View Full Version : For thought and meditation

04-04-2017, 06:43 AM
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.—1 Corinthians 15:3 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=969b6de687&e=3dd732485b)An advice columnist received this letter about the Resurrection: “Dear Uticus, Our preacher said on Easter that Jesus just swooned on the cross and the disciples nurtured Him back to health. What do you think? Sincerely, Bewildered.”

Here was the response: “Dear Bewildered, Beat your preacher with a cat of nine tails with 39 heavy strokes. Nail him to a cross. Hang him in the sun for three hours. Run a spear through his heart. Embalm him. Put him in an airless tomb for 36 hours, and see what happens. Sincerely, Uticus.”

Inevitably, unbelievers will offer their own concepts regarding the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus in an attempt to discredit the Bible and its message. Among the most commonly held theories is “the swoon theory,” proposing that Jesus didn’t actually die on the cross, but went into a deep coma, or swoon. It further proposes that He was revived in the cool atmosphere of the tomb, was somehow able to get out of the tightly wrapped strips of cloth, and appeared to His disciples.

Yet the Roman guards were the first to report the death of Jesus. They were experts at execution, and they would be put to death themselves if they allowed a condemned man to escape death. These soldiers were so certain Jesus was dead, they did not bother to break His legs. They thrust a spear into His body and out came blood and water (which occurs when the heart stops beating), giving them the final proof they needed.

We can either believe or hang our doubts on some flimsy theory. But the death and Resurrection of Jesus means that one day, we all will stand before God and be held accountable.

Ballistics in Scotland
04-04-2017, 07:25 AM
It is entirely consistent if they were on the take, though. Philo among others describes Pilate as corrupt, and his ambivalence about Jesus's guilt goes oddly with the historical record, which shows that he was recalled after several instances of antagonising Jews. The sponge soaked in vinegar (or more likely GI wine) is an odd way of getting off duty early, and nothing in the Bible describes him as being speared through the heart. That is consistent with the way gladiators were checked in case they were throwing the fight in the hope of a miraculous recovery.

We will never know about these things unless some new Dead Sea Scroll shows up. But it sounds very much like topping up a drug with the sponge, and making sure Jesus wouldn't start people crying "Fake" when they took him down. Of course it was a risky plan. What beats me is how anybody can think Jesus's ideas and message are somehow devalued, either if his friends wangled his survival, or if he simply died. Either would let us out of believing that he sacrificed himself and yet knew he would end up unsacrificed.

04-04-2017, 07:34 AM
If you ever read how barbaric a crucifixion is you would not believe the swoon theory is. Couple that with the numerous reports in the BIBLE and you know that Jesus died for our sins.....Thank You Jesus for saving me a mortal sinner.....PAUL

04-04-2017, 08:54 AM
What love to die in my place,amen.

04-04-2017, 02:07 PM
Amen USMC and what a great post. I love the humor in it, especially. It really puts it all in perspective. And yes, the Bible DOES record that Christ was speared in his side, and that blood and water issued from the wound. The accounts of the crucifixion have been studied and the accounts confirmed by historians, as being fully authentic. But many still believe and doubt. But that's always been the case, hasn't it? Everything in the Bible is pretty well proven now, to be possible in fact, even including Christ's passing through the locked door after the crucifixion to see the disciples, who'd secreted themselves in an upper room for fear they'd be next. Quantum physics has revealed many things that we have heretofore not been able to understand, as being fully possible.

When God made this world, I doubt He ever intended for us to be able to understand everything in it, or how it all works. That's a significant reason why simple Faith is necessary to believe, and always will be required. Science has now come to a point where we CAN understand that all, or at least most of the accounts are eminently possible in reality. Doubt takes a LOT more faith in itself now, than it's ever required to not believe. The heavens and all the earth testify to God's reality, and even His love for us all. And He stands at the door of every heart, wanting none to be lost, and holds out his Divine hand, bidding us to come to Him. And all it takes is to genuinely quit playing mind games, and to seriously seek the real, inevitable Truth of it all. If we can and will do this, belief is inevitable. BUT ..... it DOES take our leaving our wills behind, and simply seeking the full, complete Truth, and that's not easy for some. But God never said belief would be easy. Just that it'd always be very truly worth it. And it truly is, too.

Discovering God's real reality is better than discovering an abandoned gold mine with no claims on it. It's better than the best things this world has to offer. Nothing can bring peace and satisfaction like knowing beyond any reasonable doubt, that indeed, God truly DOES live, and that He loves us, and often takes better care of us than we even know HOW to take care of ourselves.

No other religion claims a risen Savior. Only Christianity. But it comes with some rules, and many don't want to live by those rules, and prefer to serve their own wills, rather than our Lord's. Our Lord wants us to be happy, satisfied and wise. Our own wills just want to have fun, and do whatever we desire. That's never led to a whole lot of true satisfaction, which is reflected in the simple fact that the more we serve our own wills, the more we have to repeat whatever it is that brings us pleasure. It won't last because it simply CAN'T! Only serving God leads to real, abiding and true satisfaction in this life, even when we may be facing trials and difficulties. Serving our own wills could NEVER do that! Because our own wills are hampered by any ailments and difficulties. Only in serving God do we grow in real understanding of anything more than what is gratifying to us. Only in serving God do we find real, abiding, unquenchable satisfaction. Only in serving God do we find real wisdom, and real wisdom keeps us away from many of the most ultimately harmful things this world has to offer, and tempt us with.

Many have indulged themselves in the things that brought them pleasure, only to find in the end, that the pain that comes as a consequence is MUCH greater than the simple pleasures they'd so long sought. It all passes away unless we serve God. What God blesses,, lasts forever. And He loves us enough to correct us, and test us, that we might learn to love Him more, and appreciate all that He truly does for us.

But .... we STILL have to accept His offer, and unfortunately, many decide to follow their own wills, and revel in their own desires, rather than actually, fairly and honestly seek the real, unadulterated Truth of it all. It's just water seeking its level. Pour water in a glass, and it'll slosh up one side and then the other, but it ALWAYS seeks a level in the end. All we do in this life is like that. It always seeks its own, natural level, in the end. And we get to choose. What a truly loving and wise God we serve!