View Full Version : Prayer request for Blackwater

03-08-2017, 09:11 PM
I am requesting prayer for our fellow Brother in Christ Blackwater, I sent him a PM 2 days ago and have not heard back from him. We all know that he was faithful daily here at the Chapel and that there must be "some type" of predicament that has took his time away. Lets all gather and call out to GOD for His tender mercy be upon our Brother. Thank You for your time of prayer in this request, Craig

03-08-2017, 09:29 PM
Prayer sent.

03-08-2017, 09:31 PM
Also sent! I was pming with him just a while back if pming is a word? About some .358 cal molds and hog hunting he hinted/ mentioned some health issues, I hope it's nothing serious!

03-08-2017, 09:38 PM
He does have health issues , been worried myself . Not use to him not posting . Prayer sent USMC87 . He has been faithful in the Chapel ...It's troubling .

03-08-2017, 09:40 PM
Prayer sent.

03-08-2017, 09:44 PM
Blackwater just sent me a Pm and said he has been in the hospital for the past several days and signed himself out against the Doctors advice. He is still sick and needs prayer as he has to see more Doctors.

03-08-2017, 09:45 PM
Prayers up! He contributes a lot to this community, I pray he is well and returns soon.

03-08-2017, 09:50 PM
Prayers for Blackwater's health. I'll be watching for updates on his condition.

03-08-2017, 10:00 PM
Prayer sent.

03-08-2017, 10:06 PM
Lord help Blackwater . I know he has health problems Lord . Strengthen him , he is sorely missed to encourage and spread your word here . Comfort and be close to this family . Help him . In Jesus name I ask . Amen

03-08-2017, 10:26 PM
Prayer sent, Blackwater may God lay healing hand on you in Jesus name Amen.

Wayne Smith
03-08-2017, 10:31 PM
I believe Blackwater is diabetic and also suffering other complications and other issues. Signing self out of the hospital against MD's orders is not, usually, a good idea, even though diseases live in hospitals.
Lord, I pray for his physical condition, for healing, and for mental health and good judgment. I also pray for his MD's that they may rely on your judgment and give him good advice.

03-08-2017, 10:32 PM
Just fyi, signing yourself out AMA (against medical advise) is a very difficult thing to do because of the "second thoughts" coming at you . I did it many years ago when they wanted me to stay. The doc was furious. He made them say in the form "against serious risk of death". My friends were so scared that I allowed them to take me back a couple of days later. Turns out I was right, my initial decision was right. But our Brother Blackwater needs prayers even to encourage him that his decision was correct . And then, the obvious we need to pray for his health. Hope to see his words back here soon.

03-08-2017, 10:33 PM
We all know that Blackwater is a smart man...no doubt about that. I don't think he would have signed himself out of the hospital if he thought that he was placing himself in great jeopardy.

Der Gebirgsjager
03-08-2017, 10:36 PM
I have prayed for you, Dennis. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

03-08-2017, 10:39 PM
If someone has his complete name or knows his number, I only live 50 miles from him and would gladly check on him.

03-08-2017, 10:41 PM
Father we come before You with the issues of our Brother Blackwater, We all here are concerned and want the very best for him. We ask that You will direct those who treat him to have the discernment they need and that the resources be readily available for treatment. We ask that You will direct in this case and give clarity in all decisions, In Jesus name Amen.

03-08-2017, 10:42 PM

03-08-2017, 10:45 PM
Amen .

Preacher Jim
03-08-2017, 10:47 PM
Prayer up for Dennis and his health issues. Also sent to my prayer line group

03-08-2017, 10:49 PM
Amen - and my prayers added

Pb Burner
03-08-2017, 11:03 PM
More prayers sent for Blackwater.

03-09-2017, 12:06 AM
Just prayed for Blackwater.

03-09-2017, 12:39 AM
Gee whiz, guys! I finally log on to ask for prayers, and fine you're way ahead of me. There is NOTHING like good CHRISTIAN friends! NOTHING! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Long story short, or as short as I can make it, last Wed. I got a virulent stomach virus that pretty well knocked me flat. Then, ironically, it turned into plugging me up, and no OTC help would move it. Finally, after 5 days of self meds with OTC, I checked into the local ER Mon. p.m. They ran some tests, but never told me what they found, and stuffed me into a room, apparently on a "wait and see" basis. My kidneys failed a few years ago, and nearly took me out. My kidney doc is one of those real savants you only meet once in a great while, and he literally saved my life. He told me my creatin and potassium levels were off the charts, and he could not fathom why I didn't have a stroke or heart attack! But it just wasn't my time, I guess. Since then, we've identified the culprit in the kindney failure as a grossly oversized bladder, acquired no doubt to excessive intake of liquid refreshments (no alcohol) to keep me going. Now, I can't fully empty that bladder, and thus, some sediments remain and slowly develop into an infection, and I have 3-4 a year. It's just my life now, and I keep very close tabs on it and know when to go get meds to kill the infection. This has worked for several years now, but something happend with that stomach virus, and I was told that there's a type of UTI that CAN plug up both one's bowels and bladder. I didn't know that, and that may be what I'm up against now, but tests are still out.

The big flap at the hospital was because despite my specific and oft repeated requests to be told what was going on, what kind of tests were being run and why, and what results had shown, I got a big silent treatment, and was consistently told that they were "working on it," and that they were awaiting more test results, and then they'd get back to me, which never happened. My life is pretty dear to me, and I took exception to being treated like a child.

