about what happened long ago with Jesus during this week & into Easter. I would like to know if any of you can tell me about what Easter & the Resurrection of Jesus means..??"

Well, not one of the lil ones raised a hand to answer, so the Pastor says, " Okay, now I know you have been learning about this & at least one of you should know enough to be able to tell us all a little bit about Easter & the Resurrection..."

Well, after a long pause with nothing happening, one of the lil boys raised his hand. The pastor looked over & said, "Well Jimmy. I am proud of you to stand up and tell us what ya can. You are one of the youngest in the Sunday school class at seven years old, and it took a lot of courage to raise your hand. Can you tell us a little bit about Easter & the Resurrection of Jesus?"

Well, Jimmy kind of acted a bit embarrassed, but he stood up & said, "Yessir, I know a little , but not too much, and it kind of makes me embarrassed to even say anything."

The Pastor says to Jimmy... "Don't be embarrassed Jimmy, just try to tell us what you know about Easter & the Resurrection."

" OKay Pastor. I don't know a lot about Easter, but that we get to look for eggs & sometimes we get some candy & such. And as far as Jesus, I think he is the one that died."

The Pastor said, " Well that is a good start Jimmy. Do you know how long Jesus was dead & why he died?"

"Well, Pastor, I think he died because he didn't go see a Dr. after his Resurrection lasted more than 4 hours. I think it lasted 3 days & that had to hurt so it killed him... I saw it on TV more than once that you are supposed to call the Dr. when your Resurrection goes longer than 4 hours... So, I think we are supposed to listen to the Dr. about the Resurrection...".

The whole church went silent for about 3 seconds & then laughter filled the church... I reckon you know why...

Like Art Linkletter said, & had a show about it long ago....

"Kids say the darnedest things..." And they certainly do...

Have a nice Sunday tomorrow! And a Happy Easter next weekend!