View Full Version : your health tip for every one

02-23-2017, 09:22 PM
im a old retired registered nurse with a keen interest in biochemistry and nutrition. what ive be thinking about for a long time is for all of us to share information that has worked for you to keep you healthy over the years. i dont care if your young or old, male of female, if it has worked for you, tell us about it.

i could write a book here but i dont want to do that. i will start off with a couple of things and every one can give input. i will add from time to time as if have a lot of info on this subject but dont want to hog this post. i want to learn also. lets keep it happy and info sharing and maybe we can all help us stay more healthy and make each others life better.

i want to learn from you all as we are really our own doctors with the help of medical drs. even as to medications that has really worked well for you. lets all learn alot and keep the grim reaper away and remain up right on out feet. the first thing im going to post as information is if you are over come by bloating all the time and it is getting worse and you have dry scaly skin and even heart palpations consider that you may be gluten intolerant.

if your stomach is like a basketball full of gas consider gluten intolerant. go off of gluten for a couple of weeks and see if you improve. no wheat, rye, or oats products. no modified food starch in canned or dry food. no carmel color in drinks or food. no beer made with barley or wheat. no barley also. ive suggested this to many and it change their lives.

thats it exept for one more thing if you can tolerate black pepper on or in your food go for it. it will keep your bones stronger as you get older and even help with blood sugars. the bone desity thing is the most important thing of all and if you dont eat much red meat black pepper can keep your bones healthy. now i cant resist my self as a info for you heavy red meat eaters.

have you all heard that red meat is the cause of bowel cancer? well that is only part of the story and not the real truth. red meat is full of iron and iron kills vitamin e in the body. the iron in red meat causes the bowel cancer if not enough vitamin e is in the body. it doesnt affect the body if enough vitamin e is present. just tkae 100 to 400 units of vitamin e daily with a meal, no more than that, and eat all the red meat you want. medical drs. in finland did alot of research on this and this is what they found out. iron with the lack of vitamin e is the problem, not the red meat.

ok, thats it for me and lets get your input and what works for you may help some one else. any kind of health tip, i want to learn.

Love Life
02-23-2017, 09:29 PM
Exercise, eat healthy, keep weight off.

02-23-2017, 09:33 PM
Don't eat yellow snow. If it looks heavy, ask for help moving it. A moment of anger and strength can cause you a lifetime of damage and pain. (My body has the strength to do what I tell it to 10 seconds before my brain says don't do that. As a result I have herniated disks and pinched nerves.) Other than that, Hydrate. Water all day every day.

02-23-2017, 09:42 PM
less gravy, more vegetables.

02-23-2017, 09:51 PM
Moderation in all things, yes even in Moderation.

I do have one thing that works when my hips and shoulders ache with arthritis.

I take a small plastic container, fill it 3/4 full of Raisins. Then cover the raisin's with straight Gin. I have been known to add a tablespoon of honey to help make it more palatable.

After it has aged for a week start eating a teaspoon full every day until the aches quit.

I do not know why it works, and it does not work for everyone. But for me 2 spoons of this will shut the pain right down every time. I do use a snap top type container, but it just sits on the counter till it is needed.

It will light a fire in your mouth, but it burns out the aches too.

02-23-2017, 10:30 PM
Johnson, don't mean to make light of your question, just can't help chuckle when I remember my grandmother reaching for the fatback out of the peas and beans...finally caught up with her at age 87. Makes me wonder, seriously, how much lifestyle really matters vs genetics. My mother just turned 88, also was an RN. Overweight a lot of those years, definitely not a "healthy" diet, and in overall good health. Daddy and Grandaddy on the other hand.....hmmm

02-23-2017, 10:42 PM
Water and deep breathing ! Had a naval flight surgeon and a family friend whom was a mortician and forensic pathologist say most every time someone with a seeming non life threatening injury died or unknown cause of death there was evidence of long term dehydration! Deep breathing cause oxygen rich blood in required to mantian and repair everything in the body!

02-23-2017, 11:06 PM
these are really good and ghost hawk yours was very very interesting. sounds to me like a iron tonic. alcohol is something i will talk about later if this keeps going. i could not function if i didnt have a couple glasses of very dry, very red italian wine every day. gentics and God are the other factor beside life styles that can give one a long life. i hope these keep coming

02-23-2017, 11:13 PM
Don't be cheap. Cheap stuff will kill you. Like frozen pizza, frozen burger, cheap beer, soda by gallons...
I have too many older friends who eat cheap and spend tons on medications. I don't suggest waste money unnecessaryly but look for real things like eggs from real chicken.

02-23-2017, 11:55 PM
Don't smoke

02-24-2017, 04:34 AM
My wife and I had a "date" every friday night for years-- I always had a burger and chocolate malt. My cholesterol jumped to 240. So, I switched to a burger and a beer, and my cholesterol dropped to 170. So-- first rule-- a beer a day is your friend. I also decided many years ago that sauces and condiments are a waste of good health. I don't do mayonaise and other spreads. Lots of meat, lots of veggies, a beer each day, and lots and lots of hard exercise (and I'm 70 and regularly run 3-5 miles every few days for exercise).

02-24-2017, 07:55 AM
Johnson1942,,, You are very right on with the Wheat/ grains..Since they messed with our grains in order to UP the production and feed the world we have had lots of problems with gluten. We eat and eat all the healthy foods one can stuff down or bellies and die from the lack of nutrients, develop nutrient deficiency problems ( my opinion ) .

I'm not a health nut and I'm not a gov conspiracy fool, but damn there is something wrong with some of our food and a major problem with people eating processed food, it will slowly kill you. I am slowly working to get processed food out of my life and doing better for it. It is a tough process.

Don't forget, are you getting all your trace minerals in your food, I doubt it. If you are, is your body absorbing them and using them? Gluten and processed food wrecks havoc on this

One more tid bit,,, We are all different, we all came from a different part of the world, our bodies all have different needs for nutrients, one size does not fit all.

02-24-2017, 10:11 AM
I eat real butter, lots of it and cheese, fat meat, I want 1/2# of bacon with eggs. The worst troubles I ever had was when a doctor told me I needed this or that pill. Pills will do you in.
My cholesterol was 320 or something. I asked about it and he said my good fats were extremely high. Why take death pills then?
I do drink. Why give up what you love? I am 79, hunt, shoot and drag deer.
I think running to the doctor for every twinge and getting pills is a path to the grave. Just read warnings on medicines.

02-24-2017, 10:28 AM
we are getting a lot of good stuff from every one. again this old nurse has a special saying that every one should remember. life is movement and death is stillness, KEEP MOVING. and alot.

Wayne Smith
02-24-2017, 10:56 AM
Make sure your MD is willing to learn. MD's literally 'practice' medicine - unless you have an identical twin your physiology is unique in the universe. Your MD has a general idea what these medications do for most folks, he/she has No idea what is happening in Your body until You tell him/her. Keep records, communicate, and let your MD learn your physiology so their next guess will be more accurate.

02-24-2017, 12:07 PM
i want to share something else that can benefit every one and is a little know fact. i first noticed this 30 years ago when working as the head of a the evening shift at a nursing home. i was going over the lab work of some of my patients and i noticed that most of the cholesterol were really low as was the triglycerides(fat in the blood). i asked a dr on rounds about this and he said of course, it is the metamucil you give them every day to keep their bowels moving.

he said it is a little known fact that metamucil every day will do a better job of lowering cholesterol and triglycerides than any medication out there. this is going to save a lot of you money and maybe even the horrible side affects from cholesterol meds. it may even extend your life. use only the metamucil with the non suger sweetner in it as suger raises triglycerides. mix it with a fizzy drink similar to 7 up that is diet. take it every morning and every evening. within six week when you get your blood work done you will see that it really really works with out fail. helps prevent bowel cancer also as it cleans out the bowel like a broom.

i must tell you a story that will verify this. when i worked at a mental institution and was a supervisor i had a nurse under me who was very very active and very fit looking and slim. she had the genetic problem of very very high triglyserides. they were out of sight and when you saw her blood in a test tube the fat would rise to the top like cream on fresh milk. nothing brought them down. i told her about the metamucil and she did it twice a day for 6 weeks and went and had her blood drawn and her triglyserides were normal. she was so happy she cried.

now that im on a roll i am going to share why some people die of heart attacks at a younger age and they are active and live a good life style and even look fit. you all know someone like this and you dont want to have that happen to you. here is the reason why for most of them. bad teeth or even just one really bad cavity. the bacteria in a cavity if it gets in the blood can cause a stroke or heart attack from blood clumped into a solid with in 5 minutes ater entering the blood stream.

also if your joints are aching badly and you have inflammation every where or some point in your body and have a bad tooth or teeth, that is our source of the problem. you are fooling with a quick and sudden death if you have any decayed teeth in you mouth. if you cant afford to fill them. get them pulled at least. those young people you had bad teeth and had to get them all pulled when they were young have a better chance of living to be very old than people who kept their teeth and let cavities happen and are poor about getting them pulled or fixed. never ever let a cavity remain in your mouth, it is like spinning the cylinder of a revolver with one live round in it and putting it to your head every day.

if the dr. tells you you need your gallbladder out, do it. it wont get better and the same thing teeth do the gallbladder can do to your body. if your walking around with a cane and your joints in your feet are swollen and the nerves at their junctions in your feet are swollen and you can barely walk any more think, do i have cavities or a bad gall bladder. if those two are fixed the other problems will go away. their you all are, a couple of little know facts that every one now knows that reads this. remain upright and keep moveing.

02-24-2017, 12:29 PM
just another one that every one should know. bet there are many people who read these post are taking metformin. well your thinking, he is going to tell me a bad side affect but im not. im going to tell you a good side affect from taking metformin. it helps you lay down new brain cells in the brain faster than normal. so in a nut shell it makes you smarter and your gaining new brain cells faster than you ever did. nice to know.