Out local hospital was sold to a "for profit" group, and it's never been the same since. I know quite a few folks who work there, and to a person, they're all truly "golden," and really apply themselves intently and diligently to their work. The problem comes in the "defensive medicine" being practiced there as a matter of policy. It seems some Harvard MBA wannabe (or maybe the real thing?) determined the way to conduct business in a hospital and not get sued is to not communicate to the patient what they're doing, lest someone find some basis for a lawsuit in so doing. This is NOT the practice of "medicine," but legalism, and I do NOT deal with this stuff lightly nor well.

But I was so sick and in such desperate need of help, I put up with MUCH more of it than I normally would, had I been in a better state of health. But even so, I stewed over it, and repeatedly made my demands clear that I HAD to know what was going on. But every effort met with deaf ears and a total lack of response. Apparently, I was just supposed to sit there like "a good little patient" and take whatever they felt they "owed me," which apparently was zero explanations of what they were doing, why, what they were looking at as possibilities, etc., etc. No test results were given me, or even anything more than they were doing "blood work."

Well, today, an older lady doc that seemed totally PC and thought I was just going to be put off yet again by her empty reassurances that they were doing "all they could," came in for her 2nd visit with me, and I asked why I wasn't receiving any info that I'd demanded. She tried to bat that away with more glittering generalities that they were studying the problem. Naturally, when you're in pain, you need to hear more than that in order to have any faith at all in them. Also, kidney problems are not very well understood by most medics, and I was NOT getting much faith in the ones I was seeing! So I finally lit into her, pointedly but insistently, asking her why she though I didn't have a right to know what was being done, when I knew for a fact that I was ENTITLED to this info.

She had no answer. Then I lit into her saying that if she had no answer, then she clearly must know she was in the wrong in withholding that information from me, and that if this was how she practiced medicine, then she wasn't actually practicing medicine, but legalism, and I was entitled to better, and was NOT going to settle for any less than what I knew I was entitled to receive, and that she would NOT be treating me ANY further if that's all she had to offer, and that I was already considering leaving AMA and going to see my kidney and unriary docs tomorrow, who I COULD trust, and who WOULD give me the info I needed to feel comfortable with what was being done.

She left nearly in tears, and seemingly humbled, but with no visible indications of remorse or repentance, as the PC tend to do when they get caught with no real answers and someone won't quit asking "all the wrong questions." I hate to say it, but after all I'd been through, I really didn't have any sympathy for her. That's not really a "hard" view, it's just a recognition that SOMETIMES, a line has to be drawn and some folks just have to know we do NOT have to sit and humbly await whatever they feel like giving us. Now, I feel bad that I was put in such a position, but I still don't regret one word I said.

This hospital has long been known to be not a good place to go if you want to be kept abreast of what's being done on your behalf, so it's not like I'm the first person to register his displeasure, though most just take their stuff and walk on to Savannah or wherever for treatment. If that's all that's done, why should they change when so many keep letting them get away with this kind of stuff?

Guys, it's been said long ago by much more honest docs than the ones I saw through this ordeal, right up until the last, that doctors bury their mistakes. And I guess if a patient has no knowledge of what he's dealing with or what a proper course of action or investigation might be, they really have no choice but to take whatever the docs tell them they need. But this was far from my first rodeo with these issues, and I was NOT about to be treated like some child.

I finally told the staff, who were the best part of my experience there (they really have some great floor staff there!) that I was tired of the treatment and the ignoring I was being subjected to, and was signing out AMA, and would see my known quantity docs I knew I could rely on tomorrow. They felt like this reflected on them, and I took great pains in praising all they had done to at least try to help me be as comfortable as possible, especially through the pain and all. They were truly stellar, and FAR better than the docs I'd had experience with there.

Some sort of "Pt. representative" came around to try to talk me out of it, and I very respectfully explained that they'd been great, but my quarrel was with the idjit docs, and their total and inexcusable lack of response to my persistent and increasingly insistent questions. I'd started low, and raised the ante to whatever level I felt I'd had to, and I felt I was OK until tomorrow. So they took out the Foley and the IV from my arm, and prepped me to leave. The pt. rep. was actually kind'a amused at some of the stuff I'd told her, and obviously knew better than to think my leaving reflected on any one BUT the docs and their total lack of response to my reasonable and necessary questions.

After she left, a new doc I hadn't seen before by the name of Dr. McCracken came in and tried one last time to "determine the problem," and I very respectfully recounted the list of grievances I had, and let him know I knew I was ENTITLED to explanations, and if this hospital didn't think I was, then we had no further business together. He actually seemed to understand, and to his everlasting credit, DID tell me some of the tests they were currently running, and why and they were waiting on the results to come back at that time.

I knew my docs could get the info, and I also knew they could be relied on to communicate with me and let me know what I was facing and what I could do on my end to help. That's really all a guy in my position CAN do, really, and I was just unwilling to settle for anything less than that when I knew I was entitled to that. Thus it was that I left, and at least all the floor staff seemed to know my quarrel was NOT with them, because I got many smiles on my way out. Some seemed to almost be saying "I'm glad somebody finally told these docs a thing or two because we can't."

