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03-08-2017, 09:44 PM
Well my little corner of paradise got hammered with epic winds today, the whole state of MI as a matter of fact, bother has no power, sister and Grandfather no power, my aunt lost a piece of roof, the way some areas gusted up to 70 mile an hour, straight line winds here of high 60s! Lots of poles and trees down, my people are all okay and self reliant so no worries for them and it did solve one of my problems; a huge pile of burnable spring clean up yard waste has blown several parceles down wind! Just kidding we will pick it all back up! Thoughts and prayers for anyone traveling or who sustained damage! The wind is supposed to pick up again tomorrow, next few days I may take off work for fire wood getting! Stay safe!

03-08-2017, 09:47 PM
We got some of that last weekend....had to saw our way out of the driveway/road, and had to help saw the neighbor out. Walked the property earlier this week...probably 30-40 trees down, but thankfully no property damage. One pine missed the corner of the house literally by inches. We are blessed!

03-08-2017, 09:48 PM
I watched tractor trailer rigs getting shoved part way onto the shoulder and fighting to get back on track and maintain control on I-96 and decided the old 2 lane route with some trees and houses to break the wind was a better choice. Wife called work to tell me no power. Wonder if she will buy I'm in the garage smelting lead so the burner can help keep the house warm? Pretty soon will be generator time if power doesn't come back.

03-08-2017, 09:53 PM
Prayers to you, Brother. I have family in that area. Better reach out to them and see if they're okay.

03-08-2017, 09:57 PM
Sounds like ya'll getting it a bit worse than we did. Hope you have supplies laid in.....imagine you do. :) Make the best of it...we always call it a 'hurricane party' when we get a storm and power goes down. Takes the edge off for the kids and we make the best of it.

Prayers up for a quick recovery.

03-08-2017, 10:06 PM
Wood, water, food, good book, adult beverage and checker board, Check! Guest bedroom opened so it warms up and it's open to whom ever needs it as is the couch bed !

03-08-2017, 10:13 PM
Used to high winds here in SW MN and they build the power system to take it. I had a couple small 5 minute outages as lines slapped together but power stayed on. My weather station recorded a 70mph gust last night...

03-08-2017, 10:14 PM
Well played, Nagant..... Heck, if it wasn't such a long drive, I might take you up on that offer!

03-08-2017, 10:22 PM
We get winds all the time here, but keep in mind I live in higher altitude in what we call semi-arid plateau and normal. Winds come and go with the climate, whenever the seasons change we get wind. We have a wind generator that sounds like a Cessna ready for take-off and you aren't sleeping at night when that happens.

I have a spot of roofing that needs to be repaired, let me say that having lead ingots around pays off. Those lead ingots will hold things down till it lets up and I can re-roof that little section of roof.

03-08-2017, 10:29 PM
We got lucky. basically, everybody on the west side of Saginaw county has lost power but, us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

William Yanda
03-08-2017, 10:30 PM
Batavia, NY reports a train-railroad train-blown over by winds. Wallyworld garden store in Gates_Rochester suburb-lost its roof.
Gusts to near 80 according to Airport reports.

03-08-2017, 10:31 PM
Wood, water, food, good book, adult beverage and checker board, Check! Guest bedroom opened so it warms up and it's open to whom ever needs it as is the couch bed !

Probably doesn't get any better than that.

03-08-2017, 10:32 PM
I went to the range. Didn't shoot rifle haha... it was nuts. There was a tree down in the entry to the club. The kids who pull skeet weren't pulling, so they got to play w/ chain saws

03-08-2017, 10:35 PM
We get winds all the time here, but keep in mind I live in higher altitude in what we call semi-arid plateau and normal. Winds come and go with the climate, whenever the seasons change we get wind. We have a wind generator that sounds like a Cessna ready for take-off and you aren't sleeping at night when that happens.

I have a spot of roofing that needs to be repaired, let me say that having lead ingots around pays off. Those lead ingots will hold things down till it lets up and I can re-roof that little section of roof.

I know this end of the world, Grumpa. Lived in Prescott Valley for years, and we 'vacationed' up your way quite a bit. Actually got engaged to my bride in Snowflake. :)

03-08-2017, 10:44 PM
Pretty windy on the Wisconsin side of lake Michigan too. Neighbors shingles were laying all over our yard when I got home from work. Right now they're at their 2nd. home in Tennessee and I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to contact them to let them know part of their roof is gone.

03-08-2017, 11:13 PM
In North Dakota if the wind stops you think there is a problem, last night it hit a high of 74 mph gusts.

03-08-2017, 11:15 PM
Yup. Power is out here too. Power company is predicting to regain power on the 11th LOL.

Generator is running, going to pick up a few extra space heaters to help keep the missus warm

03-08-2017, 11:19 PM
I know this end of the world, Grumpa. Lived in Prescott Valley for years, and we 'vacationed' up your way quite a bit. Actually got engaged to my bride in Snowflake. :)

Snowflake is the town we have to go to in order to do our grocery shopping. That in itself is a 2 1\2hr round trip without stops, but give me the remote life any day and I'm happy. I don't know when you were here last, except for some cosmetic improvements, and a WallyWorld they built in Taylor not much has changed since 93.