02-24-2017, 12:46 PM
Couldn't agree more regarding Metamucil. That along with cardio exercise will do wonders. Save some $$'s and just buy straight psyllium husk powder and mix with A LOT of water (it swells so quickly you could choke) It can be purchased from bulkfoods.com. I've got great teeth and no knwn gall bladder problems, I've been on a quest to learn what is causing all the aches in my body which is in its 7th decade. Mobic works but I'd prefer to find the cause and not take a prescription med

02-24-2017, 01:21 PM
You're right on about teeth. Many years ago, I used to get severe headaches. Like someone was plunging an ice pick in my head, throbbed every time my heart beat and lasted for days. Then I had dental problems and had several back teeth pulled. Haven't had a headache since, and that was over 30 years ago.

02-24-2017, 01:55 PM
the good stuff just keeps coming, thanks

02-24-2017, 03:15 PM
Awesome thread, Johnson. Thanks for starting it. Only thing I can think of to add is that if you EVER find yourself snacking to keep your energy level up. STOP! Let your work conform to your stamina, and NOT visa versa! For years, before being diagnosed as diabetic, I was hailed for my "energy," but it was due to the snacking I did. I HAD to keep snacking to keep up my pace.

This seems to be pretty common among diabetics - that previously, they'd used snacking to keep their energy levels up. But the payback on the other side of that ain't good! I learned too late, but at least I DID ask my doc about it, but A1C's I had done all came back "normal." But I wasn't snacking when I took them, so .... tests CAN be inaccurate, and inaccurate tests can make you think you have license to keep doing things that we all really HAVE to know, somewhere deep down inside us, are NOT good for us.

So .... if you ever find yourself using sweets or salty carbs (like 'tater chips) to "keep you going," you're very likely on a path to regrets that you'll NEVER wind up overcoming. I'm just glad to still BE here to post stuff like this. In my case, it led to kidney failure and a time on dialysis, but I was one of the very lucky ones whose kidneys got started back working again, at least partially. And you do NOT want to deal with ANY of that! I promise you! It's about the most humbling thing one can deal with, and a CONSTANT problem to adapt to. So again, you do NOT want to deal with this when knowing about it CAN prevent it. An ounce of prevention is ALWAYS worth a pound of cure - at the very least!

02-24-2017, 09:09 PM
Johnson, don't mean to make light of your question, just can't help chuckle when I remember my grandmother reaching for the fatback out of the peas and beans...finally caught up with her at age 87. Makes me wonder, seriously, how much lifestyle really matters vs genetics. My mother just turned 88, also was an RN. Overweight a lot of those years, definitely not a "healthy" diet, and in overall good health. Daddy and Grandaddy on the other hand.....hmmm

My maternal Grandmother made 94, the greasiest cook I ever ate after. She would sop up the fat in her chicken dumplings with a biscuit, I'll not mention the country style steak. She was raised dirt poor, if they starved today tomorrow didn't matter so they ate anything they had and glad to have it. My Mom is 92 and her sister is almost 90 but Papa didn't fare all that well. Dad's people were pretty much the same way. I believe genetics has a lot to do with it.


02-24-2017, 09:30 PM
I agree with the genetics..Mom made 97 and was in decent health and lived in her own place with a bit of help in the mornings and evenings....I'm 80 and have a bunch of stuff that is wrong (most from a long term love affair with alcohol and cigarettes) but the BP is 125x80 and my cholesterol is about 170...I have COPD from nothing more than smoking 1-2 packs a day for 20 years and lots of scars and healed up broken parts from drinking daily for about the same period.

I go back to the old comment about when I die I don't want folks to look into the casket and say "doesn't he look nice"? I want them to jump back and say "what the hell happened to him"?...When I hit the Pearly Gates I'd like to slide in in a cloud of dust with bruises and dirt from head to toe, and a cigar clenched in my teeth...I want a bottle of jack clutched in my sweaty hands and have an evil grin on my face as I hell "Man what a ride"?..I've already lived long enough I can't buy "last expenses insurance"...AARP has long since quit sending me anything and nobody much bothers me....When it comes it comes....I should have died before I quit smoking and drinking back in '81...happy landings everyone and keep a good attitude!!

Love Life
02-24-2017, 09:34 PM
Conducting Funeral Honors for the last two+ years, and having all that time to walk through cemeteries throughout southwest Georgia, Southeast Alabama, and northern Florida; has shown me that women live longer than men.

mold maker
02-24-2017, 09:51 PM
Wake up early, everyday, and take a deep breath. It's all downhill from there.

country gent
02-24-2017, 10:20 PM
Heres one that is hard to learn and do. Worry about what you can change or have control over, that you can change or do something about let go. I watched guys worrying about lay offs and cuts when they could do nothing about it make themselves sick.

02-24-2017, 10:24 PM
men should not drink or eat from plastic the chemicals leach in to the food and can cause problems. don't drink diet sodas. they are worst then just drinking the sugared ones. watch the so called health foods they are not that heathy. again men should stay away from soy and refractive corn syrup. both add weight and case e.d.

02-24-2017, 10:47 PM
Genetics isn't so important as once thought. There have been studies following identical twins and lifestyle is much more important than genes. There is variability in all of this so the 95 year old daily grease eaters exist just as 35 year old health nuts falling over dead one day.

Look to the longest living populations and see what they do. The big three killers in the West are cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes), cancer, and diabetes. All of these are largely preventable, note I said largely. What you put in your mouth on a regular basis has a huge effect.

02-24-2017, 11:03 PM
I eat real butter, lots of it and cheese, fat meat, I want 1/2# of bacon with eggs. The worst troubles I ever had was when a doctor told me I needed this or that pill. Pills will do you in.
My cholesterol was 320 or something. I asked about it and he said my good fats were extremely high. Why take death pills then?
I do drink. Why give up what you love? I am 79, hunt, shoot and drag deer.
I think running to the doctor for every twinge and getting pills is a path to the grave. Just read warnings on medicines.

+1 on this.

02-24-2017, 11:21 PM
Camel non-filter and Dr Pepper was what my oldest grandfather had everyday. He passed at 96. My other grandfather was the poster child for how the docs tell you how not to eat, he made it to 88. Both were never sick and active till the end.

02-25-2017, 12:35 AM
I have a sweet tooth, I have always consumed more sugar than one should. For years, my best friend (who was a type 1 diabetic) always told me I'd become a diabetic, due to the sugars I'd eat. My Dad was a type 2 diabetic...and it appears I am on my way there too.

I started the wheatbelly diet a few years back, and lost a bit of weight, but couldn't keep true to the diet. But I learned something from that. I felt better when I'd avoid simple carbs and sugars (the root of the wheatbelly diet is NO simple carbs and sugars). It seems many of the problems I have accumulated with age...weren't just happening on their own. they are symtoms of pre-diabetes.

Johnson1942, I'd love to see a post of your opinion on simple carbs and sugars, and the rise of Diabetes in our society.

02-25-2017, 09:02 AM
Keep away from artificial sweeteners ,eat full fat real food just be moderate in all things.if only I could keep to that sigh!

02-25-2017, 11:01 AM
im going to the gym so i will keep this short. FAT calories are not the same as CARB calories. 1 calorie of fat is 9 times more potent for putting on weight than 1 cal of a complex CARB. never forget that when you are counting calories. next refined carbs have no food value. use complex carbs in moderation. sugar of any kind will raise you blood levels of trigycerides (fat) in the blood. gotta go, will be back.

Love Life
02-25-2017, 12:12 PM
Something else I do is to listen to my body when it comes to physical training. I am required to be physically fit, and I do physical training almost every day. However, I will skip certain workouts depending on what my body is telling me. Pushing through the pain was the cool thing to do when I was in my early 20's, but that is a no go nowadays. If my knees tell me to take a couple days off of running, the I take a couple day off. Same for my back, arms, etc. I do my best to avoid overuse injuries.

02-25-2017, 12:25 PM
I'd also like to request any info you have on cooking oils, and whether any of them are better than the others, plus a comparison of sauteeing in real butter vs. margerine, and whether olive oil is the best for our health, if you have this info. My wife is big on going by what she hears on TV, but I've never thought much of all this "pop health advice." I read a report a short while back on the value of the "heart diet" (no fats, low carbs, NO fried foods) that spanned many, many people over quite a while. The report followed many people from all walks of life, all the folks they could track, and analyzed the numbers who died who followed that diet, vs. the number who died who didn't, and ate what they wanted. There was no statistical improvement in eating the "heart healthy" diet, and the ones who ate what they wanted actually, IIRC, had a very slight but statistically irrelevant edge on those who went by the "heart healthy diet" very strictly.

And there've been many other instances where much "pop health advice" has been proven worthless and even wrong. So it's really hard to KNOW who and what to believe. This is why I am SO glad you started this thread, Johnson. What's published so often goes through many "filters" before it sees the light of day, and many of those filters involve folks who are making a buck off what's involved, and politics even intervenes there as well at times. REAL live and experienced and honest folks like yourself are the folks I always take seriously these days.