So again, I guess I created what many would call a "stir," but I was NOT going to suffer the treatment I got gladly and just "suck it up." That CAN actually get you DEAD sometimes! So I'm off to my 2 specialists tomorrow to see what they want to do with me. If they want to keep me in the hospital, with them treating me, I'd be fine with that. The staff is great, and as long as they are my docs, I know I can depend on them to keep me informed and appraised of the things they're working on, and the direction they're heading in, and any changes in direction that are indicated. Now THAT is a REAL doc!

And these 2 guys have taught me diligently what I need to watch for and what I can do to enhance my successes. A guy in my position can have no greater friends than these. And they're both really good guys socially. One is from LA, an old cajun and a real whiz at nephrology, who devotes some of his time each year to go afield on Christian based missions abroad where guys like him are more than golden, and he is tireless. He and his dialysis staff got my kidneys working again after a few months of dialysis - and THAT was a gift from God of MAJOR proportions.

Saw in the paper recently where one of the black guys I'd been in dialysis with and got to know a little about, died, and his eulogy was glowing about his character. I think he just didn't have the knowledge and know how to help himself very well. Some dialysis patients are like that. I thank God continually that He gave me back enough of my kidney function to not have to have that any more. Have to make big concessions to what and how much I eat, and some may think I'm a bit morbid at how I keep track of the color and any cloudiness in my urine, but .... I'll take that. I'm a LOT more humble than I used to be, and even then, I THOUGHT I was a pretty humble guy - just not "mousey" humble. But I've always spoken up when I saw things I thought were wrong and needed to be addressed. I used to hate doing that. Now, I see it as more of a privilege, a veritable gift from God.

So folks, I'm not out of the woods yet, and I very, very sincerely appreciate your continued prayers. I need them right now, and my church will have me on their prayer list as well, and probably a few more churches because of friends I have there.

You guys have been a shining light in my life for a long time, and at the very point in my development as a better Christian, more willing to go upon the errand for my Lord. I'm still not very good material for that, but God seems to take the willing and give them whatever they lack, to achieve His ends. I'll always be grateful to each and every one of you for what you've meant to me along this way we travel. You're just golden in my book. Thank you, and in all honesty, I already feel better just knowing you guys are praying for me. The power of prayer is truly amazing, once you come to really understand it, its power, and its purpose in our lives. You guys awe me at what you collectively do together. You really, honestly do. You matter, and you matter FAR more than you'll probably ever realize.

And if you have a "for profit" hospital near you and you find them practicing "defensive medicine" on you, and you find yourself at the point where it's really not a big problem to sign out AMA, and simply explain to the "powers that be" WHY it is you're leaving ..... who knows? It might just make a difference, especially if you're not the only one.

Does anyone here know who this kind of "patient abuse" can be reported to that might intervene and get at least some of it sorted out better? People in need of a hospital don't have many people who can often know how to get the best results for them. One doesn't have to go far these days to find horror stories of things that happen in hospitals, and the worst part is, some of them are actually true. Who can things like this be reported to???? I plan on looking up and writing some of the key folks at the local hospital, but I don't kid myself that this is likely to do anything but wind up in the trash cans. After all, they've been getting away with this stuff so long, why worry about one idjit redneck down in the swamps???? I guess I'm a sucker for lost causes??? But once in a while, something good does seem to come out of it, at least, and I can never anticipate which ones that will be, and which ones will be like the monolith in "2001: A Space Odyssey." At least it'll go on record that I tried with what I had to work with. (shrug) I'll take that. I guess I don't have much choice, except for those few times where something actually moves. I just wish I saw that more regularly. How could we ever come to just accept the things we do today???? I just can't understand it.

We so often give them license to continue, because we sit mute. I've always figured if I was going to be abused and mistreated, some sort of equal and opposite force MUST be applied if we're ever to actually see anything move. Whining and complaining surely hasn't done much for us! Time to go beddy bye now. Been a very long day. Thank you all more than words can say. I now have more confidence that it's all gonna' work out to the good, somehow. You guys really matter. Thanks.

03-09-2017, 01:01 AM
Just saw this and praying for your recovery and that you live out your full days
Sorry to hear about the hospital treatment

03-09-2017, 01:47 AM
My prayers for Blackwater. You know his needs more than me. I pray that you will be with him and guide him during these difficult times. May he rest in the peace that is found only in you. In Jesus name. Amen

03-09-2017, 06:34 AM
Thank God you're still with us. May The Lord Bless you and may you return to full health.

03-09-2017, 07:17 AM
Blackwater you stirred up a hornets nest . Lot of folks concerned about you brother . I'm sorry your having trouble and will continue to ask the Lord to intervene , we all need him daily . Lot of people rallied quickly here when it was thought you might have trouble , much prayer . Get better and keep us aware of your situation .

03-09-2017, 07:19 AM
Prayers sent! Get well Brother! If you need anything just ask.

Take care,

square butte
03-09-2017, 07:27 AM
Prayers sent up for you Blackwater. We have been through it quite a few times with m Mother and Brother. My Wife was a Nurse/Nurse Practitioner/ Nursing Prof. for 35 years. Every time she showed up - the hospital used to send down a lawyer with the Doctor. No good answers many times

03-09-2017, 07:38 AM
Sorry to hear about how they treat you.There is one so call place that is here also just about that way. Stand up for yourself like you are and prayers sent your way to get well.

Half Dog
03-09-2017, 07:49 AM
I am currently witnessing the power of prayer. I will pray for you too.

