View Full Version : I'm HOOKED!!!

02-26-2017, 06:05 PM
I just had some the best bacon I've ever had!
About two weeks ago I eliminated a hog from my deer lease. made 1 brined ham and some of the pork sides.
Well two days ago, I fired up the smoker and did both. After being smoked, the side was given a light coat of raw honey, the a heavy coat of course ground pepper, let set in the refrigerator over night. This afternoon I sliced it up on a elec. slicer found at the Goodwill for $5. Well, I just had to try, in the pan,,, ended up making a BLT. I haven't eaten breakfast in 40 years, Will now!

02-26-2017, 11:49 PM
Look up buckboard bacon, made form the front pork shoulder. Debone it, add cure and give it 10-14 days in the fridge then smoke it. Best BLT bacon on the planet! 2-3 slices cover the bread!

02-27-2017, 11:08 PM
Man, I'm gonna have to make me some bacon!!!!!!

02-27-2017, 11:29 PM
Good on you for killin' the hog....the bacon is just a bonus!

03-06-2017, 02:45 PM
I have three pork shoulders curing now. Everyone loves it.