View Full Version : Maple syrup

Lead pot
03-05-2017, 08:42 PM
Are any of you making Syrup?
The sap is running slow this year. I don't know if the unusually warm winter has started the sap to run early with the early warm spells or what is going on. The sap from the Walnut trees are doing fair but not the Maples. I did not tap any Boxelders so I cant say what they are doing.

03-05-2017, 08:47 PM
I don't make syrup but there's a guy who taps the maple trees in the woods where I walk my dogs and he's had his taps in for about 2 weeks now. He seems to be doing alright judging by the way his bags are filling up.

Lead pot
03-05-2017, 09:11 PM
I'm in the NW Ill so my temperatures will be close to mine.
It has been a while since I tapped trees and I usually start late January or first of Feb. This year I got a late start 3 weeks later then usual. The trees that are in heavy growth are doing better then the trees in the open. Maybe the more direct sun has started the flow earlier.

03-05-2017, 10:00 PM
Here in the Northeast we got some March weather in February so My friends have been Sapping....We just went through a few very cold days and nights so It may have slowed down now but back to normal this upcoming week

Geezer in NH
03-05-2017, 11:00 PM
Got 4 sugar shacks within 3 miles of me. They are going full throttle. My son and I went to our friends this afternoon for eggs boiled in the sap and cold ones on the side.

Wife not happy with the gas made tonight while watching the TV.

03-05-2017, 11:49 PM
I should order what I need to tap the boxelder in my yard... it might be running already though with this warm weather

03-06-2017, 02:20 AM
never heard of tapping walnut trees. I like black birch though

Teddy (punchie)
03-06-2017, 07:59 AM
never heard of tapping walnut trees. I like black birch though

Yea hows that taste ?? Both sound good.

Temps here started warming in Jan way before local Parks taps were in. I recall something about taste changing after one thing or and other, like budding stage ?? Leafing stage ?? or was it just a too high of temp ??

03-06-2017, 09:39 AM
Haven't any maples near enough to me to make it worth all the driving around, but I've long wondered what maple sap beer tastes like. The Joy of Homebrewing states it used to be quite common to ferment the sap like any other beer. Anyone here try that?

Lead pot
03-06-2017, 12:18 PM
Haven't any maples near enough to me to make it worth all the driving around, but I've long wondered what maple sap beer tastes like. The Joy of Homebrewing states it used to be quite common to ferment the sap like any other beer. Anyone here try that?

:D I thought about putting a coil on top of the pot to see what will flow out. :D
It's best to tap early then to late. This year I should have done that job in January. Around here the trees are budded out early this year.
Black, white and butter nut makes good sap.

Lead pot
03-08-2017, 04:26 PM
Well the flow has stopped again from the Maples. I pulled the first taps and drove wood plugs in the holes and retapped about 20" above the ground and picked on a different root. As soon as the drill bit was pulled out I got a strong flow, I thought OH BOY!! and in just 2.5 hrs the gallon milk jug was 1/2 filled so I dumped the sap just before dark and the next morning 4 jugs where running over and sap on the ground.
The first batch I cooked out in a 3 gallon sst pot full was a bust!! I got busy when it had about 8" left in the pot loading ammo for a upcoming match and my wife came down to my mole den saying your first batch is a bust, it cooked dry and burned the sugar.....GROAN......Well the flow stopped last night again so I pulled some taps and plugged the holes and started to cook the sap last night and this morning the two trees still running I added the sap to the kettle. This time I kept a close watch and when the foam was hard to control I transferred it to a large glass pot and finished it on the kitchen range, and the 10 -12 gallons finished a little over a pint of very good sweet syrup. Don't ever let anyone say that when the trees bud out or the buds are dropping you wont get good syrup. You wont get much but nothing wrong with it. I had a hard time stop licking the wood spoon I used to stir the finish. Very good stuff with a good dark color.

Now when my Wife gets home I better hide :D she might not like her sticky range top from the foam that boiled over.
Next year I wont forget to getting started early. :D.......Kurt

03-08-2017, 10:02 PM
I have been thinking of trying a maple mead... http://meadist.com/making-mead/mead-recipes/sparkling-oaked-acerglyn-maple-mead-recipe/

Haven't any maples near enough to me to make it worth all the driving around, but I've long wondered what maple sap beer tastes like. The Joy of Homebrewing states it used to be quite common to ferment the sap like any other beer. Anyone here try that?