When I was diagnosed as diabetic, the best advice I think I was given was to use my meter a LOT, and let IT tell me what to eat and what not to. The endocrine system varies from person to person, and some folks have more of certain chemicals in them than others, and pretty much most of us have differing balances of all of them, I've been told, so some diabetics are more sensitive to some foods and others not so much, and visa versa. One of the biggest surprises I got was that I could eat a Snickers bar if I really needed some energy, and it didn't spike my blood sugar all that much, but DID give me the energy I needed when fishing, or other activity, where I couldn't afford to be sluggish. Being waterproof helps too, keeping them in the ice chest. But biscuits and potatoes and white bread are nearly poisonous, so there were some real disappointments as well. I still use my meter when dealing with any new food I'm not sure about. I now take 1 pill a day for my diabetes, and the doc says if I can lose wt., I'll probably be able to control it with diet alone. Can't lose the wt. 'till I get my hips fixed, which should be in about a month or so. Getting older is full of challenges. It's when we start having to pay for all the errors we made, some willful and some out of not knowing, along our pathways. I doubt I know anyone who hasn't made some errors along the way. I have the best DIL in the world, but she only likes eating bread, potatoes and beef. I'm scared she's going to become Type II like me and her Mom. Love her, but she is NOT amenable to changing her diet! She's as bad as I once was, but at least she eats a lot of salads now. Who knows how it all ends for any of us? I don't! But it's good to give our health all we can to correct or at least deal with our mistakes of the past. I sure made aplenty!

Love Life
02-25-2017, 12:29 PM
There is plenty of peer reviewed research available to answer your questions, Blackwater. I go by those and what my body tells me.

I also believe a healthy and happy mind is paramount to overall good health. Keep stress low, keep a positive mental attitude.

Circuit Rider
02-25-2017, 12:32 PM
Canola oil is deadly! Do the research. My wife uses only coconut, avocado or olive oil for cooking. No processed meats. Strictly organic. I quit taking all meds and use only natural sources for any ailments. Feel much better and family and friends see the difference in my health and endurance at 75 yo. CR

Mohawk Daddy
02-25-2017, 01:12 PM
Eat food that has colors: red, orange, yellow, dark green, light green, purple, blue, etc. If all your intake is white or brown, you are missing a lot of nutrients. Oh and Crisco is an ingredient in some people's boolit lube; don't cook with that.

02-25-2017, 01:13 PM
No oils! I thought olive oil was a 'good oil' for years. It isn't. There are no 'good meats' either. There is a video on youtube by Dr. Esselstyn titled "Making yourself Heart attack Proof". Watch it.

Yellow Fang
02-25-2017, 01:31 PM
im a old retired registered nurse with a keen interest in biochemistry and nutrition. what ive be thinking about for a long time is for all of us to share information that has worked for you to keep you healthy over the years. i dont care if your young or old, male of female, if it has worked for you, tell us about it. i could write a book here but i dont want to do that. i will start off with a couple of things and every one can give input. i will add from time to time as if have a lot of info on this subject but dont want to hog this post. i want to learn also. lets keep it happy and info sharing and maybe we can all help us stay more healthy and make each others life better. i want to learn from you all as we are really our own doctors with the help of medical drs. even as to medications that has really worked well for you. lets all learn alot and keep the grim reaper away and remain up right on out feet. the first thing im going to post as information is if you are over come by bloating all the time and it is getting worse and you have dry scaly skin and even heart palpations consider that you may be gluten intolerant. if your stomach is like a basketball full of gas consider gluten intolerant. go off of gluten for a couple of weeks and see if you improve. no wheat, rye, or oats products. no modified food starch in canned or dry food. no carmel color in drinks or food. no beer made with barley or wheat. no barley also. ive suggested this to many and it change their lives. thats it exept for one more thing if you can tolerate black pepper on or in your food go for it. it will keep your bones stronger as you get older and even help with blood sugars. the bone desity thing is the most important thing of all and if you dont eat much red meat black pepper can keep your bones healthy. now i cant resist my self as a info for you heavy red meat eaters. have you all heard that red meat is the cause of bowel cancer? well that is only part of the story and not the real truth. red meat is full of iron and iron kills vitamin e in the body. the iron in red meat causes the bowel cancer if not enough vitamin e is in the body. it doesnt affect the body if enough vitamin e is present. just tkae 100 to 400 units of vitamin e daily with a meal, no more than that, and eat all the red meat you want. medical drs. in finland did alot of research on this and this is what they found out. iron with the lack of vitamin e is the problem, not the red meat. ok, thats it for me and lets get your input and what works for you may help some one else. any kind of health tip, i want to learn.
I'm a type 1 diabetic for almost 50 years. Got sick (cold, flu, stomach bug, etc) 5 or 6 times per year all my life. Three years ago, I started taking Shaklee vitamins, and I've only had a minor cold that lasted a couple days, and a cough for a couple of days. Huge improvement, amazing stuff.

Sent from my SM-T237P using Tapatalk

02-25-2017, 01:33 PM
One thing. Thanks for the ''hints'', and taking the time to post them, keep at it. Much appreciated

02-25-2017, 01:38 PM
For every fad nutrition advice... SNIP

Maybe you should stop looking at advice and start looking into actual research conclusions? Of course lots of folks seem to think whatever they think is just as good as what anybody else thinks. If that applies, carry on.

There is a website nutritionfacts.org with a staff of around 15 that reads all English language nutritional studies. There might be something on there for anyone on the forum who doesn't already know everything.

02-25-2017, 01:42 PM
I'm a type 1 diabetic for almost 50 years. Got sick (cold, flu, stomach bug, etc) 5 or 6 times per year all my life. Three years ago, I started taking Shaklee vitamins, and I've only had a minor cold that lasted a couple days, and a cough for a couple of days. Huge improvement, amazing stuff.

I am a big proponent of vitimans/supplements. I take a whole food multi-vitiman, a Tumeric supplement, and a liquid mineral supplement. Really works for me to avoid colds etc. If anything seems to be coming on, I take an elderberry supplement, specifically Sumbacol.

02-25-2017, 01:57 PM
The wife & I have eaten pretty much in line with the South Beach program for a couple of years- not slavishly, but use it as a guideline. We also are regulars at the local gym. I'm down about 20 lbs, and draggin' deer is quite a bit easier than before. Just wish that everything wasn't so much tastier deep fried!

02-25-2017, 02:00 PM
My wife and I started a Paleo / hunter gatherer type diet about 4 years ago very aggressive for first 1 yr or so then not as strict; basically no grains or processed foods. Her MS symptoms lessened and the chronic fatigue was greatly reduced. I had more energy and dropped about 25 lbs.

Plate plinker
02-25-2017, 03:00 PM
My wife and I started a Paleo / hunter gatherer type diet about 4 years ago very aggressive for first 1 yr or so then not as strict; basically no grains or processed foods. Her MS symptoms lessened and the chronic fatigue was greatly reduced. I had more energy and dropped about 25 lbs.
This works great for two of my aunts.

02-25-2017, 04:58 PM
there are several good oils out there but there is only one that stands out from the rest as to living a long life and im not just going to state it what it is and leave it at that. i will tell the reason why. COLD PRESSED VIRGIN OLIVE OIL.

the reason is,it never ever goes rancid as all the other oils that is left out in the sun or even at room temp.it is the only oil that traveled around the med. sea in clay jars in heat as high as 130 degrees and never ever went rancid. rancid oil will cause cancer and clogged anything in the body. rancid oil is BAD FOR YOU. again olive oil never ever goes rancid.

now im going to pass on 3 things that is a common thing for those who live way past 100 years old out to 115 and 125 years old, no 4 things. olive oil, red wine chocolate and move move move. ride a bike, walk move. i ride my exercise bike a couple of time a week for one hard hour each time. i ride it so hard that if it ever came off of its stand i would probably kill my self hitting the wall infront of it.

i also could not go through a day with out my two glasses of italian dry red wine. i will talk more about that later if you all want the facts about that.

now hat i want to talk about to day was how the gut, stomach, and the brain are more connected than ever ever thought before. the stomach and gut are now being called in medical science the second brain. it has long been known that parts of the spinal column can act as the brain when it needs to but now science has shown the the gut and stomach and the brain are very very closely relate. it is now believed Alzheimers starts with stomach problems and when unresolved moves to the brain. so it is thought will a lot of other problems also.

the stomach can even affect your mood or mental health. the gut and stomach and brain are so closely related that what affect one of those 3 will affect the other 2. now since this research is so new a lot about this is going to be found out but one common thing they have in common is serotonin.

this is the link between all 3 of these body parts. when serotonin is disrupted then they cant talk to each other well and the health problems start. now how do you get a good supply of serotonin? look it up on the internet and make sure your diet includes a good supply of food every day that will keep your serotonin level at the best.

next make sure you take at least 100 mg of vitamin B6 a day and 1000 mg of vitamin C. these 2 vitamin will help cycle the tryptophan in the food you eat into serotonin. i think it is called the krebs cycle but im not sure, college was a long time ago. also, do not be afraid to take when you go to bed to take 500 mg of L-trytophan, the pure form of trytophan. do this on a fairly empty stomach. if that isnt enough for a good sleep, do a 1000 mg. it isnt just for sleep it is to keep the talking going between the gut, stomach and the brains going as close to normal as you can get. this info is probably one of the most important health tips you will ever learn.

the other thing that keeps the brain, gut and stomach going is the good bacteria in the gut and stomach. eat yogurt, drink kifer, it is better and way more potent that yogurt. eat a lot of cabbage. eat natural fermented pickles made from anything. the internet tells how to home ferment any veg.to make home fermented pickles. keep the talking going between the gut, stomach and the brain and you will greatly benefit.

if you can find a beer brewed locally that has not been heated to kill the good bacteria in it, there you are, a pint of that a day will do the trick for a longer heathier life. also brew your own, and dont heat it to make a longer self life. drink it as you brew it. your gut, stomach and brain will love it. later i will post about the benefits of moderate alcohol every day in the diet. you will be surprised what research had shown.

02-25-2017, 10:33 PM
Well I disagree about canola oil. If you are going to make a claim like that I think you need to back it up with hard data and from more than one source. We made the jump to olive oil 15 years ago. Then one day I see where canola oil has twice as much of the good as olive.

Me I like to use a moderate amount of canola oil, and a small pat of butter together.

Makes it taste like it was all butter, but IMO healthier.

