View Full Version : linotype and monotype

Oklahoma Rebel
02-16-2017, 01:05 PM
do either of these have copper in them, I was reading a sticky about copper alloys and one guy showed the results of an analysis of foundrytype and it had 2.24% or somewere around there. thanks-Travis

02-16-2017, 03:19 PM
Linotype, monotype and foundry do not have copper, Babbitt Bearing Alloy does. https://rotometals.com/babbitt-bearing-alloys/

02-19-2017, 02:07 PM
ATF (american type foundries) made type from an alloy they called #4 extra hard, it was 50/28/20/2. The 2% is copper. This would have been referred to as foundry type. ATF was not the only foundry that produced type and even ATF used different alloys to produce their products. OP asked about Lino and Mono, these machines were used in print shops and linecasting/typesetting shops. Generally speaking lino and mono would not contain any copper but the metal used some of these shops has been around a long time. Over the years, the pedigree of type metal found in a print shop can change so anything is theoretically possible