03-08-2017, 11:55 PM
do as mary b is going to do, tap the boxelders for syrup. they really run hard and you can get gallons from them to boil down. boxelder is a type of maple.

03-09-2017, 01:34 AM

Very interesting stuff

03-09-2017, 10:13 AM
Regular old time ribbon cane syrup for me,just don't care for the maple taste.

03-09-2017, 05:35 PM
Sap was slow but managed 40gallons of sap and 1 gal of syrup this past weekend in the Catskills NY. I do believe the weather screwed the trees up.

03-09-2017, 05:38 PM
Cool thanks didnt know about wallnut trees

03-09-2017, 05:52 PM
Wow I'm no help at all . Never gathered sap ...good luck gettin sap out of a mesquite tree ! Bout all we got here . Cane syrup or sorghum is the only syrup made here bouts .

Lead pot
03-09-2017, 07:50 PM
I have a bunch of Mulberry trees I cant get killed off unless I take the backhoe and dig out the roots. Even when I cut them off and drill 1/2" holes in the stump and pour straight Roundup in the holes they still grow back out. I never taped one but the sap sure does flow when they get nicked by the tractor.
They are like a thistle, grow every place where the birds roost.

03-09-2017, 08:03 PM
Yep , wild mulberry trees are a plague .

03-09-2017, 08:03 PM
I have 2 White Mullberry in my yard..... Love the looks of the trees and the birds & Squirrels love them ! They sort of protect my other crops so I keep them. Fruits are so sweet the make me wince! I bet they can be fermented however! Then they would sooth the pallet! The wood makes nice chisel handels!

Lead pot
03-09-2017, 08:44 PM
They do make good jelly and wine. I don't like the jam for the seeds.
It's easy to get a large bunch especially at my place. Just spread out a tarp under the trees and bump them with the loaded tractor and the berries drop like hail :D

03-09-2017, 08:45 PM
Are any of you making Syrup?
The sap is running slow this year. I don't know if the unusually warm winter has started the sap to run early with the early warm spells or what is going on. The sap from the Walnut trees are doing fair but not the Maples. I did not tap any Boxelders so I cant say what they are doing.

Your tapping Walnuts and box elders? Family at home in VT say they have made a bunch of syrup so far.

03-09-2017, 09:04 PM
I have a bunch of Mulberry trees I cant get killed off unless I take the backhoe and dig out the roots. Even when I cut them off and drill 1/2" holes in the stump and pour straight Roundup in the holes they still grow back out. I never taped one but the sap sure does flow when they get nicked by the tractor.
They are like a thistle, grow every place where the birds roost.

It seems to me that I saw a listed use for either 2-4d or 2-5t weed killer used straight in a cattle syringe injected in the cambium layer (just under the bark, where the sap moves), you can kill just about any tree. Tree is dead all the way to the roots, no suckers. Try a search for killing trees with a syringe. I tried and found a place the recommends glyphosate (Roundup if you want to buy name brand).

Lead pot
03-09-2017, 09:57 PM
TNX. 15m I will look in to that. I pull them out by hand when they are small saplings and even then they have long yellow round roots like snakes. Even the old trees when I dig them out have very flexible round roots. But I will look in on this.

03-09-2017, 10:14 PM
Mulberry Melomel(mead) is good stuff. I made a batch last fall. White ones might make an interesting wine...

I have 2 White Mullberry in my yard..... Love the looks of the trees and the birds & Squirrels love them ! They sort of protect my other crops so I keep them. Fruits are so sweet the make me wince! I bet they can be fermented however! Then they would sooth the pallet! The wood makes nice chisel handels!

03-13-2017, 07:21 PM
Lead pot

Remidy, " generic Triclopyr" is very good for most brush. Slash base and spray with triclopyr mixed with diesel.

Lead pot
03-14-2017, 10:16 PM
UUUUUH sounds like agent Orange :D

03-14-2017, 10:36 PM
Bobo's Mountain Sugar http://www.bobosmountainsugar.com/

Dang! That is good stuff.