That being said everyone has to die from something. I'd much rather die from too much bacon and butter than too much TV or boring food.

02-25-2017, 11:31 PM
i forgot to mention that butter is coming back as well a pure lard. the problem with most lard at stores is they hydrogenate it to make it smoother and totally ruin it as a healthy food just as hydrogenated cooking oils are ruined also. if one can find pure real lard, it isnt a bad oil as butter isnt.

as for a canola oil, to extract the canola oil from rape seed a bunch of chemicals have to be used to make it usable because pure cold press rape seed oil may be somewhat toxic. this posts isnt about trying to convert you or convince you of anything.

i really dont care what you eat or do, that is your freedom. i dont have to prove anything, take what i put here and go do the research to see what i say is valid or not. here are the facts. you say olive oil is only around for 15 years, maybe in fargo n.dak but the large part of the rest of the world has been useing it long before the Lord Jesus Christ. and the reason they are useing it is because it never goes rancid when transported.

the chemical breakdown of canola oil may look favorable but try and transport it in clay jars around the warm part of the world and you would kill off all who used it. there is a much better oil for the body to use than even canola oil. it is the oil from flax. would taste terrible on for and some people use it as a supplement.

that is dangerous to you because it goes rancid faster than any other oil known, can even turn into a being dangerous to take into the human body. you cant taste the oil being rancid but most oils with too much water in the oil get rancid fast. a way to get around this if you a special like for a certain kind of oil other than olive oil is to add a little vitamin e to that oil. that will help keep it from going rancid for quite a while.

you sound angry about something, cant figure our what that could be. not trying to convert anyone here. dont read anything i print if it makes you angry and to honest you are your own master and i dont want any part of being that to you. and by the way nothing i print here is B.S. i gain nothing by that. i just want to help people make better choises for them self. why be angry at that?

02-26-2017, 01:32 AM
What do I eat, I pay attention to what my Dr. tells me and I take the meds he perscribes.

I survived polio at the age of 13/14, parents were told I'd never live or not be normal if I did, I was told later I'd never walk again, well I spent 6 yers in the U.S. Army, at the Pentagon BTW.

I survived cancer 20 years ago, was told I had a 30% chance of living, well I'm still here!

I now have failing kidneys, going in in 4 days for operation, and again in a little over a week for another operation.

At present I enjoy life, but guess what folks, no one is going to live forever, and I'm now 73, and life gets harder by the day!

I smoked most of my live, quite 20 years ago, stopped smoking my pipe 25 years ago, I have returned to my pipe gain as I enjoy the smell & taste, not going to my grave wishing for one more pipe full, or one more red steak, or one more whatever that I enjoy.

02-26-2017, 02:41 AM
We use real butter and high quality (Spanish when possible) olive oil when cooking. Margarine is composed largely of hydrogenated oils. Hydrogenated oils can't be broken down by the body and leave much of them-self behind which the body can never expel.

I drink at least one cup of Malbec (very dry, high tannins) wine each day. Usually also drink a bottle of beer each day. Take in some form of citric acid for the vitamin c and also for the diuretic value. Mornings can't start without at least 2 cups of coffee.

I have a history of kidney stones so while keeping anti-oxidants up, I minimize my intake of foods high in oxalic acid. Oxalic acid binds with calcium to form kidney stones.

Nearly 10 years ago, I started in with chest pains. Saw the doc, she checked me and said it was probably an ulcer. She sent me to a cardiologist just to make sure my heart was okay. Cardiologist told me my heart was okay, but it wouldn't hurt to take fish oil and go on low dose aspirin. I also went on Ranitidine (acid reducer) for my ulcer.

In addition to the above, I take krill oil and CoQ10

02-26-2017, 11:29 AM
there is a lot of real stuff coming in now and smokey wolf, i like your approach. you are your own doctor with the help of others. i suspect you have a lot more to say and go ahead and do it, you may help someone here way more than you think. i can tell you have looked at the approach to good health from about every angle it can be looked at. i could comment on many other post as many of them have what i call real meat and potatoes facts behind them and not pop culture cotton candy. thanks every one and keep them coming.

02-26-2017, 11:50 AM
I am not a doctor, but I say everything has a genetic link. If second hand smoke can cause lung cancer, why are there people that smoke two packs a day, and live to a ripe old age with no serious health problems. Other people have never smoked and still develop lung cancer. I am not advocating smoking, even though I smoked a pack a day for 50 years.

Another issue is diesel soot. According to some studies I have read, diesel soot is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. It's hard to find, because the US Government has the largest diesel fleet in the world.

Metformin has another side effect. I took it for 3 months, enduring constant nausea and diarrhea, and lost 38 pounds. Finally convinced the Dr. to change me to something else.

I state this to urge you to know your family medical history.

Live long and prosper!

02-26-2017, 12:14 PM
when the dr. says your blood count(hemoglobin) is low, i will tell you how to raise it to the highest natural level possible.

for men- 100 mg. of zinc a day with your largest meal along with 1000 mg of vitamin C.

for women- 50 mg of zinc a day with your largest meal along with 1000 mg. of vitamin C.

i have done this for years and my hemoglobin levels run over 16 to 18 all the time. that is the highest they can go naturally. the red blood cell to be perfect should carry 4 atoms of iron and be perfectly round in shape. alcohol will make it oblong in shape. not to worry, there is a easy fix for that. 5 mg of vitamin B12 daily will make a perfectly shaped round red blood cell and the zinc and vitamin vitamin c will pack the red blood cell with 4 atoms of iron. there you are a little know secret that will get you leaping buildings in a single bound.

how to increase bone density
1. vitamin D3-5000 units a day along with 3mg. of boron
now the answer. the 3 mg of boron will take all the minerals of every kind you ingest every day and supply your blood with the perfect natural top level it can hold of them. the vitamin D3 with take those minerals from the blood and put them into the bone as needed. there you a really really powerful little know fact that can change many many people lives in a positive way. many of you have a large breed pet dog that is a close friend to you. do him or her a favor and give him or her a 3 mg. tablet of born a day. you will keep them with you alot longer and it will remain mobile a lot longer. make sure the supplement feed you give your cattle or horses has boron in it. they will be bigger and stronger and live longer. also buy it at the fertilizer store and put in your garden soil. it his cause your plant to have more minerals in them.

02-26-2017, 12:45 PM
This a bullet casting forum with some tangential topics.

Be careful of anything you see on the Internet, verify the sources.

We are all entitled to our opinions but not to the facts.

Yes, some drinkers and smokers live to ripe old ages in relatively good shape, most don't.

Your healthcare professionals attended school and have to maintain certification and regular knowledge updates, start there.

The NIH https://www.nih.gov/ and the USPSTF https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/clinicians-providers/guidelines-recommendations/index.html are an unbiased source information to help you decide what is best for yourself.

You would rarely ask a florist for weapon or munition advice, so be careful about health advice from non-professionals.

02-26-2017, 01:50 PM
i see your point but to be honest if you check out all the weight watches cook books there are some really tasty meals planned by them. hundreds of them. tell us what you think is tasty in a meal? it may be to many of us but to others it may not. as for me i eat meat but can not get down more than 4 oz. of any kind of meat.

some like the 1 pound steaks and that is not enough. i agree with you as to food should be enjoyable, but what is enjoyable for one isnt always so for others. what i really really like for a home lunch and i think is heaven to me is this and it may turn you really off. fresh green onions, lots of them large salty oily black fat greek olives, lots of them. a semi soft good tasting cheese. boiled shrimp, a glass of a good semi sweet white wine from germany and the rhine valley. i sit there by my self and think im already in heaven. you would probably say, yuuuuuuk. oh yes, a piece lemon pie for desert.

02-26-2017, 02:00 PM
i see your point but to be honest if you check out all the weight watches cook books there are some really tasty meals planned by them. hundreds of them. tell us what you think is tasty in a meal? it may be to many of us but to others it may not. as for me i eat meat but can not get down more than 4 oz. of any kind of meat. some like the 1 pound steaks and that is not enough. i agree with you as to food should be enjoyable, but what is enjoyable for one isnt always so for others. what i really really like for a home lunch and i think is heaven to me is this and it may turn you really off. fresh green onions, lots of them large salty oily black fat greek olives, lots of them. a semi soft good tasting cheese. boiled shrimp, a glass of a good semi sweet white wine from germany and the rhine valley. i sit there by my self and think im already in heaven. you would probably say, yuuuuuuk. oh yes, a piece lemon pie for desert.

I prefer something more like:

16-oz steak (beef), 1" (preferably 1.5") thick, good marbling, extremely rare, but charred on the outside (i.e. extremely hot grilling surface)
large baked potato with Tony Chachere's seasoned salt, tons of buffer, cheese (preferably grilled on top), pickled jalapenos, and a hot & sweet BBQ sauce on it
pecan pie
dark beer (e.g. Guinness Stout) or a double IPA

Nawh... I eat the animals that eat the veggies... Although corn on the cob, smothered in butter and Tony Chachere's seasoned salt is a nice change sometimes.

02-26-2017, 02:51 PM
this next tip sort of goes along with what navy vet and i have just talked about. for anyone that is interested, go to the internet and research what kind of diet and what kind of foods are compatible with your blood type. it is different for every blood type. when i looked my blood type up(B positive) i found i had figured out the same diet for me that was recommended for a B positive diet. B positive should stay away from wheat and i had already done that because of a very strong gluten allergy i have. my wife is O neg. and here desire for red meat is much stronger than mine as it says for the diet of O neg. you may learn much about your self with this information.

02-26-2017, 05:01 PM
This a bullet casting forum with some tangential topics.

Be careful of anything you see on the Internet, verify the sources.

We are all entitled to our opinions but not to the facts.

Yes, some drinkers and smokers live to ripe old ages in relatively good shape, most don't.

