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03-09-2017, 07:51 AM
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.—Matthew 9:36 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=2f070c61f6&e=3dd732485b)Everywhere Jesus went during His earthly ministry, He was mobbed by people who were pushing and pulling, always wanting something from Him. They wanted healings, like the woman who had spent all her money on doctors and still was sick, or Jairus, who came to the Lord because his daughter had died, and he wanted Jesus to raise her from the dead. So many wanted a touch from the Savior.

Jesus saw their deepest need. He saw where they were hurting the most. He saw behind the façade, behind the defense mechanisms people put up. He saw the real cry of their hearts. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd, as people who were going astray, everyone turning to their own way. And He had compassion on them.

If you want to be used by God in any capacity, then you have to develop something called compassion. We see a pattern of compassion throughout the ministry of Jesus. We see it when He talked with the woman at the well in Samaria. The Bible says that He “needed to go through Samaria” (John 4:4). Normally Jews did not go to Samaria because there was a deep racial prejudice between Samaritans and Jews that was passed from generation to generation. But in spite of His busy schedule and all He had to do, Jesus knew there was a lonely, burned-out, hurting woman who would be waiting at the well.

Sometimes we see nonbelievers as the enemy: “Look at those sinners. Look at what they’re doing.” But let’s remember something: Behind that sin there is an empty, searching, lost person that God loves.

We are called to appeal to these people with the message of the gospel, but we need compassion. Jesus had it overflowing from His life. Do we?

03-09-2017, 09:00 AM
Oh what compassion God has shown to His sheep. Amen for a great lesson and start of a new day.

03-09-2017, 12:30 PM
What a great and timely post! Thanks again, RL for some splendid thoughts. The one thing that hit me about it most, maybe due to my predicament, is how much EASIER we have it now than they did back when He walked among us. Were I in dire straits back then, I'd have to find and probably pay someone to get me to him for healing. Nowadays, He'll come to US if we just ask Him to, whoever we are, wherever we happen to be, and whatever our needs for His help and grace. So we actually have it easier now that He's no longer walking among us! What a wonderful advantage we have now, if we'll just avail ourselves of the wondrous opportunity to do so! Truly, God thought of SO much more than we ever would or could have, even before we were ever born. If this doesn't support His Divinity, what could people possibly ask for of Him, honestly? God is SO much greater and more loving than any of us could ever be while we yet live in this life! And all we have to do is just see it, and accept it. So easy! Yet so many construct all sorts of lies and excuses for their disbeliefs. As ol' Billy Shakespeare said, "What a work is man!" I have a feeling he wasn't being exactly complimentary in that statement. We invent so many ways to willfully fool ourselves, and avoid the most basic, necessary and truly needed thing in our lives! God's will be done, but it's hard to watch some in their disbelief. Hard, but doable, and I guess, necessary as long as this realm continues to exist. God give us all strength to do all we honestly can for Him, while we yet have that ability here! It's not easy, nor always pleasant, but it IS always worth it. What a wonderful Lord we serve!

03-09-2017, 02:45 PM
Being an old L.E. type of person compassion is often overlooked as a protection from the horrible things we see. As we age most develop compassion and when we make the jump of faith to witnessing and ministering to the less fortunate our lives become complete and life gets more meaningful. rl69 thank you for the lesson. You are a true anchor for me.....Paul