View Full Version : Ruger GP-100 front sight

Art in Colorado
03-14-2017, 05:11 PM
I have a Wiley Clapp GP-100. It has a fiber optic front sight. I contacted Ruger about a blue steel replacement and they told me that the handgun is an exclusive distributure one and they do no have a replacement. This front sight is dove tailed in the barrel and not pined or not replaceable as the normal GP-100. Does any one know where I might find this replacement?

03-14-2017, 05:39 PM
Knock it out of the dovetail far enough to measure accurately the width. Give Brownells {top of the page} a call and they will have something for you.
Me I would open my front sight box and get out whatever style I had in mind and make it work. But that is how I go through life.
Mike in Peru

03-15-2017, 12:45 AM
If all else fails, there is always a chunk of steel and a file to make one to fit your dovetail.
