View Full Version : Just Starting/Late For The Party

04-03-2017, 03:57 PM
Like more than a few others, I'm just getting stocked up on WW's. My shooting partner welds aluminum wheels for a local tire/wheel store and asked if they had any WW's. Well, they did. 4 - 6 gallon buckets and 2 - 5 gallon buckets full. It wasn't weighed, but we had to use his front end loader to move it all to a sorting area. Just a SWAG, after sorting 3 buckets, we ended up with very little FE or ZN and the 2 full buckets must weigh over 200 pounds each. I hope we'll end up with 600+ pounds. This area hasn't been picked over yet and I still have a big truck tire store to hit.

Other than the sorting, this is fun. I suspect I might be a hoarder, but how would I know for sure?????

04-03-2017, 04:07 PM
Other than the sorting, this is fun. I suspect I might be a hoarder, but how would I know for sure?????
Might be? If you're not now you will be later.
Congrats on your WW score!

04-03-2017, 04:32 PM
Yeah, "probably" is a better word. This casting for revolvers is relatively new to me. My supply of jacketed match bullets for rifles would keep me shooting for a few years with no resupply.

My shooting partner is a maestro at welding and is converting my casting table to a casting/smelting table. The only change is my cast iron casting pot will sit down in an 8" thick wall pipe with the burner putting all of the flame on the pot (instead of sitting on top with all that heat escaping). Much less wasted energy. I'll have to relearn the temperature of the lead as I know the pot will get hotter than before.

As I've never melted WW's in their original form before, what would be a good temperature to shoot for in case I missed a couple zinc weights? 650°?

04-03-2017, 04:47 PM
650 should do it. Anytime I run into one that doesn't seem right I do a quick drop or smash check. Drop it and listen to the sound or smack it with a hammer.

04-03-2017, 05:02 PM
Congrats on a great find.you should get 600lbs I would think.I pich all mine with dykes but that is me.Any suspect weight is not worth it.like said above if it is real hard ring or you can not pinch it put it in th ezink or steel pile.might be lol.someone reel him in quick he is hooked.

04-05-2017, 07:23 PM
Wow, I'm jealous!
I just started casting a couple of years ago, have called and asked a lot of shops but no luck so far.
Good job!

04-06-2017, 08:56 AM
Don't call. VISIT, with cash in hand and boxes of donuts.

04-06-2017, 09:21 AM
Thats a good score and Welcome to the hobby! You should end up with 600# of clean alloy from that batch. I sort my wheelweights by hand but 650-700º is a good range to smelt at. Now you can start collecting ingot molds, spoons, ladles, pots,ect ect!:-)

Larrupin, just keep looking and asking. They are still out there. Not as plentiful as they once were and not as cheap, but there are still places where you can find them. Start networking by asking your friends, coworkers and family members. The more eyes and ears the better. Its a lot like fishing, every cast may not catch a fish!

TexasGrunt posted while I was typing but yes, go by in person. Take some cash and some empty buckets.

04-10-2017, 12:26 AM

First call a local scrap yard and ask what their buying price is for wheel weights. Most likely that is what the shop knows they can sell them for. Then go into the shop and ask to talk to the person who has authorization to sell wheel weights or the owner. Tell them you want to buy, for cash, wheel weights "for twice what the scrap yard in ____ will buy them for". Cash is something that does not need to go on the books and many shop managers / owners understand that. A check from the scrap yard is taxable income, cash in hand is a employee party, making the boss look great. Always know when you ask them they really want to know "What's in it for me?" Figure the bucket will be about 125 pounds and you need about 10 cents a pound so have $15 to $30 in your wallet.

Donuts a few days later to the shops that had WW for you, I take them popcorn once a month, too. $1.00 at Dollar Tree. If you are in a small town take ($1 / dozen) donut holes to the shop that had nothing for you. Here's another hint: After you sort the zinc out take it back to the shops that reuse the weights as a gift as a reminder you appreciate them and tell them that. Sometimes you can gradually win over a shop manager because you are supporting him.

Back to calling the scrap yard ... Spend some time asking about different kinds of lead they may have, what is their minimum order, do they have tin or antimony? They may be an inexpensive source should other sources not pan out.

Keep asking; When you get a "We have someone who comes and picks them up" just means you have not exceeded the offer they already have. By knowing what they can sell their weights for and what you can buy them from the scrap yard for gives you a window to work in. If they didn't go for your offer this time ask for more details about who picks the weights up. Now think about why the manager would do that and what can you offer him next time. (About 2-3 months from now). Sometimes only a nickle more per pound is all it takes. If you are persistent AND reliable most likely the other guy is not. I'll bet the other guy is not giving him donuts or popcorn.

mold maker
04-10-2017, 09:56 AM
I got absolutely nowhere with my last source until I offered the receptionist a pair of inexpensive earrings I got off WISH for 2 bucks. That made her a friend and I had a constant free WW source (except for Pizzas) .
Ya got to play all the angles.