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02-19-2017, 08:44 AM
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.—1 Corinthians 15:58 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=d66834646e&e=3dd732485b)Sometimes we think the only place to flourish spiritually is in the midst of other Christians. We want to listen to Christian music, watch Christian television, and wear Christian clothes.

I’m not knocking those things. It’s great to be surrounded by Christians and to seek out fellowship with other believers. But you also can flourish spiritually in a difficult situation. Maybe you’re in a school where you’re not surrounded by people who love the Lord. Maybe you’re in a job where they say the name of God, but not the way you like to hear it. Or maybe you’re in some other situation where you’re saying, “I can’t survive here spiritually.”

It may be that He has you there for a reason. Or, you may need to move out of that place, and you will have to ask God to give you wisdom. But you can grow and sometimes even become stronger in an environment like that.

Daniel was a spiritual man in spite of the environment he was in. Carried away captive to Babylon, he could have easily fallen into compromise. There in the palace, he literally lived in the lap of luxury. It was a place of rampant idolatry, incredible cruelty, and sexual immorality. Yet in the midst of it all, Daniel remained a righteous man and flourished spiritually.

Sometimes when we are in an environment around Christians all the time, we can put our lives on spiritual cruise control. On the other hand, when we are in a secular environment, it forces us to do one of two things: either blend into the woodwork or stand up and be counted.

Persecution, which is harassment from nonbelievers, can cause us to draw closer to the Lord. So don’t give up. Take heart. Stand firm. He will see you through

02-19-2017, 09:10 AM
Amen and Amen

square butte
02-19-2017, 09:15 AM
Thank you for the morning lesson - I have found myself in fewer Christian environments in my 65 years than those that were supportive of Christian life.

02-19-2017, 09:28 AM
I have been in this situation before and can say that God puts us where He will when He will to accomplish His purpose, Thanks for a great lesson. Amen.

Pine Baron
02-19-2017, 09:34 AM
Thanks rl69. I guess this could be the one time that stubbornness can be a virtue.
And square, ain't that the truth! That's one reason I come here.

02-19-2017, 02:35 PM
On God's day all I can say is AMEN......we are suppose to witness and spread HIS WORD.....if you do then you are doing what the LORD wants you to do.....IMHO......Paul

02-19-2017, 04:50 PM
Great post and comments all. One of the reasons evil has expanded like it has, is too many of us Christians have "feet'a clay," as Hemingway put it. We don't stand firm and immobile like we should when in the enemy's camp. There's an old saying that if we look like prey, we attract wolves. That's certainly the case with belief. If we're timid and/or unsure of our faith, deep down inside us, or maybe just feel inadequate to deal with unbelievers, we tend strongly to attract the deniers.

However, if we keep a sense of humor (and why shouldn't we if our Faith is strong? Nothing they can say will ever hurt us!) and show a good attitude toward them, we CAN turn those events into a chance to witness, and to deal with whatever doubts and questions they may throw at us. But of course, that means we have to know exactly WHY we believe, and most Christians, once they come to Light, are far too satisfied. They often seem to have the attitude "I've got mine, they don't have it, so I'll just leave them alone, and hope they'll do the same for me." But evil never lets Faith be. It's always antagonizing, and trying to create doubt within all belivers. That's just how evil operates.

What we NEED to do, is simply "study to show [ourselves] approved," just like Christ admonished us to, and part of that is finding out exactly WHY we believe, so that we CAN relate our own experience to others. Evil always pales and retreats when it meets real Faith, IF we can simply express our own Faith and the reasons why we believe.

Only if we have studied, and figured out the reasons why we believe, can we relate rationally to the unbelievers who inevitably challenge us and our faith. Christ didn't give us the advice and instruction He left us for fun and games. He left it so we COULD do His will, and tell others about our Faith, that they might become believers too. He NEVER intended that ANY would be lost. But everyone has a free will, and many use it to justify and rationalize their failure to accept the greatest gift that we could ever be offered. But many, I'm afraid, will know the fires of hell because of OUR inadequacies, and failures to follow the most excellent and rightful advice and instruction Christ left for us.

It's been argued for centuries whether acts of omission are true "sins." I'll leave that for the more advanced theologians to settle. All I know is that Christ charged us with a mission, and we all too often fall pitifully short of following the good instruction He left for us. I personally feel as guilty when I've done that, as I do when I've gone against God's will and sinned outright. So for me, if for nobody else, acts of omission on my part, or inadequacies when I SHOULD have known more or better answers to the challenges I've had face me, I feel as guilty as if I'd committed a sin outright. Christ DID tell us that Love was above all other traits of his followers, and it's awfully easy for us to follow OUR wills, when challenged, and just write folks off, rather than stand firm and use those occasions to witness effectively and without condemnation nor shame in our beliefs.

Most of us shrink from witnessing because we know we're less than perfect. Well .... join the club brother! NONE of us is perfect. Only Christ could claim that, and He faced many more and worse problems than any of us EVER will! But we CAN witness, and do it effectively, despite all that. If they know something we did that isn't commonly perceived as "Christian," or that actually IS a sin, even if it was long ago, we should STILL stand firm, and either admit our shortcomings, and point out that we've asked for forgiveness and we've repented and don't do that kind of thing any more, or maybe point out, if appropriate, that this event occurred BEFORE we came to Light, and that this has long ago been forgiven.

There are many things evil will throw at us to make us shrink away from effectively witnessing. Being firm and resolute and fearless, yet humble and loving, is a powerful thing, but it's not easy to display, due to our own self-knowledge. But if we ARE bold, and enter the situation with resolution and determination and devoid of fears, we have a wonderful chance to demonstrate the real power that God has given us, IF we'll simply just use it. Christ was tested often and severely. Are we now to shrink away from even the mildest forms of evil, and let evil flourish, rather than taking it on and winning? And if we don't win, a good, effective and knowledgeable witness will back evil off, and put it in its more rightful place, as it awaits the Lord's return, and its final banishment from all of creation.

We have MUCH more power within us than we often like to think we do. If we'd just realize that, and realize that God often will give us the right words and manners if we'll just strike out and LET Him work within us, and through us, evil would not, and COULD not, reach the pinacle that it's reached in our land and world today. If evil flourishes, it can ONLY be because we who call ourselves by His name, have forsaken what He left us to go by, and have taken up our own sentiments and beliefs, as a very poor substitute for the Truth He left us to go by in our conduct and attitude and demeanor.

Standing firm is one of THE marks of a real, bona fide and worthy Christian. It always has been, and always will be. We just need to realize that, and remember it more often.