Your healthcare professionals attended school and have to maintain certification and regular knowledge updates, start there.

The NIH https://www.nih.gov/ and the USPSTF https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/clinicians-providers/guidelines-recommendations/index.html are an unbiased source information to help you decide what is best for yourself.

You would rarely ask a florist for weapon or munition advice, so be careful about health advice from non-professionals.

I agree with you for the most part.

Couldn't agree with the first line in bold more.

Couldn't agree with the second line in bold less.

Glean knowledge from the internet; filter it, compare it to other sources. Never believe any source 100%. That includes your doctor. Even the best doctors make mistakes. You don't want to be one of those mistakes. I'm not dissing doctors. I've had one who was a miraculously good diagnostician. I've had two who obviously loved what they did, were really, really good at it and when you were in their exam room, they weren't through with you until you were through with them.

As far as .gov sources of medical info., don't discount what they say, but all are suspect, as they are routinely influenced by the commercial medical and pharma industries.

02-26-2017, 05:11 PM
Moose meat, mashed potatoes and cream corn-----food for the Gods!!!!!

02-26-2017, 06:25 PM
#1 tip. Back extensions (google McKenzie Extension Exercises). Like brushing your teeth for your spine (consult your physician before beginning any new exercise routine) . :)

02-26-2017, 08:39 PM
Don't look for things to worry about. We all have legitimate worries, but stressing over other peoples' problems, the sky is falling for various reasons, etc. will wear you down. Several years ago, I realized that most of the things I worried about never happened, weren't as bad as I thought, or were beyond my control anyway.

02-26-2017, 08:54 PM
Good tip Higgins. I think stress kills us as much as anything else.

02-26-2017, 09:04 PM
Thanks a bunch for this thread, Johnson. Much of what Docs get told these days is dependent upon the pharmaceutical companies that put it out. And when there's money or political paydirt at statke .....well, let's just say that what we are told is NOT always what's really best for us, but makes someone $$$$ or changes the balance of political power somehow, or the often fickle desires of the politicos. So it's really hard to trust even what your docs tell you, now. But then again, disobey them at your own risk, too.

Doctors are often so darn busy that it's a wonder they can keep up the pace they keep. And with patients being as whiny as so many are now, I'm sure it's awfully hard to keep a good perspective at times. So johnson's advice is really appreciated here, and I've learned some neat things, that I'll be looking up and maybe trying out. My health is no longer stellar, as it once was. After my little episode of kidney failure, I suddenly wan't 10 ft. tall, bulletproof and immortal any more. Very humbling! But now, I'm learning all I can to deal with my current health issues, because I want to be around to see my grandboys graduate high school, and maybe even get married. I'd LOVE to be a great-grandad! But I've got to eat and behave a lot smarter than I have in the past, if I ever want a chance to do any of that.

It's amazing, looking back, how senseless I ate and did things. "Too soon old, too late smart" covers me pretty well. But now I HAVE to watch what I eat, and how much as well. I've tried all sorts of things to lose wt., but that's apparently not going to happen until I get my hips fixed so I CAN get around and exercise. Being a semi-shut-in ain't no fun, boys! So learn all you can before you get in the shape I'm in! You'll never regret it.

Personally, I don't swallow all the pop-health propositions. Not long ago, I read somewhere about some study done of thousands of participants about the effectiveness of the now often advocated "heart diet" - no fats, and very little meat, etc., etc. The study, done over a lengthy period of time, showed as many (actually slightly more) deaths in the group who followed the diet, as those who ate whatever they wanted. So it seems pretty clear that if the "heart healthy" diet doesn't produce results, there's something more to it all than just diet.

Lifestyle, we know, has a big effect, and what we eat and how much, but it's not a situation where just doing any one thing will "cure" what ails us. It's the system. Our bodies are a whole system of systems, and they're VERY complex. Some of the very best advice I've ever had from a doc was after discovering that I was diabetic. My doc told me to use my meter often and to let IT tell me what I could eat and what I could not. He explained that the pancreas is part of the complex endocrine system, and that some diabetics can eat things that another one can't, and visa versa, because of the differences in each component of the individual endocrine system. I'm no doc, but this seemed like good advice, and it's proven itself out very comfortably.

Now, I couldn't eat as much as I once loved to even if I wanted to. When younger, I was in perpetual motion, and home was a place to hang my hat, eat a meal, and get a little sleep. I was afield, often with my son and a friend or two, and couldn't gain weight if I wanted to, no matter what and how much I ate. Now? Totally the reverse! So things DO change in our lives, and our activity levels have a lot to do with it all.

I've come to think that balance between all factors is a big key to it, but I have absolutely no hard data or refs to support that. I'm very new at trying to eat and take meds healthfully. It had always been a simple pleasure before. Not any more, and at least I'm trying to deal with the aftermath of what I've bitten off for myself in my ignorance and insolence in thinking it'd last forever. "Once burnt, a lesson learnt" maybe? But when one almost dies, one has to regroup, reorganize, and at least start TRYING to do better.

Thanks again for this thread, Johnson. You never know whose life it might make enough of a difference in to maybe give them some extra years here, and ward off an early death. Had a young person in the obits recently. So sad to see the young ones leave so early! I have no idea why God let me get away with all the idiocy of some of my earlier years, but I'm truly thankful He did! He may be long-suffering with folks like me, but He DOES have His limits, too so .... I'm really trying hard to do better. And threads like this from one who's a real pro and has spent his time really learning and researching stuff like this is purely golden these days!

It's long been noted that there's "a little poison in every cure." It's good to know that before you get old and infirm! I've never taken many meds, really hardly any other than aspirin once in a great while, but now that I depend on some, I try to keep them to a minimum, judging by how I feel my health is holding up. Any drop in that, and I'm back to my doc asking why, and seeing if he has any suggestions. I've got a good doc, but all of them are imperfect, just like us. He gave me some new diabetic meds (samples) recently that are alleged to be better in several respects, but in so doing, forgot that it's not for kidney patients, so ..... as has been stated by more than one here, take what your doc says to heart, but ... double check before taking meds. Now I can't give them back so someone else who needs them might get some use out of them! Our laws are sometimes SO nonsensical and dysfunctional! Oh well, I've got bigger issues to deal with, I guess.

MT Gianni
02-26-2017, 09:10 PM
I stretch regularly. 28 days to yoga fitness is a decent program to keep your muscles loose.
This is the link to Bob Anderson's book Stretching. Going to all formats Amazon has it used fro $5.09. https://www.amazon.com/Stretching-30th-Anniversary-Bob-Anderson/dp/0936070463
This is a great book to show specific muscles groups and how to work them.

02-26-2017, 09:14 PM
to hickory, yes, but God doesnt mind if we take care of the temple, he is going to have us for a long long time, a few more years here with his blessing is not bad at all.

02-26-2017, 09:54 PM
now im going to talk about some really serious stuff that even diabetics can use and it is serious science that will improve everyone life for the better. this is not pop nutrition, this is real serious stuff.

every one of you have know a man or woman like this. they were built like mr.or mrs universe and they may not even done any work outs or anything to be like that. they, in the days gone by were called doubled muscled. i can relate to that.

in norther minn when i worked up there before college there was a single man in his 40/s who lived a quiet life at home with his mother. never married. never drank. never ever worked out. he was built like a mr. universe wished he could be built.

he was a machinest on the job i worked at that time. the men would take his tool box and cut 1/4 inch steel plate and take out his tool and place them in the bottom of his tool box and put the tools back in and he would pick up his tool box and put it into his can and never ever notice the difference. he was gentle and so strong and it was scarry.

the men one day started to talk to him on a friday and say, you need to cut loose and come with us to the bar to night and do a little drinking. he agreed and went with them. in virginia minn at that time there were 9 active hard going bars in one city block. they all made money. these are hard drinking hard fight men up there.

well to make a long story short. this mild man who never god drunk in his life, got drunk. he got mean and scared the **** out of every one. they called the cops a it took several men to get him to the cop car with the back door open. he got loose and tore the back door off of the police car. the cops called his mother and she took control of him and he calmed down and she took him home.

no one ever messed with him again and no charges was filed. he was never ever invited out to drink on payday night again. every one of you has met at least one man like this in your life. bigger than mister universe and never ever works out. now there is a point to this story that will benifit you. they all have one thing in common, they are myostatin deficient in their body.

myostatin in you body limits the size of your muscles, the more you have the less mussles and the less you have the more muscles size and muscle fibers you have. there is no bad side affect to having no myostatin in the body and less of it. as we get older more myostatin is in the body and the less muscle we have. WANT TO REVERSE THAT, there is a way and it is very very healthful.

caco powder, it is cheap and the darkest of the darkest chocolate powder. it contains a ingredient that reduces myostatin in the body so you dont waste away so fast. it also increases nitric oxide in the body that lowers blood pressure and for men makes their johnson act like its 14 years old again. so have a shake every day of dark chocolate caco powder with your favorite mix. skim milk or any thing else and watch the difference in 14 days. the body and i never ever said this before is on a 14 day cycle when you change your life style. in 14 days the process starts.

all the thing ive said that will happen will start to happen . if your not a diabetic put some honey in your dark chocolate caco poder shake. if your a diabetic, cowboy up and get tuff and make it with out sugar. you will learn to like it and enjoy it. myostatin, reduce it and get more muscles even if you dont work out and let your johnson be happy again. you are also helping your blood pressure and heart.

this tip is probably the most important of all. P.S. the government is closely watching the myostatin research and if a effective drug comes out that has no bad side affects this will happen the days of steroids is over for good and every military man will get that drug to become the stongest bad ***** on the planet.

there is a (i will not name him ) body builder who was completly with out myostatin in the his body. he was a very lazy body builder. he had a small waist and the biggest muscles of them all. he didnt have to use steroids, he had no myostatin in his body. all of you who really are interest in this,

look up belgium blue cattle on the internet. they produce no myostatin and they are more healthy that other cattle. no fat on them and they look like they cant walk with all the muscle on them. they are not popular because you cant put fat on them. just lean muscle.

remember the soldiers of the future are going to look like this and they wont be sick or un healthy like the steroid nuts are. the aztec kings used to drink cups after cups of caco powder drinks a day and they were very powerful in their builds and ruled with a hard hand. look it up your self, dont take my word, all of you can benifit from this.

