View Full Version : What do you do with your cornbread !

02-22-2017, 06:38 PM
When you have soup , stew , beans or what ever do you crumble the cornbread in it or eat it on the side ? lol

02-22-2017, 09:59 PM
both :p

02-22-2017, 10:02 PM
I just try to get it out if the pan. Always sticks and leaves a mess. I don't think I have ever got a piece out of any kind of baking dish whole without the bottom sticking.

Budzilla 19
02-22-2017, 10:06 PM
I do both also!

02-22-2017, 10:22 PM
Some always ends up in, most gets eaten on the side with butter during. And then there has to be a piece with butter and honey for desert. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yeah.

02-22-2017, 10:23 PM
Made chili and cornbread last night. Cooked cornbread in cast iron skillet. I think the trick to non stick cornbread, at least in well seasoned cast iron, is to preheat skillet to Med on stove then add cornbread mix and bake in the oven. Mine came out without sticking!

country gent
02-22-2017, 10:25 PM
On the siode with butter and molasses. Some does end up in the soup also.

02-22-2017, 10:37 PM
Usually in. I love to crumble up a few pieces in a beef stew. I can also crumble up a piece in a glass of milk.

02-22-2017, 10:52 PM
I just try to get it out if the pan. Always sticks and leaves a mess. I don't think I have ever got a piece out of any kind of baking dish whole without the bottom sticking.

Using the recipe(s) I have posted in other cornbread threads, in a #6 cast iron skillet, you will get that nice dark crispy crust bottom and ZERO sticking.. It's all in preheating the skillet and having it HOT HOT HOT, swirling a fat tablespoon of bacon grease until it melts, you want it nearly smoking or maybe even smoking some when the batter hits it. When it is done, take it out of the oven, lay a plate over the top of the hot skillet, flip it all over and the cornbread will drop RIGHT out onto the plate.. Dump it right back into that hot skillet upside down, slice and serve!

When you have soup , stew , beans or what ever do you crumble the cornbread in it or eat it on the side ? lol

If I am having beans, I make them soupy and loose purposely so I can slice a wedge of cornbread, butter it, set it in a bowl and drown it with the beans. OMG and HAIL YEAH we talking now!!

When we make Collards, we save the pot likker (yes this is proper, LIQUOR is had down to the ABC store, LIKKER comes from cooking greens in a pot!) and soak some of that up with cornbread. <<<STUPID GOOD TOO!!

Another favorite is to break it up into a glass of whole buttermilk.

02-22-2017, 10:58 PM
Aw come on Doug a # 6 ? We're way hungrier than that! :)

02-22-2017, 11:18 PM
Aw come on Doug a # 6 ? We're way hungrier than that! :)

I have several 6s and you can double up the recipe. Cornbread is best when there is an optimal thickness, say 1 1/2" when batter is just poured in, and the size of the #6 skillet lends itself to a perfectly consistent 20min baking time at 450.

Larger skillets take longer to bake until the middle gets done and the sides can become overcooked. There IS a method to the madness..

Of course there are exceptions to every rule, you can use a Jiffy mix and pour it thin and bake it shorter and that certainly works too. I just prefer making it thick in a #6 skillet.

02-22-2017, 11:39 PM
When you have soup , stew , beans or what ever do you crumble the cornbread in it or eat it on the side ? lol

Yes! I do both. If I make cornbread in the cast iron skillet, I scoop the soft crumbly insides into the soup and eat the crunchy parts separately. If I make it in the waffle iron, I crumble at least one piece in the bowl of soup.

02-22-2017, 11:43 PM
I will put a piece in with beans but ALL other times it's smothered in butter with honey all over it!

02-23-2017, 12:19 AM
Yes! I do both. If I make cornbread in the cast iron skillet, I scoop the soft crumbly insides into the soup and eat the crunchy parts separately. If I make it in the waffle iron, I crumble at least one piece in the bowl of soup.

cornbread in the waffle iron. Now why haven't I ever thought of that? Brilliant!

