View Full Version : Prayer need

03-30-2017, 07:17 AM
Seeking prayer for Beckys mom . She has Alzheimer's , was diagnosed 6 years ago , she is 61 years old. She is in the final stage , she can't feed herself and can't walk or function on her own . She fell yesterday and suffered head trauma with a 6 inch wound on the back of her head . I feel time is drawing short .

Please pray for her , Becky and her mom's sister Diane . They are going to need it .
Thank you

03-30-2017, 07:48 AM
Brother Boaz I have been for some time now. Although I will admit most of my attention is on you and Becky and other family members. Her mom is pretty much out of it. The Lord looks after those who are incapacitated or incapable of looking after themselves.

"His Eye is on the sparrow and I know he watch's me"

Hang in there brother. I feel for you.

Pine Baron
03-30-2017, 08:30 AM
Praying for her, Becky and Diane. May God show His Loving Mercy. Praying for you too, brother. May the strength of your faith carry you through this. In Jesus Name. amen

03-30-2017, 09:00 AM
Prayer sent

03-30-2017, 05:25 PM
I wish I could say y'all are always in my prayers, but to often I fail, and I'm sorry for that.i can say Becky and her mom have been on my heart the past few days. And I pray for God's glory to shine threw thise troubled times, And that all affected fill His comfort and love

square butte
03-30-2017, 05:33 PM
Prayer sent up for Becky's Mom - and you all

03-30-2017, 05:34 PM
Father, I am asking for compassion and grace for Diane during this most terrible time of her life. Please keep any pain from her as You do Your will. Please be with Charlie and Becky as they deal with Diane's Alzheimer condition. Please allow them to dwell on the good times and not the bad things that are occurring at this time. Father I am praying for Your will to be done but please do not make Diane suffer and please bring comfort and healing to her family. In Your Name I pray. AMEN

03-30-2017, 05:54 PM
Praying for all concerned

Preacher Jim
03-30-2017, 08:04 PM
Lord we ask you to comfort and sustain Becky through this time. Be with all this family and give them your support as they walk this journey. Hold all of them close in your loving arms.

03-30-2017, 09:27 PM
Lord I bring to your attention tonight one of your mighty prayer warriors.

He is dealing with this time of trial as best as can be, but it is hard on him and his daughter Becky. I won't tell you what to do Lord, you see more clearly than I ever could. But I do remind you that this man is a good man, like any man he can fall and fail. But he keeps trying. Help him to walk in your will. Be with him, and all of his family until this situation is resolved please.

None of us are really as strong as we would like to be. So send him strength Lord, and wisdom, and faith in equal measure. Help him through this time. As I know you will. And let him know that he has many who care about him. Who are concerned for him.

We do not love as well as we should, but we are trying our best.

In the name of God the Father Almighty, his only son our LORD Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit.


03-31-2017, 09:21 AM
Prayers are continued for all of you.

03-31-2017, 10:20 AM
Bro. Boaz. I am praying and will also place her on the prayer list at church. If you need anything or just need to talk, call me anytime day or night. I belive you have my number. If not PM me and I'll give it to you.
Hang in there my Brother. God is on your side. If God be for you , who can be against you?
Bro. Albert

03-31-2017, 10:28 AM
Prayer sent.

daniel lawecki
03-31-2017, 04:20 PM
prayers sent

03-31-2017, 07:38 PM
I would thank you for the concern , thought and caring to pray . I have been preoccupied and am late responding , my time is a little limited right now .

I was negligent in my original comment . Becky's mom's name is La Fonda , we were married 12 years . Although our Lord needs no name (he knows) I always liked to give a name during prayer , it just makes it more personal to me even if I don't know them . She is a good woman , firm belief in GOD . We have been divorced for 14 years . Were foster parents for about 9 years and adopted Becky . When Becky was one year old La Fonda had a series of bad events happen in her life not of her making and she started drinking . When I 'finally" figured out she had a problem I gave her an ultimatum . After going to and participating in so many rehab programs , counseling , treatment centers I told her I would leave her and take Becky when she reached 4 years old . La Fonda loved Becky but the alcohol won ...I divorced her . I would not raise Becky in that environment .

La Fonda was part of our life , I never gave up on her but I had to control the situation for Becky . We went to eat , she had much contact with Becky , holidays together , vacations .

La Fonda had to hit bottom , I realized I was enabling her and she did ...she lost everything but us . But she defeated the alcohol , it was hard ..I know because I was there . She achieved sobriety and one year later was diagnosed with Alzheimer's . It's been a hell of a road for her . She thought she had won .

Details need not be discussed ...irrelevant . We were taking her to church till last November , she loved and could remember the words to the old hymns .

I have talked too much ! I appreciate and thank you for your prayers .


03-31-2017, 09:02 PM
I don't think you have talked too much. It is so much easier when you know some details.

I do believe the Lord is looking after her as best he can.

It is Becky and you that I am concerned for. What happens with La Fonda is between her and the Lord. What will be will be. How you two deal with it is perhaps something that I can maybe have an effect on.

We are here for you and Becky Charlie.
You know we care about you both.
You know you are in our prayers.

What we don't know is what the Lord see's. Maybe something in all this is needed for Becky to avoid the traps and pitfalls her mother fell into.

Keep her close charlie, leave her free to come and go, to grow into independence.
But keep her as close as you can. Tell her every day how much you love her.

I could be wrong but something whispers quietly deep inside that this is about Becky's path through life.