02-26-2017, 09:56 PM
i tried to seperate this into paragraphs, didnt work out, please read carefully and tolerate the grouping of words.

02-26-2017, 10:35 PM
i tried to seperate this into paragraphs, didnt work out, please read carefully and tolerate the grouping of words.
I added paragraph spacing for you, How's that look ?

02-26-2017, 11:51 PM
please keep doing that for me, im not that computer smart. thanks.

02-27-2017, 01:46 PM
Mom is 97, her advice - stay away from the doc. M-I-L had the same attitude, she passed at 92, fine one day and gone the next. Reduce sodium (salt & sodas) and increase potassium (baked potato skin too). Exercise if you can. Use it or lose it.

02-27-2017, 02:30 PM
my boss was diagnosed with colon cancer 3/4 years ago, maybe even 5 years ago...

he and his wife went organic and eat a lot of fatty foods, real butter, cheese,cottage cheese avocado, i cant even begin to think of all the stuff they eat that they say is " healthy" and i look at them funny....

02-27-2017, 03:18 PM
Johnson, thanks SO much for your contributions here. You're the guy I wish I'd met LONG ago! Thanks! Most of us don't know where to look for good info, and we give up trying to find it. I've found so little with so much searching, so maybe I could be the poster child for that? Anyway, it is SO good to get info like this. And I'm currently trying to recover from a couple of strong doses of steroids in my hips, and it drove my diabetes crazy, but it's settling down, and the only thing making me hesitate signing up for the surgery on my hips is the extra wt. I gained without eating any more than I'd BEEN eating. So your info is golden to me, and I'll absolutely give it a try.

One thing, when you say caco powder, that's chocolate, right? And the darkest available? I want to get it right, and thanks a BUNCH for the info. I need all the help I can get right now!

Love Life
02-27-2017, 04:26 PM
please keep doing that for me, im not that computer smart. thanks.

Every 4th to 5th sentence, or when you have completed a point, hit return/enter twice.

Hitting return/enter twice will put your next sentence where this one is.

02-27-2017, 05:18 PM
thanks, and yes get the darkest unstweened chocolate powder you can find. you will get used to the taste with out sugar and really learn to like it. one way to use it is make your self a good cup of really good coffee and mix in a nice table spoon of dark chocolate powder. that is a real heath drink for anyone and gets you going in the morning.

02-27-2017, 07:09 PM
in the last year and a half I have lost 60 lbs. I call it the restrictor plate diet. went to a 8 inch dinner plate from a 10 inch. one meal I use a 6 inch. now the only way this works is you only do one plate a meal. no seconds.

02-27-2017, 07:10 PM
Avoid hospitals... People *die* there... :)

That was my Dad's policy. Now his memory is shot. He can't work, hunt. or drive at 72. He won't get to hunt with his only grandchild.

As long as you do your research and don't blindly trust a single doc you will stand a better chance of a long, usable life.

02-27-2017, 07:22 PM
bob208, i think you should win a prize for saying more in one sentence that all of us together. that is wise and practical. i read some where once that was recommended by research groups. JWT, you are 100 percent right also.

02-27-2017, 10:10 PM
in the last year and a half I have lost 60 lbs. I call it the restrictor plate diet. went to a 8 inch dinner plate from a 10 inch. one meal I use a 6 inch. now the only way this works is you only do one plate a meal. no seconds.


02-28-2017, 02:53 AM
This is a personal experience so take of it what you will.

18 years ago at the age of 44 I went into my new family Dr. with complaints of leg pain. He decided I needed therapy to treat sciatica. After a month the treatment didn't really help and my legs continued to get worse. At that time I would walk playing golf 2 times a week. Two years later I could no longer walk the course.

At 46yo. one afternoon I was taken to the ER from work with chest pain. Spent 2 days in the hospital where they performed my 1st angioplasty. While I was in the room getting prepped the nurse left and came back with the cardiologist. He proceeded to ask me if I ever had any pain in my legs so I told him of the therapy that other Dr. prescribed. His response was, "I don't think so!" as they could barely fine a femoral pulse in either leg.

After checking my heart he went back down and checked my legs. The right femoral was 90% blocked and the left was more tan 70% blocked. At that time they couldn't decide which was more critical my heart or my legs. After conferring with the Chief Surgeon they decided to do the heart 1st.

Two weeks later they were doing a http://www.webmd.com/children/aortobifemoral-bypass-for-peripheral-arterial-disease and I was in the hospital for 6 days and off work for 3 months. Now if the 1st Dr. would have diagnosed this condition correctly the 1st time it might have saved me from this very painful operation. I have since had this graft replaced once and 2 other procedures to repair blockages below the graft. After the surgery I was told by the surgeon that I have abnormally small arteries which contributed to my condition and that it is very rare for someone my age to have this surgery done.

Now after all this time I've also been told by my cardiologist that diet is not going to help control my blood chemistry and now I can no longer tolerate statins of any kind. After taking any of them after 5 or 6 months I react to them which get very painful. I also tried the diet change, no butter, fake salt, no eggs, no fried foods, less red meat and more fish to no avail. Then 6 years ago I went back to butter, salt, eggs once a week, more red meat and some fried foods,,, again my blood chemistry did not change one bit! I know this because I have blood tests done twice a year.

I have learned more about vascular disease in these past 18 years than I care to know. I probably understand more about it than many ER Dr's. as now anytime I go to the ER and mention chest pain they want to hook me up. Even for a chest cold or acid reflux.

02-28-2017, 10:18 PM
a hint how to get the most out of your exercise bike. i learned this from a patient in physical therapy and it worked wonders for them. ride it so the pedals go backwards. it takes a while to learn this and feels real odd at first and you will get more tired and more sore that riding it the other way. i can do it now easier than going forward and i was sore in the front of my thighs for a couple of weeks. i found out it helps your balance when you walk better than riding the bike forward. do not give up when you try it, soon it will be a natural thing to do and you will like it better because you dont have to go any faster than the other way but you will feel it in your legs a lot more. try it, it really is better.

02-28-2017, 10:43 PM
Johnson that may be a good practice for someone with good legs. Won't work for me as I have enough trouble just walking.

03-01-2017, 12:03 AM
do what you can, almost 4 years ago i go west nile and almost died. west nile affects the legs like polio. at the very same time i got it 3 other men got it and we all were in out early 70/s. this is what happened to all of us. the biggest and strongest of us when he was told that it may be 4 years of recovery shot him self in the head. the other man never recovered and died in about a year. a rancher with about 100,000 acres and 3 thousand head if cattle bought a real expensive leg glide type machine. he is a really nice guy but uses one leg brace and a cane. i stiffen up real easy but i work my legs really hard at the college gym and in my basement. i still have to use handrails to go up and down stairs. i refuse to quit and get worse. if you can use a walker, do that. do the best you can. their is a lady in out village and she said this. she is 100 years old. "you have to be tough to get old." i agree with her.

03-01-2017, 12:08 AM
one more little tip tonight. if you have a normal wart on you hands or arm their is a easy way to get it off. get some dry ice from the supermarket and freeze the tip of a q tip as cold as the dry ice. then put it on the wart. good by wart. i did this treat ment every thursday morning to many many patients for one year. always worked. it kills the wart. i was know as the wart killing nurse in that clinic for that year. dont get a infection in the dead wart area because you are putting a wound on you body. works for planters warts on the bottom of the foot also.

03-01-2017, 11:00 AM
now about alcohol. if you have a religious conviction about alcohol or are a diabetic,this isnt for you and is only for those who have no reason to ignore this tip. alcohol is beneficial for the human body if used like a health supplement and food. it will destroy you if you abuse it.

my 85 year old rancher friend was born on a beautiful ranch just ten mile north of me. his grandfather and grandmother raised him as he told me his father and mother were kansas outlaws and never around and always running from the law. his grandfather was his only father. his grandfather was a hard working cowboy with a big ranch but 2/3 of the ranch is pine covered.

they only burnt fast burning pine to cook with and heat the house. his grandfather only use a axe to cut this would . his grandfather did this into his 90/s. when his grandfather got up in the morning the first thing he di was take 2 shots of straight whiskey. he would do a shot at the noon meal and 2 shots in the evening. he never saw his grandfather drunk. work was the key here, it was like a food, and hard work didnt allow him to get drunk.

now this is what research says about alcohol and performance, both mental and physical. im only going to talk about wine and you will have to do the math for other kinds of alcoholic drinks to come out the same. one glass of wine does this to the human body. first it loosens up the muscles and joints so you dont feel so stiff. next your vision becomes more acute and you can focus better and concentrate harder and longer on a fine point your looking at. especially at longer distances.

next if you took a multiple choice test you would do better on the score then if you didnt have the wine. if you play a instrument such as a guitar you will jump into good playing without a long warm up. you will invent more good runs, adlib it better and just play better. you wont think about your fingers and just think about the music.

you also would have less chance for a heart attack and you arteries would not clog up as fast or at all. if you took vitamins with this alcohol you will absorb them better. dont pile up two glasses of wine on top of each other all all befoe this goes in the toilet or you just wiped out the benifits of the first glass. now latter in the day or evening when all traces of the first glass is gone another well timed glass of wine is good also.

now as to exercise and wine. one glass of wine at the start of work outs make them much easier to tolerate especially if you are doing rep after rep of a light weight exercise. there will be no mental fatigue when you have the 1 glass of wine in your system. it will not ruin a mans testosterone level done in this way. it will ruin your testosterone level if your are drunk and drink all the time. please if you against alcohol, dont be a nay sayer, France is a constant wine drinking country and have better health that the americans.

you can rip me for posting this but then go to the college gym with me and try to keep up with me and use the weights i use there. try to keep my pace. ride my exercise bike as fast as i do as long as i do. do 400 sit ups once a week like i do, do 400 pull overs on a pull over machine once a week like i do.

i did not do the research on this as it was done in a very science type of way. i tried it and found out it is all true facts. i start every work out every day with a glass of wine. a good dry red wine. i take my vitamins and supplements with this glass of wine.

my workouts are better and also my banjo playing. for you southern boy, i do a mean five string banjo. it is the best thing that ever came out of the south and that is meant in all due respect. i love the 5 string. this tip will most likely bring the naysayers but facts are facts.

