View Full Version : Cast Bullet Matches Kansas City area

03-04-2017, 09:22 AM
At Pioneer Gun club we are about to start a new season of cast bullet shooting we use the Cast Bullet Assoc. targets 60 rounds for group and score. On the odd months we shoot at 100 yards and even months we shoot 200 yards for the bench rest matches. Military we shoot both 100 and 200 every month. This year we moved the match date to the third Wednesday of the month from March through October. Any interested come by or contact me here.

Richard Brinkman

01-03-2018, 10:29 PM
Richard can I get some info about matches.location and caliber of cast

01-12-2018, 02:24 PM
Be happy too! The matches are the same this year as last we have several classes to shoot in Hunter, Production, Light Bench, Heavy Bench, Plain Base and off course Military matches you can shoot any legal rifle or pistol and we do have a guy that shoots pistol bench sometimes. We are located East of Kansas City South of Bates City about half way between I70 and 50 Highway.