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03-26-2017, 07:55 PM
Although knowing the power of GOD and the Holy Sprit . Understanding the price paid by my Lord Jesus Christ the Pentecost always boggles my mind . I think you knowing understand my awe and amazement . This hymn epitomizes the result of that miracle to me , I relate it to that unbelievable event ...I'm pretty simple . It is my 'theme' everyday . I will follow Jesus ! It has and will take me places I have not imagined , it will challenge me , it will reward me . So simple a song to give so complex a message . It means a lot to me , challenge , learning , honor , truth and mainly commitment . Commitment will speed the other .

I'll put up a contemporary version and simple version .


Not a hard song to remember , Jesus made it simple and paid my debit . It reminds me daily to follow ...he will lead me .


No turning back , no turning back .

03-26-2017, 10:59 PM
Good song. I have sung that song in the "old" style ever since I can remember. Yes I have decided to follow Jesus.

03-27-2017, 08:34 AM
Good stuff brother!

Added the simple version to my playlist.

03-27-2017, 12:34 PM
Akham's Razor essentially says that the simplest answers are the best and most likely to be true. That goes for lots and lots of issues, and following Jesus is a very simple thing. Only problem is, "simple" is NOT a synonym for "easy!" But it's always the best goal, and the closer we can come, the better off we are, and the happier and more satisfied we become. Ain't it funny how that works?

03-27-2017, 01:07 PM
Charlie, I truly appreciate the posts....great song that we sing ever once and while in church....Paul

03-27-2017, 03:06 PM
Akham's Razor essentially says that the simplest answers are the best and most likely to be true. That goes for lots and lots of issues, and following Jesus is a very simple thing. Only problem is, "simple" is NOT a synonym for "easy!" But it's always the best goal, and the closer we can come, the better off we are, and the happier and more satisfied we become. Ain't it funny how that works?

Yes Blackwater....simple is not always easy. This certainly hits home.

A good post, not only for its brevity, (for which you are famously unaccustomed to...LOL), but its message and the wisdom within.