03-09-2017, 07:54 AM
Father, Blackwater has some serious health issues that only You can cure. Please guide Blackwater in the right direction to restore his health. He has been a faithful witness in "OUR CHAPEL" and I am praying that You restore him unto us. Amen

03-09-2017, 09:57 AM
Hang in there Brother Blackwater! Been praying for you and will continue till you say stop.

03-09-2017, 10:16 AM
Prayers for you.
I think that there is more "Practice" in the medical field than most people realize. The human body is pretty complex and we tend to pump up with a lot of drugs, OTC are probably the worse, that can really react with each other and cause situations that the MDs can't readily determine cause. And it sounds in your case, there is a repeated issue that tends to flare up. A LOT of MDs want to test till the cows come home. My daughter is in her final semester of diagnostic sonography, Ultrasound to us lay folks. Wants to focus and work as cardiac ultrasound tech. Been at local hospital for hands on training, (actually pretty interesting way they teach, BS degree program, last two years really in program, first year at the teaching hospital, Classroom part week, and rounds hands on at various local hospitals and clinics watching and being taught. Second year she's back home, online classwork only, and working in various hospitals for 6-8 week stints actually performing the exams) Sorry, rambled, but long and short, she has seen MANY patients come in with request for certain part of body to be scanned, Heart, liver, etc, and they find nothing wrong. Requesting MD says, Yep, just what I thought... And then goes looking elsewhere for the problem. This is WHY we as consumers pay so much for medical care. Unnecessary testing. And Ultrasounds aren't cheap, (yes cheaper than MRI or CAT) but not a $50 exam.

Good luck to you Blackwater and I pray your regular MD can take care of the problem!

03-09-2017, 10:56 AM
Prayers sent

03-09-2017, 12:10 PM
Gee whiz, guys! You're the most humbling group I think I've ever associated with, and I've associated with a lot of folks in my time, so that's no small comment there! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I may well be fighting for my life or at least staying off dialysis. Don't quite know yet, but have contacted both my specialists that I trust and should see both today. Have an appt. at 12:30 with one, and will probably go back to the ER to have the Foley reinstalled. That's actually a pleasuer compared to being without it, believe it or not! Not much of a real pleasure either way, but at least maybe with my regular and very highly trusted docs, I'll be able to have some faith in them and get back somewhere near what serves as "normal" now. I do SO much miss casting and shooting, and I won't be getting much of either done for a little while, at least. Talking about it and my experiences helps keep the passion for it up, and I keep learning stuff here all the time. The Chapel here, though, is really special. Nowhere like it on the whole 'net that I know of and certainly haven't even heard of anything like it. So many great Christians with their own unique views and perspectives and interpretations, and something to be learned from each one! It just can't get much better than this! Thanks to all of you. You guys matter out of all proportion to your numbers.

03-09-2017, 01:14 PM
Geez Blackwater; I hope my hog hunting stories and gental cajoling to buy that 38 cal mold from ya would put you in the hospital! I'm real sorry! ; figured you could use a good laugh! Welcome back was very happy to see your name at the end of this thread! Sounds like your fighting spirit it is still in tact! Take care and God bless!

03-09-2017, 01:24 PM
Prayers for you, Blackwater. Your body may be sick, but your spirit is healthy !

big bore 99
03-09-2017, 01:44 PM
Prayers sent.

03-09-2017, 01:56 PM
Prayers continuing for you. Hoping that the appt. with your specialists produces the results and info you need to map a path back to general health.

03-09-2017, 06:32 PM
I too just saw this and am sending prayers, good wishes and all.
Gosh, Dennis, get well and know that you have a lot of good people rooting for you.Hoping to hear more good news from your corner soon.

03-09-2017, 08:06 PM
Well Dennis, you giving that ole PC Dr. Legal a piece of your mind must have been the right medicine for the day...you sound pretty good in spirit, at least those typing fingers can still put out a novel!

Don't start feeling all warm and fuzzy cause your getting your own Dr.'s on the job...I'll bet your gonna get a 'horse sized hypo' right in the butt before it's over! . . . :bigsmyl2: . . . "Oooowiieee!"

You know your in my prayers Dennis.

smoked turkey
03-09-2017, 08:21 PM
Blackwater you have been on my mind today. We are praying for your medical condition. I am glad that you listened and went with your internal radar to get somewhere where you can feel your getting the best treatment. I am praying for wisdom and guidance for you provided by the Holy Spirit. May He also guide and direct those who are doing testing and figuring out what exactly they need to do for you.

03-09-2017, 10:45 PM
Still praying brother. Hang in there brother, not ready to try to step up to fill your shoes yet.

03-09-2017, 11:32 PM
Saw this thread this morning but got called away before I could type anything. Blackwater, I am praying for you that God's hand will be on you and heal you quickly.
Your Bro. in Christ, Albert.

03-10-2017, 06:22 AM
God bless ,

03-10-2017, 08:36 AM
Ohh Lord God Almighty, I come to you this morning with praise and concern.

You have lifted me up, you have rained blessings down upon me. Thank you Lord.

I am however concerned about my brother Blackwater Lord. He is not well, he needs your healing love Lord. Wrap him in your arms, heal him if it be thy will Lord. He does much here in the chapel to bring others to you Lord.

I do not go against your will, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
But if it can be Lord, I ask it. I beg for it.

Either way be with him in this time of trial Lord.

In the name of the Father and the Son, two together as one and the Holy Spirit.


03-10-2017, 08:44 AM
Amen .

