View Full Version : first custom mold

Brett Ross
04-01-2017, 09:15 AM
I ordered my first custom mold the other day. It is a 2 banger from accurate with different designs per side. One side is for my .577 Snider and the other for my Swiss Vetterli. My understanding is they will work with the Lee handles so still need to order a set of them. All my molds in the past have been the Lee duals. I have gotten along with the fairly well and they have allowed me to get into casting but shooting round balls in the Snider and boolits in the Vetterli which cannot be made to proper OAL to run through the mag, has pushed me to spent the extra cash. Now I'm just excited to get it a see the difference between my
Lees and a higher quality mold, on the other hand ignorance may be bliss.

04-01-2017, 12:15 PM
the noe's and mihec's tend to spoil you and its hard to go back to the lee's.

Drew P
04-02-2017, 12:55 AM
the noe's and mihec's tend to spoil you and its hard to go back to the lee's.
A lee mold pays for itself in 500 bullets. A mihec or noe pays for itself in 1000 bullets. So, they are both free, one just takes a little longer to pay for itself.

04-03-2017, 04:48 PM
With a small Accurate Mold (under 2.9") you can use an RCBS style. If you go up to a 4 gang Accurate Mold (2.9" and larger) you'll need the Lee handles. Or you can do what I've done and ordered KAL Molds handles for everything. I have a lot of handles, and the KAL handles are worth the added cost to me over all the other types. They aren't that much more when you figure in the difference between CAD and US dollars.

I know what you mean about buying an Accurate Mold, as I have 4 now with 2 more on order. They are expensive, but man they drop beautiful bullets and he'll make just about anything. All but the last one ordered have 2 different designs for each mold.

To add a quip about your last sentence, no ignorance is just ignorance. You'll love your new Accurate Mold.

04-03-2017, 05:10 PM
the noe's and mihec's tend to spoil you and its hard to go back to the lee's.
I have to agree with that.
Being extremely "frugal" I would have never considered spending $100.00 on a mould, no way no how. I was in love with $20.00 Lee's and second hand used Lyman's .
Then after hearing all the hoopla about "good" moulds I decided that before I bought the farm I wanted to try one . Ordered 1 NOE four cavity....Christmas before last ....WOW !
I hate to admit I was wrong but they are worth it....as of last Christmas I now own four NOE moulds.
It's just not my nature to buy luxurious things....but they just put a smile on my face and a song in my heart when we casting !
You will notice the difference, I had all intentions of bashing the expensive NOE, truth is its wort every penny .

04-03-2017, 07:36 PM
I can only echo what's already been said!!! You will not regret spending the money on the Accurate mold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smk SHoe
04-04-2017, 06:42 PM
I can't tell you how much i love my NOE molds. On and off for 20 years I played with lee's and RCBS. Cast decent bullets but wasn't really focused. Last two years I have really focused on casting. Was playing with lee 6 bangers and life was good. Ordered a Noe .30 cal for a blackout project and WOW. Didn't want to cast with it, just to nice of a looking mold. Now I have 5 NOE molds and a couple Arsenal molds.