View Full Version : The important things!

02-26-2017, 06:34 PM
Have a 5 week old kiddo at home (first child). Been bemoaning the loss of my previous 'lifestyle' and 'leisure time'. Been asking HIM for strength in the new chapter of my life (and a continuing health for my son that I can enjoy his leisure/hobbies with). Let's hope it's shooting :p. We can't handle our life changes on our own!

Pine Baron
02-26-2017, 06:44 PM
God bless you, adam mac84. Your adventure begins. Remember, no matter what anyone says, you are your son's parent. You and Mom will know what's best for him. Stay on God's path and you'll be better than good, you'll be great. Go in peace.

02-26-2017, 07:02 PM
GOD bless your family...it is worth whatever price it costs.

02-26-2017, 07:18 PM
It really does change our lives when we have a child, but I began taking my son with me when I went shooting at about age 2, IIRC. By the time he was 3, he asked if he could shoot my Ruger .357. That struck me as curious, and a possible danger if he found it some time, and wanted to "play" with it. So ... I sat down, unloaded it (a New Model, so only had to open the gate and turn the cylinder to empty it). Then I handed him the empty gun and asked him to show me with the empty, how he'd shoot it if I loaded it for him. He grabbed the barrel with his left hand, cocked the hammer with his right, extended it out and I told him to point it like pointing his finger, and "click," he pulled the trigger. Muzzle dropped as it "fired," and he'd have hit low, but not bad for a first timer of only 3! So in accord with my promise, I loaded 1 rd. of .38 std. vel. and put it in his hands with mine surrounding his, so if he turned or something I could stop him from doing anything dangerous, and "bang," he just missed a 2 lb. coffee can at about 12-15 steps! And he beamed like a beacon in the night!

Right then and there, I instructed him in the safety rules, emphasizing that he NEVER touch it because I kept it loaded all the time (I actually didn't, but he needed to think I did), and that NOBODY EVER points a gun at anything or anyone that he doesn't intend to kill, even if it's not loaded, because sometimes, guns can be loaded when people don't think they are. And I promised him that if he ever really wanted to handle it, to come to me, and whatever I was doing, I'd quit it and let him hold it and make sure he stayed safe with it. He never asked, and seemed to be satisfied just knowing that I WOULD do just as I'd promised. I did let him shoot it several times subsequently, until I traded it off for a .45 so he wouldn't be able to jack one in the chamber. I kept it with a loaded mag. and empty chamber, so I could grab it, should a need arise, and load it in less than 1 second.

Keep that child hunting and fishing and camping, and it'll help combat a lot of the stuff kids get exposed to today, and it'll give you some real time to just talk, father to son, and really come to know and love each other SO much more than most parents seem to these days. It's the best times you'll ever have with them, and it's a really close contest who'll remember them more fondly, you or him (or her).

Raising kids is always a challenge, but the more simple TIME you spend with them, the better the results you can expect down the line. Many don't want to give them their time, but you'll get more out of it than the child does, usually, and it'll change your life as well as theirs. There's no "attitude" in the wild. Just truth. And the more truth they can learn early on, the better they tend to handle all the temptations they'll run into later. And THAT can save you lots of heartache and money, too! So it's a good "investment" in more ways than one.

Just show them what real faith looks like. More is "caught than taught" in raising kids, and what you SHOW them will mean MUCH more than what you tell them. Kids learn 90% of what they pick up from example. And patience comes in really handy, too. Just remember, they're still learning. Show them enough love and attention, and they'll come to respect you in a way that just isn't possible if you leave them to "adult supervision." Safety is important for the young, but nothing will ever substitute for the time and love and respect you share with them. The more respect and love you show them, the more you'll receive in return, and the more seriously they'll take the words and advice you give them.

That's the biggest lesson in child rearing I ever found, at least. Prayers up for you and your young one. Prayers tend to be indispensible these days, too, and praying with them and for them, so they can hear, and teaching them to pray also, really helps an awful lot. Mostly, though, all it really takes is the care, and you've shown you care by asking for prayers here. You'll do fine. All the elements are there, and all you really need to do is just use them. If some of your friends don't like "kids" tagging along, find new friends who DO. It matters.

02-26-2017, 09:36 PM
First child ! 5 WEEKS OLD !!! I envy you sir , GOD has blessed you ! It will all work out . May our Lord bless and protect your family .

02-26-2017, 09:51 PM
Teach him all about the Duke!


02-26-2017, 09:54 PM
Congratulations by the way. Pray for patience too. First one's are the hardest because you've never been a parent before.

02-26-2017, 10:07 PM
Congratulations and enjoy the life God has added to your family, Prayers for you and your family.