View Full Version : the picture of Christ knocking on a door.

03-03-2017, 01:00 PM
there is no door handle, Christ cant open the door to go in, it has to be opened from the inside by the person in the house. your heart is the door, Christ is knocking, he cant open the door to come in but you can open the door to let him in. it is never too late if you still have breath in you. my father did it a day before he died. a local man here in my county did it three months before he died, he was 104 years old. i took care of a man once in his last days. he was the chief of sinners. he done every nasy thing a man could do. i told him about God and his Son and he said, im too much of a sinner to even think about God and his Son. i said, who do you think christ died for? you fit the bill 100 percent. he said, please call my pastor, i want to talk to him about this. some times we are in the right spot at the right time. remember you have to open the door, Christ is knocking.

03-03-2017, 03:47 PM

03-03-2017, 04:41 PM
I like the picture without the window. You have to open the door by faith not by sight. Just my 2Cents worth.

Prairie Girl
03-03-2017, 07:06 PM
I like the picture without the window. You have to open the door by faith not by sight. Just my 2Cents worth.

Hi guys, I am Boaz's daughter Becky. Albert, is this what you are looking for?


03-03-2017, 09:55 PM
Hey Becky, pleasure to meet you.

Lots of good said above, I do not disagree with any of it.

Becky you look like you got some google-fu girl. Wink, grin.

Don't worry, I'm ol fart like your dad, married, happy and lazy. Young girls are too much work to train. Grin.

Take care.

Brother Boaz, be proud man. You done good.

Open the door, repent, ask for forgiveness. Then clean out your heart. Get in there and clean house. Took me most of a year before I really felt like maybe I had dealt with the worst of it. It is IMO a process. Make it fit for the Holy Spirit to enter in to live. Once you have the Holy Spirit inside helping you it gets a lot easier.

Peace like a river, flowing through. Things just don't get to you the same.
Follow HIS will, forget yours.

03-03-2017, 10:30 PM
I like the picture without the window. You have to open the door by faith not by sight. Just my 2Cents worth.

Hi guys, I am Boaz's daughter Becky. Albert, is this what you are looking for?



03-03-2017, 11:22 PM
Becky, YES! Thank you my friend. Have you dad check his PMs. I answered his. I agree with all the above. And Boaz, You have rasied a great daughter. Cherish her.
Bro. Albert

Pine Baron
03-05-2017, 09:44 AM
No need to knock, the door is always open. Matter of fact, I'll be sitting on the front porch watching and waiting.

03-05-2017, 10:10 AM
The moment you open the door you are justified. It's the only thing for you to do. All the rest was done for you at the cross. Sanctification is a life long process. There is much more work that needs to done to form me into the shape I need to be in. Friends don't let the shape your in keep you from opening the door.

03-05-2017, 10:13 AM
The moment you open the door you are justified. It's the only thing for you to do. All the rest was done for you at the cross. Sanctification is a life long process. There is much more work that needs to done to form me into the shape I need to be in. Friends don't let the shape your in keep you from opening the door.

Much said in a few words . Thank you !

03-08-2017, 10:23 PM
You can also note there is one person knocking. There is not a group( muslims Buddist and others). So there is one way to heaven.

03-09-2017, 12:46 PM
What a wonderful post, Johnson! It has become "fashionable" to "shake the dust" from our shoes when in the presence of disbelievers. What a totally WRONG attitude for us Christians!!!! Those are EXACTLY the people Christ wants us to witness to! You did a wonderful job, and you did it because you prepared yourself, as He instructed us all to do. Yeah, it takes some effort, and yeah, it means going against the PC grain and social conventions these days, even those within some churches now! But He gave us the Great Commission, and all the instruction we could ever really need to prepare ourselves enough, that with our experience in life and this simple training, we can make a difference in this world for God. And with all he has given us, a wonder filled universe, a planet that is so improbable that there may well not be another quite like it in the entire expanse of the universe, and a planet so richly provided with everything we could possibly wish for, if only we'll use it and not abuse it. He even gave us wondrous bodies with great abilities to heal themselves ongoingly, and when that fails, he's given us good and well educated men who can usually heal whatever ails us. Delicious foods, the feel of the warm sun on our face and skin, the many wondrous things we see in the Nature He created for us! He's given us so very, very, very much, and all He's really asked in return, is a little courage and commitment from us, and that we study a little along so that He will be able to bless our efforts in spreading His word and love! That's a VERY heavily weighted balance, with us receiving so very much, and He asking so very little of us. And yet, in His mind, that's balance.

You impress me, Johnson, with every post you make. Thanks. It matters.

03-09-2017, 02:39 PM
Once you open your heart to Jesus you will be amazed how easy things become. He is our lifeline to God and Heaven. He is there to carry us and support us. He is there to forgive us when we fail and fall. I cant think of one thing I would change and my belief in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is unshakeable.....I have been at the foot of the cross before and it sure was great that Jesus was there to save me. Gentlemen thanks for the lesson and thank each of you, and Ms. Becky, for being there for us. Paul

Teddy (punchie)
03-09-2017, 11:54 PM
nice post !!!

nice pictures.


Gob Bless!!