View Full Version : More Wheelweights

02-13-2017, 11:45 PM
Well ****! Most of you know by some of my recent post that I'm using some of the slow winter days to clean up around and in my shop. I just uncovered 2 more 5 gallon buckets of wheelwrights! Not a bad thing, all in all, except that there is no tag on the buckets stating the origin of the weights or whether they are sorted. In recent years, I have gotten pretty good at putting tags on stuff like this, so I'm hoping these are old enough to be all lead. Looks like I'll be sorting weights again tomorrow! Hate to sound like a whiney baby but I just sorted 6 buckets last weekend and thought I was finished! I also found 2 one gallon buckets of battery cable ends, 1/2 of a 5 gallon bucket of stick-on weights and 1/2 of a gallon bucket of fired bullets. All in all,not a bad thang, but dang! :killingpc Stand by for some smelting pictures in a few days!

Oklahoma Rebel
02-14-2017, 12:48 AM
I wish I had that problem! 6 buckets of WW's 1/2bucket sow and bullets and cable ends! yep poor you, must suck

02-14-2017, 12:52 AM
They would be no problem for me...I don't sort'em, I just melt'em...dip out what I don't want.

02-14-2017, 01:22 AM
we'll be glad to take some off your hands for you. :p

02-14-2017, 03:42 AM
Ok rebel, are you in good shape for lead?

02-14-2017, 11:07 AM
Like I said, not a bad problem to have and I don't mean to sound like a whiney baby. I'm just amazed at the stuff that I am finding as I clean up around the shop. When I was working there were weeks and even months at a time when I had absolutely no free time. I might score a bucket of lead, unload it and not get back to it for a while. Long enough to forget about it! When I retired I sold most of the electrical material that I had as stock and I'm just now getting around to rearranging my shop. Try as I might I just can't seem to keep it clean!

Oklahoma Rebel
02-14-2017, 04:58 PM
yeah, but you know how it is, I could always use more, I think I have 200lbs, but as I am only 30, I am always worried about finding enough to last when you cant find lead anymore. but im just givin him a hard time. I forgot to put the:kidding: at the end. sorry original poster! hope I didn't scare ya off

02-14-2017, 05:13 PM
Make a video. I love watching lead melt.

02-14-2017, 06:01 PM
Its all good, Rebel! Jeff, I usually post pictures when I smelt but I'll see If I can sweet talk my Wife into coming out and making a short video. I'm not much to look at, so I've never made much effort to be in pictures or video's! Yeah, I know you're only interested in the lead!

02-14-2017, 07:28 PM
Its all good, Rebel! Jeff, I usually post pictures when I smelt but I'll see If I can sweet talk my Wife into coming out and making a short video. I'm not much to look at, so I've never made much effort to be in pictures or video's! Yeah, I know you're only interested in the lead!

That's right! We don't wanna see your mug. Just that sexy, sexy lead.


Oklahoma Rebel
02-14-2017, 08:08 PM
this is starting to get a liiiittle weird... lol

02-14-2017, 08:10 PM
:violin:Some sad music to go along with this sad tale of wheel weight woe !

02-16-2017, 10:27 PM
Well, I'm still finding stuff! I sorted a bucket of stick-on weights and may have found three types that are not on the stick-on XRF sticky. If BNE sees this I will send them to him for testing.

http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy164/PTheodo/IMG_1245.jpg (http://s788.photobucket.com/user/PTheodo/media/IMG_1245.jpg.html)

I also found a bucket of odd stuff that I want to post that may give some of the new guys ideas of other things to look for.

http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy164/PTheodo/IMG_1244.jpg (http://s788.photobucket.com/user/PTheodo/media/IMG_1244.jpg.html)

Starting at the top left to right, some lead wire, an ingot of plumbers lead, a newer style roof gasket that is galvanized sheet metal with a lead insert, middle row left to right, an electric meter seal with a lead slug in it, some battery post, a weight from a float switch used in waste water treatment plants, stick-on wheelweights, bottom left to right, a lead pole tag and a duck decoy weight.

These are a few unusual things made of lead and I hope this gives someone ideas of other things to look for when scrounging for lead.