View Full Version : For your consideration

03-25-2017, 12:36 PM
Today Brothers and Sisters I wish to offer up someone for you to consider.

Someone who to me appears to have a message, several in fact.
Who appears to have faith, and true belief.

I make no claims for this person. Indeed I would be interested in hearing your discernment about him. This person was lifted up to me by a local friend. A friend who has struggled mightily with addiction to alcohol and other issues.

Again, I make no claims for or against this person, what he puts forth, or what he believes. I do wish to know more about him. I do tend to trust the group here. If you tell me that your LORD tells you that he is a false prophet I will believe you.

But that is not what I heard when I asked my Lord about him.

Here is his Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGODStoriescom

And he also has a website and blog here.



03-25-2017, 01:49 PM
Fabulous testimony!!

03-25-2017, 05:31 PM
I watched the video , Thanks for putting it up !

03-27-2017, 02:44 PM
I didn't have time to listen to it all, but I've heard many similar stories, and they're all very touching, and IMO, are as clear a display of the glory and wonder of God as any examples we have to draw on in this life. But each of us has our own individual crosses to bear, and learning to bear them, and sometimes, overcome them, and find our path to Christ is an individual challenge. And the ways to come to the Light are as varied as the stories each of us could tell. To me, that kind'a indicates just how wondrous our Lord truly is. Each one of us, if we'll but pursue it, HAS a path to God, if we'll but simply take it up, and honestly and diligently search for it, and strive towards it. When it all comes to fruition, though, a change takes place in us that I can't imagine ever being reversed. Truly, God has given us many, many wonders, if we'll just avail ourselves of the opportunities in any adversities we may face along our pathways in this life. And NOTHING will or can ever be as satisfying as finding our own, individual pathway to the Light. The reason for that is the certain knowledge that there IS a very real life after this one on earth, has NO substitute. None! When all the things in this world that "matter" to us, become rather insignificant, and the things of Heaven become our central focus ..... well, what could be more wonderful than that?

Truly, God knew EXACTLY what He was doing when He made this world like it is. We have SO many wonders, so many blessings, and so many opportunities for happiness and satisfaction, that if we were to try to make a world of our own "liking," we'd surely create a real Frankenstein of a monster, and one of immensely ugly and dysfunctional proportions!

Praise God for all He has made and given us, and especially the opportunity to know Him well! What could possibly be greater than that as a blessing????

Teddy (punchie)
03-31-2017, 06:43 AM
I look People for what the are . God loving ?? God Fearing ?? They are out of my area of travel. So I don't normally listen to them. But they may have a super story and tell of great things. But did God give it to you ?? Does God make a price for grace ?? Not saying he is a bad or ungodly person but most ask for or try to sale you something. I'm not saying he is not a Christian but the bible tells us many things.

Look towards Gods words in the bible. Find a local study group or maybe a free on line group. Ask any question on here. Even PM me I normally just find verses for a person to read, let the bible explain the answer. One thing I know Is I'll never ask for money funds to help someone learn what was giving to me. Some churches need a paid minster for they are in need for someone to be on call planing studying what to teach or say at church. But too often I see a person that is just too fast to collect and not work for his pay. Now I'm friends with a number of Minsters and most are not paid allot, some are. I see some going on trips and wasting funds that in no way would I do it. One I know he goes on 3-4 hunting/fishing trips a year. That's 5-10 thousand dollars a years must be nice.

God Bless!!


Teddy (punchie)
03-31-2017, 07:00 AM
Michael Chriswell Sales (http://AlexanderSpeakersBureau.com/speaker/MichaelChriswell) Fees: 2500 - 5000 Flies out of: Orlando Michael’s training is often compared, to some of the biggest names in the training and speaking business, by his training clients. Until the release of KickstartMySales, he was one of the best kept sales training secrets for a select group of companies. For more than 17 years, Michael has earned his living in the profession of sales and began earning a six-figure income by the time he was just 25. Many of Michael’s clients find a striking resemblance between his high energy approach to sales training and motivation and to that of his biggest hero, Zig Ziglar.During a 10-year period, Michael had the valuable experience of selling and training in 37 of the 50 states. After having the opportunity to visit, train and also learn from literally thousands of companies and tens of thousands of salespeople, Michael went on to became the top National Sales Trainer for one of the most well known sales training organizations in the country. Since starting his first training company in 2003, Michael has become a sought after sales training expert and has even been paid over six-figures to create and produce custom online sales training programs for individual organizations.

03-31-2017, 08:24 AM
That was the worm in the apple, he is good at sales. My question is who is he selling for?
Is he selling for Micheal? Or the Lord?