Remember to be a rock for her. And remember that rocks do not have to be strong. They just have to endure.

Both of you will be in my prayers until this is resolved.

03-31-2017, 09:06 PM
Prayer sent for the situation.

May GOD richly bless you all.

Pine Baron
04-01-2017, 08:43 AM
Ghost, Beautiful words and thoughts borne out of wisdom and, I suspect, hard experience. May God bless you. I thank you for speaking for all of us.
Charlie, Prayers sent for La Fonda. May God's Mercy bring comfort and Peace. Prayers for Becky, that her path be straightened and her faith be strengthened. Prayers for you, my brother, my friend. May you feel God's strength, that endures all things. And prayers for Diane. May she know God's Love, that allows her comfort. In Jesus name. Amen.

04-01-2017, 09:00 AM
Pine Baron you have me blushing like a schoolgirl sir.

Yes there is some experience in there, paid for with pain as always. School of hard knocks.

But it is all straight from the heart. Thank you PB, a little encouragement from the likes of you does really help.

Hang in there Brother Boaz.

04-01-2017, 05:54 PM
La Fonda having 'internal' head trauma has been ruled out except for the actual wound to her scalp . She is trying to walk and talk . She is eating and drinking . This situation is as good as it can get at this time . Diane and I took turns staying with her at night to make sure she wouldn't fall out of the bed or someway hurt herself . We thought this might be the end but ...not today .

I will not post farther , It will be an ongoing process . Details of decline would serve no purpose , it's just to be dealt with . If you have a prayer list think of La Fonda and her peace and comfort . The Lord will take her home in his time and I am at peace with that but till then we will try to help her , it's no more than most do . Thank you ! Thank you for your prayer and caring .


04-01-2017, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the update.

Prayer for GOD'S blessing on all.

Preacher Jim
04-01-2017, 06:30 PM
Charlie you are a true Christian.
May all of us be as faithful in service to our Lord and Savior,
Jesus hold our brother and your servant close and give him strenth to do your work and wisdom to guide Becky in this time.
In Jesus name Amen

04-01-2017, 06:40 PM

04-01-2017, 08:58 PM
Pray sent
Take care

04-01-2017, 09:25 PM
Sometimes I think the hard part of staying in the Lords will is just knowing what that will is.

Sometimes I think that as humans we just get impatient.

I watched my grandfather slip away over the course of a year. And was extremely thankful that it was not longer. He was having little strokes, and was diminished after each. He would come back some then the next would hit. And the end he did not know my mom. Why Faye is my little girl, she's 6 or is it 8? Who is this gray haired old woman who claims to be my daughter?

At the very end he muttered for 3 days about something but all we could really hear and understand was "39 cents". Something from his past, that bothered him, kept him from peace.

I said something 15 years ago when I was very involved in an online flight sim, we had a big crew, flew together every week. Got very close in many cases.

Someone asked me how I deal with the comings and going. I replied thus.

"All we can do is love the people in our lives while they are there. Let them know. And miss them when they are gone."

Far as I can see that apply's to all of you guys too.

So hey, just so you know. This ol boy appreciates you for who you are. He cares, he values what you have to say. You know who you are. If you don't, well feel free to ask.

Hang in there brother. Patience.

04-01-2017, 09:34 PM
I understand but then again I do not but also I don't need to . Hope that was at least a little confusing . Not for us to 'understand' , we need only to accept and act . Thankfully we are only called to do our pitiful best . GOD will do the rest .

04-02-2017, 04:35 PM
Amen to all the prayers for Becky's mother given by the followers and believers of Jesus Christ.

04-04-2017, 03:30 PM
Ghost makes a good point. It's often hard for us to know just what His will is for us in many situations. I've come to think that this is when all he really wants or expects of us is for us to simply bear whatever befalls us, and to bear it with the certain knowledge that He truly DOES love us, and takes care of us even when we don't understand it all. What more wondrous blessing could He provide us in these situations than that?

My dad had Alzheimer's in his last years. It's funny how that disease can't change our essential natures, though. He was always a gentleman unless someone didn't show him a commensurate amount of consideration and respect. Get me tipsy some time, and I'll tell you about Dad's last fist fight in the nursing home! It was a real doozy, and hillarious to boot! He was a Marine to the last, and I think, always will be, even now. I was SO blessed to have him for a Dad!

And FWIW, Boaz, I think you're doing exactly what Christ would have you do. Just bring her some little something she likes, and that makes her happy. One thing about Alzheimer's is that it strains us down to where it's the "little things" that we value that bring us happiness and contentment. You're doing good, Boaz. Just keep it up. If God has more than that in His will for you, He'll reveal it, but usually, that's really all we can do, and to the patient, it means SO much more than we could ever imagine or appreciate. Their values are so very, very simple and basic and elemental, it's hard for us to relate. But those "little things" mean SO much to them! Just keep up the good work, and keep the faith, and keep the pace up. That's really all you or any of us CAN do for them. And be grateful it's not you, of course. Our time is coming, at least for some of us. Too many in our system of values, of course, but many of us will suffer this eventually, if He grants us enough days to get to that point. May His blessings be upon all of you.

04-04-2017, 03:40 PM
Father, Please continue to walk with La Fonda and help her to heal from her fall. Father, Alzheimer's is such a debilitating disease that is very hard on those left behind. Please help Charlie and Becky to dwell on the good things that they shared together. Father walk with this family and I hold them up as this situation develops. Amen