03-10-2017, 10:35 AM
Help Blackwater Lord , guide those in charge of giving him care here . Give him and his family strength and comfort . Please speed his recovery Lord . Amen

03-10-2017, 10:40 AM
I'm still prayin' for you brother...

03-10-2017, 04:12 PM
Praying for Blackwatwer well being

03-10-2017, 11:11 PM
Still here praying brother. Updates?

03-10-2017, 11:11 PM
blackwater, as a retired registered nurse the worst kind of Dr. one can have is someone who wont send their patient on to someone else if they cant figure it out them selves. it is very selfish of them and they are all about them selves. i dont know if this was the case but could be. if you find your self in that situation again do as my first cousin did. he had tremendous neck and head pain and they said at the hospital he was in it was nothing. so he took his room phone and called a ambulance co and said come and get me and take me to the other hospital. they did and he had a broken neck and had to wear a halo for a long time so it would heal. later he also called the first hospital and said, try and bill me, i will own you if you try. they didnt. if you feel you have been wronged at the hospital contact a medical malpractice lawyer and get a consult. he or she will tell you if you have something. you should never ever be in the dark about what is going on when you are in the hospital. when my mother inlaw had a bleed in her head several years ago a underskilled dr. wanted to keep her under his care and the results would be that she would have died. i said to him this, fly her to mayo and fly her now or i will own every thing you own and i told him the name of the lawyer i was going to contact. thatr lawyer was a dr. also and then become a lawyer. he had her flown to mayo and they saved my mother inlaw and she can even walk and talk as she did before the bleed in her brain. some times you just have to draw the line in the sand and back it up even if you just pay a lawyer and one time fee to come with you to talk to them. get a consult from a medical malpractice lawyer, the first one should be free, maybe you wont even have to pay the bill. every one in that hospital will watch out for each other, dont go to them. right now i had a incident with the nursing home my mother is in. they think they put the run on me and they dont know that from now on one mistake and they belong to me. all i did was ask some questions after my mother fell and broke a couple of small bones. one staff member said my nursing is out dated and not used much anymore. wrong oh man is she wrong. i wont talk to them anymore but now they are under the microscope. just to let you know, there is a group mind at every hospital. it comes from the top. the profit places are the worst.the only time you will get there attention is if you are a threat to the money. call a lawyer and next time see a kidney(nephro) dr. keep us posted.

03-11-2017, 09:06 AM
Father please continue to be with Blackwater and help him to heal through his physicians. Please whisper into their ears and have them advise Blackwater about what is wrong and what they are doing to cure his ailment. Father, Blackwater is a faithful person who puts You first and I am praying that You return his health unto him. AMEN

03-11-2017, 09:36 AM
Ohhh Lord my God, source of love and inspiration, font of ever flowing love and healing.
Be with my brother blackwater as he struggles with this time of trial.

If it can be restore him to health that he might return to being a good shepherd to your flock.

If it can not be, if his time is come, gather him quickly into your loving hands and console his family.

Not my will but thine be done Lord on earth as it is in Heaven. He is a good man and is deserving of your care.

In the name of the Father and the Son, two together as one with the Holy Spirit.


03-12-2017, 07:22 PM
Today's sitrep: I'm better than I was, but still not as good as I need to be. I'm so tired and dragged out! Still hard to make water or defacate. Certainly not normal yet. But at least it's getting better, if slowly so. The meds my kidney doc gave me seem to be working, and there's all indication that the infection has been met and stopped. Now, I think I mostly just need to heal and recover, and get my eliminations back to normal.

And Johnson, thanks for the advice. I've had a number of opportunities to sue the local hospital on behalf of Mom and Dad, but just never felt right about suing a local facility. I'm not TOTALLY averse to that, though, and if it's the only way to get them to do right, I'll certainly take it. And I have a friend who knows the lawyer in Savannah who is probably THE best med. malpractice lawyer in SE Ga., and one of the best in the state in all probability. And he seems to enjoy "sticking it to them" when they've been overly haughty. So I'd already wondered if that might not be what's needed here. The idjits that run at least some of these "for profit" hospitals just don't seem to respond to anything less, and while I'd MUCH rather go another way, if it has to be, I'll just shrug and go with it. I think they're used to PC overriding almost all cases, and intimidation of patients seems to be their stock in trade when they meet with resistance. They don't seem to be used to patients who demand to be dealt with rationally and effectively, and who refuse to kowtow to their pretensions.

All I wanted was to simply know what they were doing, the results, and how they were interpreting it all. What I got was one Dr. after another not relaying info to the next one that I'd given them, that had great bearing and needed to be passed on for my docs to understand better what to do in my case. It seemed all I got was a "by the book" treatment, with NO specialization to my particular case. And I'm no doc, but I DO at least know enough to know when I'm not being treated effectively. They DID at least have the right tests being run, but absolutely refused to talk to me about them, and the implications of changes as they occurred.

I did get a little music to my ears from my kindney doc Thursday, when he said I wasn't near having to go back on dialysis again!!! THAT was a BIGGIE for me! He was actually mildly complimentary, albeit through the back door, about my leaving AMA. He couldn't support it, of course, and I didn't expect him to. He's one of those rare docs who seem to be born to do what he does. Haven't seen my urologist yet, but will this week, I think. He's a friend, and I've worked on his guns before. He's demanding as a client, and he was well pleased, so we got to be kind'a friends, and he asks me questions on occasion during OV's about his shooting and guns. I trust him a lot. And I'm SO grateful to have these kinds of docs now too!!! For a number of years, I searched for a GP I "clicked" with, and found him in the next county. He's my GP and main diabetes doc, and he's long been a bit of a specialist for a GP in diabetes. I've been an awfully lucky guy to have found the docs I have, and I'm VERY thankful for that.