Lloyd Smale
03-01-2017, 11:38 AM
sit down crack a beer and light up a smoke and kick back. Stress probably kills more people in this country and causes more health issues then anything.

03-01-2017, 06:38 PM
many men would like to know how to raise their testosterone levels and there is one way and it is very very safe. go to the internet and buy fractured pine pollen. some is very expensive and some isnt. find a buy and buy some. make sure it is fractured as the unfractured will pass through your gut and you will get no benifit. it is the only safe way to within a hour of taking it raise your testosterone level. i tablespoon a day mixed in your favorite juice, milk or drink will do the trick. mix it with a gin and tonic or wine as they are a good mix for it. one fellow that used this says it makes him feel like a rutting billy goat.also be very careful when you feel the affects of the fractured pine pollen, it is easier to get into fights when your on this supplement. im not making a joke, good testosterone levels in a man can make him more prone to correcting some elses behavior the old way. i know thats how it works on me.

03-01-2017, 06:54 PM
Sit down crack a beer and light up a smoke and kick back. Stress probably kills more people in this country and causes more health issues then anything.

There is more truth in this statement then most people realize.

03-01-2017, 08:34 PM
of course, stress is a big neg. factor for bad health.

03-01-2017, 08:56 PM
Got some cacao powder today. Found it on Amazon. Anything wrong with making it like hot chocolate and adding a little sugar and perhaps s bit of coffee mate to smooth it out a bit? I'm not overweight or diabetic, so the sugar shouldn't be a problem.

03-01-2017, 08:59 PM
Beer. A micro brewed beer or 2 every day. A porkchop in every bottle. Not kidding on this. Micro Brews are very healthy for you especially the stouts and porters

03-02-2017, 01:28 AM
Got some cacao powder today. Found it on Amazon. Anything wrong with making it like hot chocolate and adding a little sugar and perhaps s bit of coffee mate to smooth it out a bit? I'm not overweight or diabetic, so the sugar shouldn't be a problem.
Try Stevia. Ditch the sugar.

03-02-2017, 02:29 AM
The human being is an omnivore by nature. We will eat almost anything.

I will start worrying about what I'm eating when I no longer have to worry about what is in the air I'm breathing or the water I'm drinking. Our planet is polluted! Then I will start worrying about global climate change when I no longer have to worry about that black asteroid that is coming at our blind side from deep space or the cataclysmic volcanic eruption that can also cause the End of the World.

03-02-2017, 06:57 AM
Try Stevia. Ditch the sugar.

Good idea. I'll give that a try.

03-02-2017, 10:35 AM
waksupi, your a man of few words but they are always good ones.

03-02-2017, 10:42 AM
L-lysine, many people in this country use it because it helps keep viruses at bay or helps kill them. it softens the shell around the virus so our immune system can destroy the virus. HOWEVER, continued use of L-lysine every day will greatly lower you serotonin levels in the body and you do not want that at all. serotonin is the way the gut and stomach talk to the brain and the brain to them. it also helps you get a good nights sleep. dont deplete serotonin in your body as that can lead to many bad ill health things. use L-lysine now and then if you have to but never ever every day.

Love Life
03-02-2017, 10:43 AM
Try Stevia. Ditch the sugar.

I like to use Jack Daniels as a sugar substitute in hot drinks.

03-02-2017, 10:49 AM
this probably is for the females. every female wants the perfect type hair on their head so they can make them selves look atractive. 2 or 3 egg whites a day blended in a favorite juice or milk every day and you will notice the difference in you hair growth and integrity of the new hair very soon after you do this every day. if the egg whites are raw when ingested take at least 500 mg of vitamin C with this drink or it can lead to kidney stones, the vitamin C will prevent that. if the egg whites are cooked dont worry about it that took care of it. i worked with a female nurse every shift for a couple of years and she did this every day and said her hair geatly inproved in every way. did say it cost her more money to cut more often as it grew faster. she did have pretty hair. your finger nails will grow better also.

03-02-2017, 11:32 AM
if you have a lot of lung conjestion and stuffyness and want to clear that up every day do this. do this early in the morning as in the evening it will cause you to stay awake all night. a strong cup of regular tea, no special kind of tea, but regular tea. make it a double does and strong. to that cup of tea add the juice from a lemon freshly squeezed. this is what you have done. regular tea has lots of theophylline in it and the results is your lungs and sinuses will really open up. it will really wake you up also. the fresh lemon has epinephrine in it(adrenaline) and that will expand the passages in the lungs also and help you breathe better. it also protects you from radiation(other things in the lemon) and helps prevent strokes. only in the morning as it will really wake you up. a side affect is it will make you pass your water more than usual for a little while.

03-02-2017, 05:44 PM
Stay away from artificial sweeteners .

03-02-2017, 06:46 PM
fixed for ghosthawk....

Moderation in all things, except alcohol.

I do have one thing that works when my hips and shoulders ache with arthritis.

I take a small plastic container, fill it 3/4 full of Raisins. Then cover the raisin's with straight Gin. I have been known to add a tablespoon of honey to help make it more palatable.

After it has aged for a week start eating a teaspoon full every few seconds until the aches quit.

I do not know why it works, and it does not work for everyone. But for me 2 pints of this will shut the pain right down every time. I do use a snap top type container, but it just sits on the counter till it is needed.

It will light a fire in your mouth, but it burns out the aches too.

well....in my case!

03-02-2017, 06:46 PM
Would you go by law advice from posts on the internet?

Texas by God
03-02-2017, 06:55 PM
Don't forget to laugh every day. Thank God every day. Live every day like it's your last. I'm a survivor of a multitude of fatal scenarios I've listed on another thread. I have the flu as I write this lol. All you fitness believers; more power to you! All you diet & fitness scoffers; more power to you! I don't eat extra salt, I don't drink alcohol, don't use tobacco. I'm still gonna die. I could Pass while writing this and y'all would be relieved, huh?
Best, Thomas.

03-02-2017, 07:06 PM
johnson1942 do not get disillusioned or put off by negative comments . You ask and offer advice . Thank you .

In the real comments put forth age , individual 'metabolism' and ...yes GOD . 10 years ago I could have eaten a medium rare road kill tomcat and if accompanied by enough hot sauce and jalapenos could have done well with it . At 64 years of age ..well probably not . Just trying to go with baked/broiled meat , no fried . Always liked veggies..no problem there but never learned or experimented with vitamin , mineral supplements or tried to figure them in the diet by natural occurrence/content of regular food we eat . Should be an interesting topic though I can't contribute much .

03-02-2017, 08:02 PM
thanks, i started this because i feel a lot of people have a lot of things to say that we can think about and maybe apply to our self so we can use their wisdom to make our lives better. that has happened but one person who never ever has anything to say and never ever wants to help anyone comes to the party to try to build up his ego when he is really no one anyone ever wants to be around him. yes i even can see there was one or two that would try to throw the no God factor in. all in all if a couple people are helped by all this then those other naysayers can go on and think they have the world by the tail. they dont and some here just might be helped. i encourage everyone interested to check every things ive posed by research. i have not gone into any areas that medical science hasnt gone and used to help patients. i knew the flys would come to reply as well as good people when i started this, they just cant help them selves because they are flys, they leave their manure pile and come to where the fresh air is.

03-02-2017, 08:44 PM
GOD expects us to care for what he has created (us) . Thank you !

03-02-2017, 09:56 PM
a tip from india, where many people dont have the money for medicines. real drs. there recommend eating 10 cucumbers a day for joint aches and keeping your bones healthy. i would find it hard to eat that many but some people may not.

03-02-2017, 09:58 PM
does any one know why okra is very very good for you. it is the silica in it. very good for the lungs and bones and teeth and skin. okra is a very very healthy thing to eat often.

high standard 40
03-02-2017, 11:23 PM
does any one know why okra is very very good for you. it is the silica in it. very good for the lungs and bones and teeth and skin. okra is a very very healthy thing to eat often.

Not so much for me anymore. I love okra. Ate a ton of it growing up. Then a few years ago I developed an intolerance for it. I still love it but it doesn't love me. Even a few small bites has more effect on me than a whole package of Ex-lax.

03-02-2017, 11:34 PM
I buy pretty good fruit juice and cut in half with water. It tastes better to me

03-03-2017, 08:38 AM
does any one know why okra is very very good for you. it is the silica in it. very good for the lungs and bones and teeth and skin. okra is a very very healthy thing to eat often.

Okra is one of the things that my urologist told me to stay away from as I am prone to kidney stones, shame as I loved it.
As others have mentioned, drink plenty of water daily and cut down on protein intake -another kidney stone prevention precaution I have had to begrudgingly adopt!

high standard 40
03-03-2017, 09:41 AM
As far as failing vision goes with the advance of years, I have found that a daily supplement containing Lutein & Zeaxanthin can help a lot. It did for me at least. I have been shooting handgun silhouette since 1980 and I started to get floaters in my vision. They were really bad to the point that at times the sights on my handguns would completely disappear. This supplement has solved that issue. I've also discovered that on match day that a breakfast based more on protein and less on carbs helps with my vision as well.

