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View Full Version : Lyman 429434; crimping & OAL

03-04-2017, 01:03 PM
I have cast and shot a bunch of these, and I like the boolit, but settling on an OAL has been a bane.

I use the ammo in revolvers, so crimping over the front edge is how I have been doing it. One conundrum has been how far past the front band to crimp. I've looked in older Lyman manuals and interpolated 44-40 OAL and that would work if it were not for the uneven leading edge of the front band. I have an issue with my sizing die, or my technique, that is sizing my somewhat oversize boolits a bit more on one side, leaving the boolit's band leading edge a little uneven or proud of the boolit ogive on one side.

When seating these boolits, I'd adjust OAL and the odd boolit would crimp and have a small sliver of lead above the crimp. I was a bit annoyed and just started to crimp in the middle of the front driving band. The finished cartridge looks good, shoots good, and I just don't see a downside to crimping my ammunition like this.

A quick investigation online and in my books, did nothing to enlighten me on this practice.

Is crimping in the band an acceptable practice? or not?


03-04-2017, 03:27 PM
If the finished cartridge looks good and shoot good then heck yes it's a viable practice.
Whether or not anyone else accepts it doesn't matter. If it works for you then it works.

Them others just haven't discovered it yet .

03-04-2017, 09:03 PM
if it works it's all good.
I would figure out that size die though.

03-05-2017, 08:28 AM
I believe I have the sizing die figured. It is the old style, with a small step in it. I'll be placing an order for a new one shortly.

04-18-2018, 08:28 AM
Quick update, newer style sizer die does a much better job.