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03-13-2017, 06:33 AM
The Decision Everyone Must MakePilate said to them, "What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?"—Matthew 27:22 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=e899335e3a&e=3dd732485b)Indecision is something we all experience. What should I wear? What should I do in this situation? Sometimes indecision has significant consequences, and sometimes it doesn’t.

When you’re indecisive, you try to live in two worlds. You try to appease everyone. That’s what Pontius Pilate tried to do. And in Matthew 27, we see how his indecision led to the most significant of consequences. He wanted other people to be pleased with his decision. He wanted everyone to get along. As a result, he was unwilling to decide what was really right.

Pilate didn’t realize what was actually happening. In reality, it was not Jesus standing before Pilate; it was Pilate standing before Jesus. Pilate was on trial, and he missed a golden opportunity to believe, a golden opportunity to trust in this One who had come to die for all humanity.

Pilate had to decide for himself and answer a question that everyone eventually must come to grips with: “What then shall I do with Jesus?”

He heard many voices that day. He heard the voice of the multitude saying, “Let Him be crucified!” He heard the voice of his wife saying, “Have nothing to do with that just Man.” He surely must have heard the voice of his own conscience attesting to the innocence of Jesus. And he heard the voice of Jesus Himself. Sadly, Pilate listened to the wrong voice. It was a decision he no doubt regretted for the rest of his life.

Every one of us must come to grips with what we will do with Jesus. Yet, like Pilate, so many people let others do their thinking for them. They let others make their decision for them. And in the end, they pay with everything. I hope you won’t let that happen to you

03-13-2017, 06:50 AM
Great lesson rl69 . You have a choice , going with whats 'trending' , or actually thinking . Pilate lost ,washing his hands afterward only sealed it .

03-13-2017, 07:48 AM
Outstanding and very timely rl69. Indecision is making a decision....you are just letting others make up your mind for you or youir are too afraid to make a decision because you dont have the courage to make the decision. When it comes to your soul you can not vacillate or you will lose!

square butte
03-13-2017, 07:55 AM
There is only one way to go if you want to truly live

03-13-2017, 10:29 AM
That fence can not be sat on. Your either on one side of it, or the other.

If you think you are hedging your bets you are fooling yourself. No one else can save you, only you can. And you have to believe in Jesus to do it. But it starts with you taking personal responsibility for your life, your actions, your choices, your sins.

As for Judas, someone had to do it. He did what was needed for the events to unfold as required.
It was hard on Judas, but if it had not been him it would have been someone else.

When you look at the beginning from the end you can see what will be needed and plan accordingly. The Lord God Almighty can do so, we can not. Trust in the Lord.