Texas by God
03-08-2017, 11:33 PM
Well my little corner of paradise got hammered with epic winds today, the whole state of MI as a matter of fact, bother has no power, sister and Grandfather no power, my aunt lost a piece of roof, the way some areas gusted up to 70 mile an hour, straight line winds here of high 60s! Lots of poles and trees down, my people are all okay and self reliant so no worries for them and it did solve one of my problems; a huge pile of burnable spring clean up yard waste has blown several parceles down wind! Just kidding we will pick it all back up! Thoughts and prayers for anyone traveling or who sustained damage! The wind is supposed to pick up again tomorrow, next few days I may take off work for fire wood getting! Stay safe!
Our prayers are with you. We north Texans know wind- unfortunately it's often the rotating variety. Those straight lines & down shears are no fun either. Best, Thomas.

03-08-2017, 11:54 PM
I live in northern Michigan and I put my .17hmr to the test today: 30-45 mph cross\sustained winds and can still put a hurting on a golf ball at 100 yards with a dead center hold every time. I'm liking the 17 hmr round more and more.

03-09-2017, 12:51 PM
Pretty windy on the Wisconsin side of lake Michigan too. Neighbors shingles were laying all over our yard when I got home from work. Right now they're at their 2nd. home in Tennessee and I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to contact them to let them know part of their roof is gone.

If you know the town they are in you might try calling the local law and asking them to contact your friends, asking them to call you.

03-09-2017, 01:26 PM
It's been a little windy here in Kansas. A few days ago I saw a chicken lay the same egg 3 times.

03-09-2017, 01:29 PM
Wood, water, food, good book, adult beverage and checker board, Check! Guest bedroom opened so it warms up and it's open to whom ever needs it as is the couch bed ! Man starts out needing so little but ends up wanting so much.... I would really like a deck of cards in that mix but other than that it covers what one needs as opposed to what one wants.

03-09-2017, 10:52 PM
Well it has been an unpleasant time but a pleasant reminder of how friends and neighbors help each other out. Nagant guy and myself have been talking about swapping some brass, he texted me about it and when I asked if he wanted to pick it up now so he could help me move a generator outside and he was pulling in the driveway 10 minutes later.

Now that I'm hooked into the 220 plug outside which means the well pump is working, the furnace is going and the wife is sprawled out reading a book in comfort. Time to enjoy some of that there indoor plumbing and get a shower.

Last report has this going until Saturday night for DTE customers. The downside of living in a rural area not as many customers per mile of electric line so they won't get us first, the upside is the neighbors. At least the ones around here.

03-10-2017, 02:46 PM
Power is back on for us. Which means back to waiting for the traffic light at the empty intersection down the road but will save some in generator gas that is for sure.
Why they changed that from flashing red / flashing yellow is beyond me.

03-10-2017, 04:14 PM
When power goes off then comes back on the lights go to flash until they can be properly reset. A fail/safe setting.

03-10-2017, 05:11 PM
It's a bit breezy here. I changed zip codes twice, but still live in the same house.

03-10-2017, 05:36 PM
Power is still out here. Very thankful for a fireplace. We are hoping the power comes back for us today!

03-10-2017, 06:38 PM
When power goes off then comes back on the lights go to flash until they can be properly reset. A fail/safe setting.

Never knew that, but it makes sense that it would have a default mode.

I was talking about a light that is on rural cross road to a 2 lane state road. Cross traffic (me for instance) can spend a lot of time sitting at a red light looking at an empty intersection. Used to be blinking yellow for main road, blinking red for cross road. I would stop, look, then turn left, right or straight through when it was clear. No idea why they changed it. I recall about 2 accidents in last 10 years, but maybe there were some near misses or some accidents that I don't know about.

03-11-2017, 04:24 PM
Snowflake is the town we have to go to in order to do our grocery shopping. That in itself is a 2 1\2hr round trip without stops, but give me the remote life any day and I'm happy. I don't know when you were here last, except for some cosmetic improvements, and a WallyWorld they built in Taylor not much has changed since 93.

Grumpa, my Dad worked in the logwoods around McNary in the late 40's and told me that he went to Holbrook in the spring of the year one time. While he was there the wind suddenly quit and everyone fell down from that lean into the wind they all had got used to,lol.

03-11-2017, 07:34 PM
I just heard on local radio that just over half of the nearly 1million homes and businesses that lost power are back on! I know it was 10 degrees last night here in good old MI , I'd take some doing to stay warm and not have your pipes freeze at 10! We did what we could for everyone we knew shared a little wood, lent our generator to my brother, helped sister get hers set up the news I'm hearing is that people have opened their hearts all over the state! The local gym owned by a great family has let anyone use their showers laundry and wifi 24/7! Two houses local to me burned from downed lines at one of those the teen neighbor boy ran over and got the dogs and cat out safely! Let's ask our Good Lord to watch over any children that are in the dark still!

03-11-2017, 09:46 PM
Yep, ours came back on late this afternoon. Last night was a cold one, but had a fire going to take the edge off. Thankfully no pipes froze. We sure are thankful to God for the linemen who are working to get people's power back!

03-13-2017, 12:44 PM
Where I live in the Texas Panhandle, we get 60-70 mph winds all the from February to June. This last week fires burned almost 1,000,000 acres to the north and east of where I live and killed 5 people.