Thanks again guys, for all the prayers and advice. I'm still not up to being online much. Mostly just lay around with my lips pooched out, wishing I felt better and weren't so dragged out feeling. But this too will pass, one way or another. And thanks for your ongoing prayers as I heal up, hopefully. You folks are the best.

03-12-2017, 07:31 PM
More prayer sent, Blackwater...I love your attitude, brother.

03-12-2017, 08:01 PM
Still praying . Really glad to hear your not not on dialysis , that is a blessing . Be better and post when you can . GOD bless !

03-12-2017, 08:30 PM
prayers. I miss his insight

03-12-2017, 09:51 PM
remember if you do consult a med lawyer and they go for a law suit it is not about the money ever. its about getting there attention to straighen up there act. loss of money will do that, these kinds of people value money more than anything, take some of it and they will behave better. as a patient you have the right to know every thing that is happening to you and why and where it is all going. again, it is never about the money but about not letting this happen to others.remember if a kidney specialist is needed, go to one. you would not take a rolls royce to a lawnmower motor mech. thats the way it is in medicine

smoked turkey
03-12-2017, 10:46 PM
Praise the Lord for the report on not needing to do dialysis. That is shouting ground. That is big good news. Here is what I am receiving from that report. You remember the story of Elijah who told wicked Ahab it wouldn't rain for three years except at his command. When it came time for rain he prayed and asked his servant to go look at the sky several times (1Kings 18 & 19). Elijah prayed some more and when the servant came back the seventh time he told Elijah that there was a cloud way out there about the size of a man's hand. That is when Elijah said we need to get off this mountain for I feel the abundance of rain. I believe the report you received on your kidneys is like the small cloud. There is so much more to come. Blackwater as for your healing..I feel the abundance of rain. Praise the Lord!

03-12-2017, 10:54 PM
X 2 smoked turkey

03-12-2017, 11:08 PM
Glad to hear your better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


03-12-2017, 11:44 PM
Blackwater, thanks for the update. When you're facing uncertain health issues, there is nothing more important than great docs whom you trust. Sounds to me like you are in good hands. And, that would not be the case if both you AND your docs weren't in His hands.

More blessings than we can count.

03-13-2017, 12:07 AM
I tell the doctors, "you screw up and kill me, I'm going to be coming back and haunting you..."

What is left unsaid is that if they screw up and don't quite manage to kill me, they're probably going to have a chance to haunt *me*. :)

03-13-2017, 10:42 AM
Hang in there Brother Blackwater, better days to come I believe.

Still praying for a good outcome.
Thanks for the update.

03-16-2017, 09:42 PM
remember if you do consult a med lawyer and they go for a law suit it is not about the money ever. its about getting there attention to straighen up there act. loss of money will do that, these kinds of people value money more than anything, take some of it and they will behave better. as a patient you have the right to know every thing that is happening to you and why and where it is all going. again, it is never about the money but about not letting this happen to others.remember if a kidney specialist is needed, go to one. you would not take a rolls royce to a lawnmower motor mech. thats the way it is in medicine

Outstanding advice, Johnson. I've had several opportunities to sue the local hospital with Mom and Dad, but never did. I DID let them know definitively that I knew good and well I could, and it'd be a slam-dunk, and they sat mute because they knew the only thing they had as a defense was my good will. They did, in fact, clean up their act, and pronto on each occasion. They just didn't seem to be able to keep it up for very long, and at that time, seemed to lag back into a rather lacadasical attitude. But just as you say, when they saw the $$$$$ being lost, they COULD and DID straighten up, at least for a while.

I have no intention of suing, but I will most definitely let them know in no uncertain terms that I will NOT put up with the kind of "care" I had during my stay there, and I will be checking to see if they do anything after my conversation with them. And then, just take it from there. I think I've pretty well figured out now, just how egregious the care I received really was. I believe they were feeding the infection, rather than trying to cure it. At most of the "for profit" hospitals, there seems to be a tendency toward "defensive medicine," and going by regimented programs of treatment with little to no personalization of a specific, individual patient's necessities. It's "group think" by the admins, not the docs, usually, that creates the problems. Harvard MBA wannabe's (and some actual ones!) seem to think admin has the answer to every situation and do NOT like people "thinking for themselves," including any variations from the prescribed treatment modes. No personalization of treatment seems to enter into their thoughts, as anything other than a "loss of control" over the operation. I despise this type of thinking, and it certainly presents a patient with some potentially life-threatening problems. If the idjit dipsticks MAKE me sue, and I won, which I believe would be certain, I'd likely donate a large portion of the proceeds to something like the Shriners' hospitals for kids, St. Jude, or something like that. I really do NOT want to get money from a lawsuit. I just feel it's somehow "tainted," and that nothing good would likely come of using it for personal uses.

I owe you guys a sitrep. I'm getting substantially better, but it's been awfully slow, and I think it was because of the treatment I got at the hospital. I may well have done better than I realized in leaving AMA? I knew there was risk involved, but I also knew I was NOT getting ANY better at all, and seemed to be getting worse. But thank Almighty God, He smiled on me and let me once again come through. Now that I can think more clearly, I realize I was getting much worse care than I thought. Pain has a way of limiting one's ability to really think, and it got to me.

