View Full Version : What a week

02-18-2017, 07:15 PM
Wow what a week 5 Monday's in a row. When I parked the work truck Friday I had 65 hr in. geting up by 4 and not geting home tell 9 or 10 every night.

All ended up up well we passed both hydrous tests but by 5 o'clock Friday we were on plan R Lol

this morning me and the greatest squirrel dog ever hit the woods a little late ( see above paragraph ) we had a much better hunt only killed 1 but much of that is my fault. Red treed right off the bat but I never found that one he treed again a few Minuits latter and I knocked a fat fox squirrel out of the tree.

the few squirrels I've shot in front of him,I would shoot one,skin it, and go inside a cook it. So he didn't undersand what I was doing he was ready for some fried squirrel. Eventually he started back hunting and treed a few more times but I never could find anything. As we got closer to the lake his interests turned from hunting to what all the noise was ,there was a bunch of fisherman out on the lake runing back and forth. He didn't know what to think.

We worked our way back to the truck but he was way too tired to hunt, at one point I stopped and sat down at the base of a pine tree and he crawled into my lap. All the sillyness of the week went away, and now all that stands out is the young man who I was working with on one of those Monday's told me " I'm filling the lords draw on me"
what a great week

Pine Baron
02-18-2017, 07:56 PM
Thank you, rl. I feel your contentment. God bless.

02-18-2017, 08:08 PM
Proud for ya ! Getting out makes a difference in your outlook and a mess of squirrel throwed in is a bonus (hope you made gravy with em!) . A man blessed with a good dog and a little time to use him ain't doin too bad . Thank you for your story .

02-18-2017, 08:34 PM
Let's see if we can post a pick of red

02-19-2017, 09:24 AM
Looks like you are well contented, Red is my kind of dog.

Half Dog
02-19-2017, 11:17 AM
Well put too.

02-19-2017, 06:11 PM
Ain't nothin' to settle a man's soul like a good day afield with a good (or even passable!) dog, with a rifle in hand and only hope in our hearts. Everything else just seems to be washed away. Ya' done good, RL. REAL good! Keep that ol' dawg huntin', an' yew'll have one fabulous life, no matter what else goes on when you're not out with him. Sure keeps a man's keel strong and his rudder set straight!

02-20-2017, 12:08 PM
Great story.