View Full Version : For USMC87 Part 2

03-26-2017, 03:01 PM
I couldn't find a video of Eddie Burnside & me but I Preached for Arnett Chapel last week & it was requested Lonnie & I sing so Barbara made this little video.


03-26-2017, 03:08 PM
Just got in from church , put on some taters and pork ribs . Sat down and listened to part 2 . GOD keeps on giving after church ! Thank you .

03-26-2017, 08:27 PM
I really enjoyed it and am happy you posted both #1 and #2, Lonnie's dad used to write me when I was in Operation Desert Storm.

03-26-2017, 09:01 PM
The Burnsides are salt of the earth people.

03-27-2017, 02:04 PM
You know, most folks today don't sing for fear they can't hold a candle to those with special gifts from God in that area. But that's one of the most foolish things we do, IMO. Many years ago, we had an older lady in our little country church that my grandad helped build after the original one burned, who loved our Lord extremely. She led a pretty challenging life, but never lost faith for one single second, no matter what she was facing at any given time. She loved singing in the choir, and her voice was pretty good, probably because she put so much real emotion in it, but she had a real tendency to go off key. I think she probably got so deeply into it that she just lost focus on staying in key. But in key or off, her singing always touched me at my then young age like few have before or since. Her daughter is still a member here, and a great supporter of the church.

Some cousins also have several annual bluegrass get-togethers at their "pickin' shed". Sometimes, someone volunteers to sing something and they're not all that great. But when they do, their attitude is such that it carries them through and their contributions are often more touching than the pro-level pickers and singers can provide.

G. K. Chesterton used to absolutely LOVE the little English pubs that so dotted his area of England at the time, and at those, it was very frequent for someone to start singing, and everyone else would join in. Those are some of the very best experiences anyone who loves music can have. It's the comraderie, the fellowship, and the pure unadulterated FUN of it that makes them such wonderful experiences.

When Christ needed some disciples, he didn't go to the elites. He went and chose common men to be His followers. I think singing ought to be like that, too. Just let'r rip, and simply have fun, on or off key. It'll quickly turn into a rip-roaring good time for all there, and part of that is because any prigs present will quickly leave, leaving only those who are really interested in having a great time in spite of our inadequacies. It's amazing how many voices, mixed together, make any off key excursions virtually disappear, and a bit of sonic dissonance can even accentuate the experience sometimes.

So next time you want to hear some good music, make it yourself, and if possible, with some friends. There's no better experience available to us than little get-togethers and impromptu springing forth of a good song or forty! Add in a little something good to eat, and you have one powerful great time! Singing is something we leave to the "pros," these days, and I for one, think that's just plain sad. Just MHO of course, FWIW???

03-27-2017, 04:36 PM
Blackwater this man had a brother who passed a few years ago. He loved to sing also & I would sing with him anytime he asked. I would check him out of the nursing home on Sunday afternoon & haul him to some Church I'd be preaching the evening service & he would always want to sing. His name was Eddie & a wonderful Blessing in my life as is Lonnie.