But I'm on the mend now, and I cannot thank you wonderful folks enough. I just don't have the words. I am certain beyond any question, that it made a difference. For just one thing, it's always comforting to know good men are praying earnest prayers that get well above the ceiling for you. All I can say is simply "Thanks." I've still got a low grade fever (99* this afternoon), and feel very dragged out. But I'm sleeping MUCH better now, and finally getting some real, material rest, which is crucial to recovery always, when you've been through the mill. It cannot be anything but very comforting to know great people like you have my back, and stand in good with God, and I know your prayers receive earnest consideration by our Lord. Unbelievers can never know the real value and power of prayer, but you and I do.

I'm headed to bed now, and regret I can't return the favor you all have so graciously given me by praying for those who've come like me and asked for grace. But I pray every night for all those who have requested prayer here, or had it requested for them by a member here. What other place on the WWW has a place like this one here? None that I know of. And there could not possibly be a better group than the one we have here. Thank you again, and now I've got to go get some rest. You're all in my prayers, too. It's the least I can do, but you've all always been in my prayers. Thank you. It matters.

03-16-2017, 09:47 PM
Rest up , plenty here to pray . Get better and get back . Still praying for you .

03-16-2017, 09:56 PM
Prayer sent for you, Blackwater.

fast ronnie
03-16-2017, 10:04 PM
Glad to hear you're doing better. May the God of peace give you His comfort in times of trouble.

03-16-2017, 11:45 PM
Thanks so much for the update BW, you have been on my mind a bunch this last while!

You have no idea how much I have been praying and thinking of you!

Best jcwit

03-18-2017, 02:16 PM
My body is getting towards the other side of the hill. I hope people in the world care enough to think and pray for me when the time comes.

Its a tough world when you're all alone. All the best

03-18-2017, 02:51 PM
My body is getting towards the other side of the hill. I hope people in the world care enough to think and pray for me when the time comes.

Its a tough world when you're all alone. All the best

I'm just hoping that I live longer than all the ones who want to line up for a chance to piss on my grave.

03-18-2017, 02:53 PM
That too!

03-18-2017, 04:51 PM
Blackwater, Not having to do dialysis is a big plus. Glad you are getting better and let the prayers do the work brother. Paul

Father please continue to walk with Blackwater and improve his health. Father he has been in a tough spot and the good news is very uplifting. Please heal him and return him unto us. I give You all the praise for what You have done for him. AMEN

03-18-2017, 09:21 PM
Much appreciate the update brother.

Still prayin, your at the top of my list morning and night.

Hang in there brother.

Ken in Iowa
03-20-2017, 08:34 AM
Prayers up for you brother.

I thank God for men like you.

Heal my brother Lord and bless his words of condemnation for the treatment he received in hospital last week. May they Not fall on deaf ears but convict and correct those who have sinned.


03-20-2017, 11:04 AM
Prayer up for Blackwater.

03-20-2017, 03:53 PM
Well, folks, just got back from my urologist's, and the news was really good. No trace left of the infection, and now, all I have to do is just recoup all the energy I've lost. I'm sleeping better now, and that's a huge plus. The rest of it just appears to be time-centered. I'm too old and too challenged to spring back quite like I would were I younger, but at least I'm certainly on the mend.

I cannot thank you all enough for your prayers and well wishes. It's really been a very gruelling and pretty painful stretch, but .... God gives us challenges sometimes, I think, to see what we and our friends are really made of. (?) If you can figure it all out, you're a lot smarter than I am. That's all I know for absolutely certain. A person who'll pray for you when you're in need is the best friend a man can possibly have. Thank you. That's all I know to say.

Most of us here are used to praying for others. Maybe God gives us things like this along our way to keep us humble, and mindful that tomorrow is promised to none of us. My Lord is a wonderful God, and gives us what we need, even when we don't understand how things are helping us. But, "All things work to the good for those who love the Lord," and I've tried to handle this as humbly as I could. Whatever He has in mind for me I'll always go with. I may not always understand it, but whatever the end, I know it'll be good for me.

I've given Him a lot of opportunities to take me Home, and I think He knew I wasn't quite "ripe" yet, and He left me on the vine. But we all have our appointed time, and our job is just to be ready when that time comes, whether it be before nightfall tonight, or 20-30 years hence or more. I was really concerned there for a while, and with good reason. I figure if God saw fit to give us a life, and all the opportunities and challenges within it, then He must expect us to do our best to protect it, and keep it with reverence for that inestimable gift. I'm thankful for good docs who He can use to help us with that when we ail.

So thanks to all of you big time. I appreciate it more than I can say. I'm just hoping I'll have the energy to get back into praying for others in need soon. I'm mainly just washed out from the battle, and mostly just need some rest. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to fulfill, indeed, and somewhere in all this there's a purpose. I may never know until later what it was, or may never learn. Whatever transpires, I'll just accept it graciously, and be thankful for all that He's given me for so very long now. I've truly been a richly blessed man, and you folks here really humble me. A number of you know more theology and verses than I ever will. I value that highly. Some of you have that certain attitude and demeanor that just inspires me, and humbles me. Some of you have an earnestness and simple power in your faith, that you also inspire and humble me. Each one of you has traits that mean something significant here, and together, I think this segment of the board is a truly powerful and significant thing.