02-23-2017, 12:42 AM
cornbread in the waffle iron. Now why haven't I ever thought of that? Brilliant!

You get more crunchy crust that way.

02-23-2017, 01:31 AM
with brown beans it gets crumbled in, with everything else it's buttered on the side. and sometimes a piece with butter & jelly or honey for dessert.

liked a hot piece crumbled in a cold glass of milk when I was younger. not so much now. and though it was very popular in my family, I never could stand buttermilk.

and nothin' could compare to the good fried crust my granny could put on a pan of cornbread. and even better than that was my grampaw's awesome cracklin' cornbread.

02-23-2017, 01:56 AM
Throw the Cornbread away and eat the bowl of soup, stew, or beans. Cornbread is something i never could get a liking for? My Grandmother made it all the time, everyone that ate my Grandma's Cornbread loved it, except me! I did have some in Jail one time that was pretty darn good, it was sweet

02-23-2017, 02:22 AM
in most cases I prefer biscuits myself but, the OP asked about cornbread. and with good brown soupbeans it's gotta be cornbread crumbled in the bowl with some beans, plenty of the soup, a big chunk of the ham or sidemeat ya seasoned with all topped off with a goodly helpin' of chopped onions.

02-23-2017, 06:26 AM
Cornbread with real butter and mom's homemade blackberry jelly was hard to beat...The rest of the time, in it goes to whatever soup or chili!!! ( Heavily buttered when it goes in ham & beans..plain in chili...)
Is it just me...or are shooters wonderful cooks?

02-23-2017, 11:54 AM
Throw the Cornbread away and eat the bowl of soup, stew, or beans. Cornbread is something i never could get a liking for? My Grandmother made it all the time, everyone that ate my Grandma's Cornbread loved it, except me! I did have some in Jail one time that was pretty darn good, it was sweet

Gotta watch the jail food. It's usually made by the trustees (aka riskees).

02-23-2017, 12:15 PM
My mother would bake a pan of cornbread for us and the dogs. cat head biscuits and other yummies for the people.

02-23-2017, 02:18 PM
I like to have it with chili , or with red beans and it's a must have with greens (you need to be Southern to enjoy greens) with smoked ham hock !

My dear mother would put chunks of cornbread in a big glass , fill it with buttermilk and eat it with a spoon. As a boy I would watch her enjoy it and think that must taste soooo gooood, but to my amazement it was not to my liking...I still find buttermilk nasty and this is from someone that enjoy's potted meat !

02-23-2017, 03:45 PM
I like cornbread in a big bowl of chicken and sausage gumbo. If there's no cornbread, then a big spoon of potato salad works too.

Preacher Jim
02-23-2017, 04:48 PM
Cornbread is one of those foods you eat in things with food, or just by itself. That said I like mine made with bacon drippings in the batter an cooked in the old iron skillet..

02-24-2017, 02:16 PM
Well, there IS no "wrong way" to eat cornbread, at least that I've ever found. Mostly, it'll all depend on what kind of mood I'm in, I think. If I'm really hungry, I'll usually crumble some up in my soup or stew, just to "enrich" it a bit, AND have some on the side with butter. Now, I can't eat nearly as much of it as I'd love to, but what I DO eat is appreciated like never before. I'm just glad to still be here TO enjoy the pleasure of it, and all else.

And I'm assuming you're talking about the "pan type" here. I also love what we call "lacey cornbread" too. I don't think there IS a way to make corn meal taste anything but scruptous, is there?

02-24-2017, 02:24 PM
Eat on the side with some butter

Der Gebirgsjager
02-24-2017, 03:34 PM
I bake mine in a cast iron skillet and take a small piece of paper towel and coat the bottom and sides of the skillet with butter. It never sticks.
I like to put a little jalapeno in it, the sliced rings that come in jars from companies like Star, etc. I cut the rings up a bit into about quarters.
Then, I take a slice and cut it open face on a plate and put the beans or chili on top. Be sure to put some of the juice on as well. I use the cornbread recipe on the Alber's cornmeal box.
Don't drool on the computer screen!