Lead pot
03-20-2017, 10:45 AM
The maples took off again after having a couple nights down in the lower teens and a warm spell Sunday. I left the taps in and had 5 gallon water cans and a gallon milk jug on one tree. When I saw the milk jug full running over I emptied the cans and ended up with about 14 or 15 gallons of sap. I cooked it down yesterday and finished it up in a glass pot on the range last night but I over cooked it and this morning I found the pot was solid sugar, hard sugar. I broke it up and it softened it some. I hope I get enough sap yet today so I can re do this batch and get it soften up. Lesson learned, don't turn your back on the pot http://castboolits.gunloads.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAATCAYAAAB yUDbMAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5c cllPAAAAZRJREFUeNqslC2MwkAQhafkFAoBGixoPEhQFSgM4YL BnkSgQIPFgUMhagBJ0GiwoDGnsL395rbN3tFeSK4vmTbMvnns/NULw1CywhsPz/N OLvdbsG8 sZ8Y03n6GAsMLZar9efbgyX8vThiBkhROalUqnQarWkUqnEZ9f rVfb7vdzvd4Q jODKFRM3TSO0HAwG4Xa7Df8C5/DgJ4pxIwjm38NXAM8K9iOxnFOjeafTkXK5/FKx4cEnzsZ/i1FsatRut XxeMh0OpXNZpMocjweZTabKQ8 cbZZsZhPscHtdpPz Sy73S5V7HQ6KQ/YOD8eDdofda1YLMp4PE5Nj2AMHrBxTVcshrm2Whrq9XrqWe63g xTS6uWmGqWZJHZgIIEZSBWjwEnAv1gstK7RINvNiMUCJhs0Gg3 J5/MakAT8nMMDNi5wxVasCB2E2Ov1NN3RaKQpXS4XffMb/3A4VB58u1q6VvFuMsmGsKSTDCQCpBulA2q1mg5qtVrVmk0mE9J Z0cz381MvxpPYv/ nmWFLwEGAPsrcSRaPsMCAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC and turn around when you smell maple burning on the burner http://castboolits.gunloads.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAATCAYAAAB yUDbMAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5c cllPAAAAZRJREFUeNqslC2MwkAQhafkFAoBGixoPEhQFSgM4YL BnkSgQIPFgUMhagBJ0GiwoDGnsL395rbN3tFeSK4vmTbMvnns/NULw1CywhsPz/N OLvdbsG8 sZ8Y03n6GAsMLZar9efbgyX8vThiBkhROalUqnQarWkUqnEZ9f rVfb7vdzvd4Q jODKFRM3TSO0HAwG4Xa7Df8C5/DgJ4pxIwjm38NXAM8K9iOxnFOjeafTkXK5/FKx4cEnzsZ/i1FsatRut XxeMh0OpXNZpMocjweZTabKQ8 cbZZsZhPscHtdpPz Sy73S5V7HQ6KQ/YOD8eDdofda1YLMp4PE5Nj2AMHrBxTVcshrm2Whrq9XrqWe63g xTS6uWmGqWZJHZgIIEZSBWjwEnAv1gstK7RINvNiMUCJhs0Gg3 J5/MakAT8nMMDNi5wxVasCB2E2Ov1NN3RaKQpXS4XffMb/3A4VB58u1q6VvFuMsmGsKSTDCQCpBulA2q1mg5qtVrVmk0mE9J Z0cz381MvxpPYv/ nmWFLwEGAPsrcSRaPsMCAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
Don't ever let someone discourage you from late drawing sap after the buds are out and say you don't get the sugar late in the season. This is a lot of sugar from 19 gallons of sap.

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b302/940Leadpot/th_IMG_2937_zpsiqceytqr.jpg (http://s22.photobucket.com/user/940Leadpot/media/IMG_2937_zpsiqceytqr.jpg.html)http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b302/940Leadpot/th_IMG_2938_zpsiq95l8h4.jpg (http://s22.photobucket.com/user/940Leadpot/media/IMG_2938_zpsiq95l8h4.jpg.html)

Lead pot
03-21-2017, 11:13 AM
Well folks here is the finished product. I took the batch that got away from me and turned to sugar and I collected some more sap, about two gallons and put the sugar batch back in the pot with the sap and let it cook for a while filtering it twice and let it cook down a bit. It turned out very good with excellent flavor.

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b302/940Leadpot/IMG_2939_zpsorugnlbk.jpg (http://s22.photobucket.com/user/940Leadpot/media/IMG_2939_zpsorugnlbk.jpg.html)