View Full Version : A Short Clip

02-17-2017, 09:08 PM
From the radio broadcast today.


smoked turkey
02-17-2017, 09:42 PM
That is good stuff there! I do enjoy those oldies. Good message, good harmony.

02-17-2017, 09:54 PM
Thank you LAH , took me back a few years !

02-17-2017, 10:30 PM
You're welcome guys. I have a couple more from the broadcast today I'll post them later.

02-18-2017, 10:13 AM
The guitar player don't look like the Lynn I know.:smile:

02-18-2017, 07:04 PM
The guitar player don't look like the Lynn I know.:smile:

I can barely play the radio.

02-19-2017, 09:30 AM
You can sing for sure, So put up some of your songs. How about when you and Eddie Burnside sang? Eddie was a good man from a good family.

02-19-2017, 06:20 PM
I've long said that the very best music is that which we make within the confines of our own homes. I used to have some friends over fairly regularly for some good eatin' and some really fun playin'. We mostly did old rock n' roll, but also did some classic country and even a little Bluegrass, and Bluegrass type folkies. We just had fun, and that's really all there was to it. Even I once struck out and did some passably fair leads on a Jimi Hendrix tune. That was when my fingers still worked like they ought to, at least for me, anyway.

Home-made music will always have a flavor and character that recorded music never can or will. Thanks. All my musician friends have moved away it seems, and I really, really miss them. We had some cramped facilities to set up our amps and guitar cases, etc., but "where there's a will, there's a way," and we never let things like that get in our way. There's nothing quite like doing it "our way" and just having a big ol' time in the process. Laughs were many, and I'd really like to get the old group together at least one more time. Some of them played professionally, and when they gave me a compliment, it really meant something, and when I messed up, they were always ready with good instruction and edification. I learned a lot from them. I guess that's part of the reason I miss them so. One's way up in N. Ga., and another's in middle Ga., and still playing professionally.

Home-made music will ALWAYS have something "special" in it that recorded stuff will never quite match.

02-20-2017, 12:16 PM
You can sing for sure, So put up some of your songs. How about when you and Eddie Burnside sang? Eddie was a good man from a good family.

There's no recording of Brother Eddie & me. Loved that guy. I would check him out of the nursing home & take him preaching with me. The nursing home doors locked at 8PM & I would bring him in late & when I opened the door the alarm would go off & all the staff would come running. I'd say well Eddie looks like they missed you. I'll post a clip in another thread.