02-25-2017, 08:40 PM
I put chili over it.


smoked turkey
02-25-2017, 09:01 PM
Boy you all sure know how to make a guy hungry. And I just got done eatin supper too! I like my cornbread slightly over done so it has a crispy top and bottom. I like it with butter and I eat it in the beans and along side. If any is left I like to crumble it up in some milk. when I was younger I liked to give it a spritz of salt when in the milk. I don't do that any more.

Lloyd Smale
02-27-2017, 10:48 AM
not much on yellow corn bread (cake) myself.
Throw the Cornbread away and eat the bowl of soup, stew, or beans. Cornbread is something i never could get a liking for? My Grandmother made it all the time, everyone that ate my Grandma's Cornbread loved it, except me! I did have some in Jail one time that was pretty darn good, it was sweet

Lance Boyle
02-28-2017, 01:27 PM
I eat the leftovers overs with home made honey butter.

Der Gebirgsjager
02-28-2017, 02:34 PM
This puts me in mind of the tale related by the late, great author of Southern Civil War lore, Shelby Foote. He said that the Southern soldier's usual daily ration was corn meal and bacon, from which they made "plonk." The bacon was fried until every last bit of grease was extracted, and the grease was then mixed with the cornmeal which made kind of a thick, greasy cornmeal cake that made a "plonk" noise when it hit their metal plate. The soldiers came to like it so much that there was an incident when Gen. Lee ordered the mess wagons to set up in a rest area and provide normal hot meals. Apparently some of the soldiers rioted and destroyed the wagons because they wanted their plonk.

03-01-2017, 07:02 AM
The need for something bacon flavored will do that to a person .

Half Dog
03-01-2017, 07:31 AM
All of the above and I like to dip it in buttermilk.

Reverend Al
03-01-2017, 10:17 PM
I have 2 Lodge cast iron cornbread skillets baking in the oven right now. We're going to have it with home-made soup for dinner tonight ...


03-03-2017, 12:14 PM
Growing up, I didn't know you could eat corn bread without butter and molasses. I see people putting it in soup or beans and I think they are breaking the law.

03-03-2017, 08:03 PM
Sometimes in chili, but otherwise on the side with butter and strawberry jam!!! Grandad liked it in what he called "sweet milk" aka whole milk and Grandmother liked it in buttermilk. Buttermilk in cooking is good, but by itself---no way!!

AK Caster
03-04-2017, 10:03 AM
I just try to get it out if the pan. Always sticks and leaves a mess. I don't think I have ever got a piece out of any kind of baking dish whole without the bottom sticking.

Parchment paper. Inexpensive and works perfectly.

fifty four
03-04-2017, 01:53 PM
Still warm, crumbled into a bowl with sweet milk (as opposed to buttermilk. I feel a bit like a traitor to my heritage, but just never could hack the stuff). The yellow, sweet kind? Never knew it existed until I was grown. Not bad, but not what I think of as cornbread.

03-04-2017, 06:35 PM
:D How to eat cornbread?Open mouth,insert and chew,then swallow.I wash it down with ice cold buttermilk.As far as sticking in the pan,I use whatever oven safe utensil I have handy,lost all my CI cook wear in a house fire back in 1988.I spray it with some product like Pam or whatever is handy.Never had it stick yet.As far as what to put on it?Butter,honey,molasses,
home made preserves or what ever strikes your fancy.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

03-12-2017, 06:28 PM
Gonna make it in my new cast iron skillet next time I make it.


03-13-2017, 11:24 PM
Eat it! Any way I can get it! Always yellow, usually with jalepeņos in it!

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