God bless each and every one of you, richly.

03-20-2017, 03:58 PM
Rest up , get back in the saddle ! Try and give a progress report when you can . Still praying .

03-20-2017, 06:52 PM
It seems all here have been quite blessed. Blackwater, you still have much to do here. I'm afraid your still stuck here and stuck with us.

God bless and keep Dennis' recovery progressing at a steady pace.

Ken in Iowa
03-20-2017, 08:55 PM
Rest up , get back in the saddle ! Try and give a progress report when you can . Still praying .


03-20-2017, 09:05 PM
God Bless you too brother Blackwater!

Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction. Take it easy now.

03-21-2017, 07:07 AM
Get well Dennis.....Say your prayers....we will pray for you....and God will push you past the finish line!

03-21-2017, 08:21 AM
Lord this morning we give thanks for the continued healing of our brother Blackwater.

I know he is a valiant soldier in your front lines, bringing Jesus to people, trying to help those around him. I appreciate the healing you have done for him. Thank you Lord.
Praise him with great praise.

Thank you Lord for this and for all the other blessings with which you have enriched my life.
I believe your promises Lord, all of them. You have shown them to be true, over and over.
I believe Lord.

Please continue to love and support Blackwater, help him heal and recover.

Our God is an AWESOME God.


square butte
03-21-2017, 08:23 AM
Amen to all the above prayers - May God make his presence known to you Dennis

03-22-2017, 01:19 AM
Great to hear you're feeling better and may The Almighty God continue to heal you. <><

03-22-2017, 02:44 AM
Amen. So glad to see your explanation of this trial. Your first longer explanation of what happened especially the ordeal that led to your leaving AMA was an eye opener to me. We have the same situation where I live. Local hospital was bought by a for profit corp. The quality has taken a very serious nose dive. I hope that people like Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and our new President are made fully aware of these problems and potentially help find a fix. In my opinion though it is more of a problem with our nation having slid into apostasy. Without God our society will continue to dissipate into heartlessness. You are in my prayers as is our nation. Your response here to the prayer posts is truly encouraging. Thank you and may God continue to bless you.

03-22-2017, 05:00 AM
Get back to 100% as soon as possible.

03-22-2017, 10:11 AM
God bless you, Dennis.


03-23-2017, 07:57 AM
Dear Lord... Please heal our brother Blackwater... Love, Mercy, Faith, Hope, and Good Outcome for him... Amen

03-25-2017, 08:02 PM
Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, it has been a trying month of March for my wife and I, as one year ago on the 10th we lost our son Andy. Haven't been on site as much as I should to be a prayer warrior for my brother and sisters here.

Blackwater, my prayers in the Name of our Lord Christ Jesus for your health, welfare, and continued improvement.

God's blessing on all!

03-26-2017, 08:54 PM
Fine bunch of God fearing men, and women,continue to get well Blackwater and Hickok too.

03-27-2017, 11:49 AM
Today's sitrep is about as good as I could expect to give you folks. I'm done with all my antibiotics, and the only med I'm still taking is Tamulosin, which was given me about 2 wks ago to shrink the prostate, and it clearly seems to be working. Only downside is it causes my blood sugar to spike, and it's staying at about 300-350 though I'm eating no carbs or sugars now. The high blood sugar, and maybe the meds, still have me lethargic and I'm sleeping a lot still, but am VERY grateful for that ability. It also seems to make me lethargic, and also dizzy, especially if I bend down to pick something up. So, if I drop something, I may well leave it lay until the wife gets home. If it's something I need, I bend down VERY carefully to pick it up, and get up very slowly. Don't want to fall and maybe break a hip right before surgery!!!

The water's flowing better than it has in a good while now, and that's a real blessing. I'm beginning to wonder if this hasn't been a blessing through the back door? I'm wondering now if surgery on the ol' prostate might not be a good move when I get better? That'll have to be something to work out with my docs, I guess, but this may have been something good. I guess the Good Lord knows I'm not smart enough to figure things out unless I get hit pretty hard???? I just keep trying to discern His will, and I'm just not that great at doing that.

Once again guys, thank you all SO much for your prayers. It's amazing how things work, if we just keep ourselves in His hands, and go with what He puts before us. We typically tend to fight Him tooth and nail, and go with what we WANT or desire, but .... being human, I guess we're not that bright in a lot of ways? If you guys get it all figured out, you're a LOT smarter than I am! Seriously!

The lethargy and so much sleep has my lips pooched out because I don't WANT that, but .... maybe it's doing me good in spite of that? I've said it before. Most of us here are used to praying for and helping others in need. When WE need some prayer and help, it's an awfully humbling experience, but it's SO good to know we have friends like you folks who WILL pray for us when we're in need .... and we're ALL in need at some point or another. Just knowing other sincere believers are praying for you is a very humbling and comforting thing. Truly! Thank you all, and may God bless you all for your kindness. It really matters.

Now, I think I'll peruse some stuff and try to catch up on all I've missed, as much as I can. Catchup is always a challenging game to play, isn't it? I'm just thankful I'm still here TO catch up! Thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

03-27-2017, 11:51 AM
Thank God you are on the mend and seeing light at the end of the valley.

03-27-2017, 12:45 PM
Thanks for the update.

Continued prayers for your recovery and spiritual & emotional strength.

God bless.