03-03-2017, 09:45 AM
Fill whats empty, empty whats full, and scratch vigorously where it itches.

03-03-2017, 11:46 AM
Let's keep this topic on course, many of us want to view and share and discuss Health tips...and NOT view negative snarky comments and images of scantily clad men.

03-03-2017, 12:49 PM
here is a small tip when you feel like every thing starts to hurt and itchy in the throat, and possibly a cold is coming on. calcium can kill a cold. my wife comes home now and then and even just the other day and says a cold is starting up. she is still a active registered nurse and has much more human contact then i do. we do this always and it always works 5 big fat walmart calcium tablets and a double shot of brandy. the brandy gets the calcium straight into the blood. this will really relax you also, much more than if it was just the brandy. good nights sleep follows and no symptoms of a cold the next day. dont drive on this tip, you really get relaxed.

Mohawk Daddy
03-03-2017, 08:31 PM
I keep a large piece of ginger root in my refrigerator in a plastic bag at all times because I have suffered from chronic sinus infections and ear infections all my life. A piece as big as your hand costs about $2 at the grocery store. When I feel an infection coming on, I make a large cup of tea by cutting off a piece of ginger the size of my thumb, peeling it and cutting it into 5 or 6 slices. Pour the boiling water onto the ginger and I include a teabag of green tea, lemon or orange herbal tea or whatever with a squeeze of lemon and I sweeten it with stevia. Honey might be beneficial, but I haven't tried it.

When you get to the bottom of the cup, fish out the chunks of ginger with a spoon, chew them up and swallow them. I have to have a glass of water for a chaser nearby since raw ginger is pretty fiery stuff. Feels like chewing hot balsa wood, but it kills off burgeoning infections right now.

Mohawk Daddy
03-03-2017, 08:36 PM
Correction to last post: I don't swallow the ginger after I have chewed it up and extracted the juice. Not sure if swallowing a big slice is possible, although it probably wouldn't hurt anything since the stuff is prescribed for stomach disorders.

03-03-2017, 08:37 PM
I keep a large piece of ginger root in my refrigerator in a plastic bag at all times because I have suffered from chronic sinus infections and ear infections all my life. A piece as big as your hand costs about $2 at the grocery store. When I feel an infection coming on, I make a large cup of tea by cutting off a piece of ginger the size of my thumb, peeling it and cutting it into 5 or 6 slices. Pour the boiling water onto the ginger and I include a teabag of green tea, lemon or orange herbal tea or whatever with a squeeze of lemon and I sweeten it with stevia. Honey might be beneficial, but I haven't tried it.

When you get to the bottom of the cup, fish out the chunks of ginger with a spoon, chew them up and swallow them. I have to have a glass of water for a chaser nearby since raw ginger is pretty fiery stuff. Feels like chewing hot balsa wood, but it kills off burgeoning infections right now.

If this works, why have you suffered from these infections, all of your life?

03-03-2017, 09:24 PM
Some things relive symptoms, while others are meant as a cure.

Mohawk Daddy
03-03-2017, 09:38 PM
"If this works, why have you suffered from these infections all your life?" Because I'm 71 years old and I only discovered the treatment at the start of this winter. No infections this winter. OK?

03-03-2017, 09:45 PM
I use a Dr. to alleviate my ill's. I do not self prescribe my own meds nor use herbs and old methods unless the Dr. says to.

This has worked well for me all my life.

Doing otherwise, I would not have survived polio, nor would I have been able to sew my own fingers on and not get an infection, nor survived cancer. Just to name a few.

My Dr. knows EVERYTHING I take for health and advises me as to what to eat.

After all, he is the one who went to school to help folks stay healthy, I did not!

Just my take on this subject, YMMV!

OH YA, I get a flu shot every year and have done so for 20+ years. Haven't gotten the flu or a cold since I can't remember when.

03-03-2017, 10:44 PM
1/8 teaspoon Cream of Tartar in a glass of water will greatly reduce the pain from shingles. Don't know why, but my buddy who is a PA told me about this when my mother had the shingles. I told her about it, and it really reduced her discomfort.

03-03-2017, 11:52 PM
I got a shingles shot, so little to no worries.

03-03-2017, 11:55 PM
jcwit, you've found what works for you and obviously have a great doc. Under your circumstances, a great or not so great doc is the difference between life and death. I've had only 3 doctors in my life that I might put your kind of trust in. You're blessed.

Worked in a hospital for a year and had my EMT cert. I've had enough medical education to when I need to see a professional. If I'm not sure I need to go see the doc, that's when I call and make an appt. or head for the ER. I never play a guessing game. One of the most important things to know when it comes to illness or injury is, symptoms can go from moderate to life threatening in very short order. As soon as you start wondering, "HMM, should I go see the doc", that's your signal to go in without delay. Never guess, don't tell yourself, "I'll wait and see".

03-04-2017, 12:57 AM
jcwit, you've found what works for you and obviously have a great doc. Under your circumstances, a great or not so great doc is the difference between life and death. I've had only 3 doctors in my life that I might put your kind of trust in. You're blessed.

Worked in a hospital for a year and had my EMT cert. I've had enough medical education to when I need to see a professional. If I'm not sure I need to go see the doc, that's when I call and make an appt. or head for the ER. I never play a guessing game. One of the most important things to know when it comes to illness or injury is, symptoms can go from moderate to life threatening in very short order. As soon as you start wondering, "HMM, should I go see the doc", that's your signal to go in without delay. Never guess, don't tell yourself, "I'll wait and see".

So true, so true.

Sorta like saying/thinging to yourself, "If I'm REAL careful, I can do this without hurting myself." STOP-STOP right there, you've already gone far enough!

03-04-2017, 02:18 AM
so true, so true.

Sorta like saying/thinging to yourself, "if i'm real careful, i can do this without hurting myself." stop-stop right there, you've already gone far enough!


03-05-2017, 12:24 PM
Found this out the hard way after years of bad habit.
Don't eat or drink ( except water) 2-3, 4 better, hours before bed time if possible. Acid reflux, heart burn can cause damage. Sleep slightly elevated.
Many who suffer from reflux probably have sodas, beer before bed. Eat late meals.
Sleeping slightly elevated will keep the acid from coming up into the esophagus, or mouth.
Too much of this over time can cause cancer of the esophagus which seems to becoming more popular over the last decade.

Mr. Johnson, Thank you for starting this thread and I appreciate all your advice and tips. I will do my part in research the tips I'm most interested in.

Some of us are quick to jump on a new vitamin or drug they advertise on tv but good information passed on by good folks is scorned at.

Thank you again, God Bless and stay healthy friend.


03-06-2017, 01:53 PM
One pill of Omeprazole, aka the purple pill, thaks care of any and all acid reflux! Haven't had a problem in years.

03-07-2017, 01:33 PM
This thread should be made into a "sticky". It would be a shame if the knowledge set out here should become "lost in the crowd" so to speak.

03-07-2017, 09:27 PM
One pill of Omeprazole, aka the purple pill, thaks care of any and all acid reflux! Haven't had a problem in years.

JC, I was on Prilosec but again bad habits take their toll on you. All my daytime heartburn was gone, but night time food and drink, coming up into my throat at night was not good.

I'm on protonix ( generic is pantoprazole) now works real well. But since I have no flapper valve anymore, everything comes up unless I sleep elevated. Can never be flat or will choke. Small price to pay compaired to the alternative.


MT Gianni
03-07-2017, 10:40 PM
One pill of Omeprazole, aka the purple pill, thaks care of any and all acid reflux! Haven't had a problem in years.
I found that 1 Omeprazole [Prilosec, aka Losec?] alternating with 3 of the 150 mg strength Zantac not the otc 75 were not enough to keep my esophagus from bleeding and after 3 years turned to surgery. {Nissen Fundoplasty]. I now take tums 5-6 times a year. Glad it worked for you but we are all different.

03-08-2017, 10:45 AM
Get off your caboose and walk at least a mile without stopping 4 or 5 times a week. The cheapest form of exercise you can ever do and you can do it anywhere anytime.

03-08-2017, 10:55 AM
Get off your caboose and walk at least a mile without stopping 4 or 5 times a week. The cheapest form of exercise you can ever do and you can do it anywhere anytime.

Wish I could, I need to use a walker at theleast and a wheel chair at the most. Like MT Gianni says, we re all different!

03-09-2017, 12:16 PM
I wanted to add all the wisdom about health management that I have acquired over the last 62+ years, if you don't mind.

I have always made sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and take a multi-vitamin everyday. I never smoked and only drink alcohol very occasionally. Never ate a great deal of sweets. Worked out and hiked a great many miles over wooded, rough terrain to keep my heart, lungs and legs in excellent shape.

Did it help??? Well after having cancer three times, I guess the best I can say is it made me strong enough to survive two terminal diagnoses. According to my oncologists, I have no lifestyle or environmental risks that led to my cancers...just lucky, I guess.

In my experience, the best you can do is try to avoid risky behavior. Eventually the clock is going to run out on all of us...nobody gets out of here alive.

03-09-2017, 07:21 PM
375supermag. that was a very good health hint. thanks. i dont know if ive wrote this before as i cant remember all the hints ive posted here. forgive me if this is a repeat. pine pollen,FRACTURED, read all you can about it and consider it as a supplement in your daily routine. when i have asked guys who take it daily there comments were this. to sum it up. they feel like a rutting goat. also do research on pine tea, made from all parts of the pine tree. you may want to consider that also.