View Full Version : Squirrel hunt

02-11-2017, 03:56 PM
Well the hunt was a bust didn't even see a squirrel

Me and old red started working our way north a little after daylight this morning. A nice looking white oak flat with a creek runing threw it. We where working east and west as we pushed farther north a hundred yards or so at a time. About a few miles in we hit some timber company land. We walked the fire lane about a mile. Then turend back south working our way back to the truck.

Red did real good he stayed about 50 /60 yards a head of me working back and forth. When I would stop he would work a circle around me, then making eye contact with me when he had worked the area compleatly. I would then move up and he would do it again. I was real impressed with him with it being his first hunt and all.

The pore guy, his legs are jus 14" plus he stayed out all last night cating around. He is one wore out pup and so am I. I'll talk to y'all tonight right now it's nap time

Teddy (punchie)
02-11-2017, 08:44 PM
Not all about getting ( killing ) sometimes the best hunts are with a good buddy or a good pup.

02-11-2017, 08:50 PM
Not all about getting ( killing ) sometimes the best hunts are with a good buddy or a good pup.

Not to mention you got to spend the day in God's Cathederal.

02-11-2017, 09:17 PM
Been hunting many times , fishing even more that I came home empty handed . But the time spent was the reward . Remember pulling in a big bay up where Mustang creek emptyed into lake Kickapoo in Archer county TX in my boat . Water like glass , sun coming up , lots of ducks , ...quiet , very quiet . No one around , watched the yellow rays of the sun reflect off the water . Didn't care if I caught anything , lost in the amazement of it . Went home with no fish but the memory stays with me . Did I mention it was quite ?

02-11-2017, 09:45 PM
I realy injoyed watching the dog work, but it was a warm day, mid 60's for a low, in the 80's by the time I made it to the truck. The only saving grace was the wind, 10 to 15 mph with some gusts

I did bring home about 200 lb rich lighter pine.

02-12-2017, 09:56 AM
You did good just being able to get out and enjoy God's creation.

02-12-2017, 10:21 AM
Y'all or so right and I had fun. I hope it isn't coming across as complaining. I wish I could go again today.

02-13-2017, 02:45 PM
There's not a much better way to really get close to God than afield with a good hunting dog. It's a simple way to play out the whole of life's existence. The woods, the dog, te prey, the sky, and all the creatures therein. It's just a wonderful way to get away from the hustle and bustle and all the shouting and noise of 'civilization.' You can actually hear your own thoughts away from the din and confusion of our modern world, and get back to basics - the simple elements that STILL are so crucial.

Whenever I go to the N Ga. mtns, to see some friends, and just to enjoy the spiritual nature of the mountains, my wife always wants to go see all the shiny things that are designed to separate her from her money, and all I want to do is find a place to park, and just walk out into th ewoods, and commune with the spirits there. And maybe take a nap against some tree, and hope the spirits will come to me in a dream, and reveal something I need to know.

It's SO good to just get out and away from all the cares and concerns and dissension of our "modern world!" It lets our spirit "puddle out," and lets some complacency and reassurance seep into us. And that ain't no small thing!